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Happily returning


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To those few who may have missed me, I am happily back, after some challenging events. I was gone from here, since early last summer, I believe. A few years back, I was wounded in action, and suffered some serious injuries as a result. I never disclosed that to anyone on here, except maybe a few of you privately. Well, last summer, I started to experience some serious medical issues related to my wounds. As a result, using a computer (and hence, flight simming) became extremely difficult and sometimes downright uncomfortable. Short story is they found out I was having low grade seizures due to a brain injury I suffered when I was wounded. Computer use was heavily aggravating it. Lots of specialized rehab later, I have been cleared to 'fly' again....yay! I have missed you all here, and I have missed my simming. I do have some residual side effects, like memory loss, word processing issues and various other cognitive 'things' but in general, I am doing much better. Once I explained the whole flight sim process to one of my occupational therapists, they actually said it would be a good thing to do for my brain because of all the processes and routines involved. I just won't ever be flying any real planes...lol. 


Anyhow, just wanted to let you all know where I was. I am here now, and although I may process things slower now, and I might need some help to remember things, it's still me, Sniper31...happy simmer to be back with you all. :) 

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Good to see you back Sniper!!  I thought it had been a while since I had seen your name pop up on here.


Sorry to hear about the issues that you have been experiencing but glad you are on the mend and good to see you back!!  Cheers,



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Hey Sniper! great to see you back - I'd assumed you were off being secretive and military somewhere. Sorry to hear about the injuries, but hope it really all settles back down again now. And now you've (maybe) got some new environments to play in, what with XP and True Earth and all!


Happy flying!

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Yes Landon my friend after we had been speaking privately I thought you would be back soon and its great to see you here in public again as ive said you take it easy and slowely don't over do things speak soon .



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Welcome back Landon, a healthier return and one step at a time going forward. If your occupational therapists are correct your recovery will be speedy.

Just shows none of us know what is affecting any one, at any time. :)

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Hi Sniper

I did notice your absence as well as Caleb's and Marty's.

Tough story yours but fortunately you're alive and kicking

Very welcome back it is great you are able to continue simming, there's been a lot new, catch up :D

Lots of blessings and prosperity to you



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Welcome back, yes I agree the Flight Sim is good for the brain, I have many startup routines memorized and even months of inactivity you can challenge yourself back into them again. 


Keep the brain juices flowing and keep things inspiring by challenging yourself to new things. Keep it fresh and real


Cheers B)

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I was missing our funny exchange... I hope your great humor is still there, I am sure it is.B)

What a sad story. I am really glad to see you back and felling better.

Take good care of yourself now

Cheers, Ben

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That's weird, I was only thinking where you were last weekend. Great to see you back Landon. Simming and camping - two things you love, great for the mind. Looking forward to your welcome contributions to the forum again.

Cheers Graeme :)

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Wow, everyone! Thank you SO much for the kind words and appreciative comments. As per the advice of many, clinicians and friends alike (some on here even) I am indeed taking things slow. Heck, it's been a monumental task just working out all my flight controls, but thankfully I always have made copious notes and diagrams on my simpit setup, so that has helped. Thankfully, I have a nice quiet home with a huge basement and plenty of room for my setup, so I can just take it slow, in my element and process things at my (new) speed. 


Again, it's great to be back on here and to be communicating with you all. Resilience has been my watchword ever since I got wounded, but this latest setback was a real shock....it is such a tremendous relief to be simming again, and without issues. And I can't think of a better way to soak it all back in than in wonderful Orbx style ;) 

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I would like to also welcome you back Landon!  I know we all missed your postings and your noir stories, like the blond on the run, stealing rides from you!

Sure hated to hear of your reasons for not being here but thankfully your better and able to fly again!  I haven’t been too active myself lately, but plan on returning soon too.  And Vet to Vet, Welcome Home Brother:)

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Fantastic news!

I cannot imagine the fight you must have had to put up, and it sounds like you’re winning!

I just hope when my time comes to face “real” adversity that I am able to handle it with courage and to be as resilient as you are.


God Bless you and welcome back to the Sim world!!:D



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Thank you again guys, it is very much appreciated being welcomed back like this. 


@Geezer  It had it's moments, both good and bad, that is for sure. One of the main reasons I have embraced flight simulation all these years, as it has been my getaway from more serious experiences in life. I suspect hobbies like this do that for many...:) 


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As noted in Stew's post, there's been lots of changes for the good since your absence. As others have so well said, your service is deeply appreciated, and that's from one vet to another


To the mods: Is there any way someone can gift Landon a scenery or two so he can see where we are in simming today? If necessary, a PM to me with details would be welcome.

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