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boetie last won the day on September 30

boetie had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About boetie

  • Birthday 04/14/1966

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  • Gender:
  • Location:
    Tweed Heads NSW Australia.
  • Interests:
    Red wine. Retirement planning.

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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cy430j48kjyo
  2. It's reassuring that you "like" a lot Don. Thank goodness there's no "dislike" option, some of us would be in trouble! 😕
  3. Amazing scenery so well depicted. Thank you Johnny! Cheers Graeme
  4. Hats off to that gent. Beautiful place to accomplish the feat! Cheers Graeme
  5. I'm on a few times a day, there's always something that piques my interest. I post screenshots ( not so much lately as I'm too time poor to fly) and have a giggle at some posts - John whinging about Bing imagery, Karl's continuous beer references, Gumby's puns, Rodger's whit and I could go on....... And then there's the official Orbx stuff and aviation. Love it! Cheers Graeme
  6. A great double shot Don, haven't tried the ATR yet, it scares me. Cheers Graeme
  7. What an honour to be the first. I often look at YouTube vids documenting it's progress. The dollars invested in the airport construction and the road/rail infrastructure are mind blowing. An impressive project! Cheers Graeme
  8. Mmmm, don't hold your breath mate, unless your house is a beachside highrise Great news none the less. G
  9. This was indeed a tough choice. My vote goes to ydelta
  10. Happy birthday my friend. Hope it's a special one. Cheers Graeme
  11. Ken, Johnny needs to be your new image marketing guru. A comprehensive selection Johnny! So nice. Cheers Graeme
  12. I'm sure Bonnie would be humbled Adam. Bonnie aside, this is a great couple. Cheers Graeme
  13. You certainly have a knack for amazing ground shots Adam. Another superb set mate. Cheers Graeme
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