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New forum software

Jack Sawyer

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So far, I like the new forum look. It does seem to work a bit faster for me, and that is on both my home computer and also my work computer. Overall, I think it just looks a little more streamlined...like it lost a little weight after hitting the gym ;)

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I've no idea what went on "behind the scenes" - and quite how much work was involved (though it's never trivial) - but the fact that the forum is up and running again so quickly with all historic posts intact is quite an achievement.


Well done, Ben - and whoever else was involved ... pat yourselves on the back!! B)



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1.10.2017 at 12:23 PM, alehead said:

I am having a problem logging in to the orbx forum using Tapatalk. The username and password are correct, but there is some xml error. 


Is tapatalk no longer supported?



I am having the same problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still having issues with the tapatalk app. I am on the "road" a lot these days and this is my only way to keep with news over here.


Is tapatalk no longer supported? If not, what can I use to access the forum without having to go the webpage way, which really is not ideal on a mobile device...



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