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John Dow

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Everything posted by John Dow

  1. Your description of the drop to zero fps at certain points is definitely symptomatic of sim overload, a common problem when a few resource hungry sceneries are in the same region and multiple objects come within draw call range at the same time. It only happens at a few locations worldwide but I'll be betting that your flights are in the affected area. If you have Vector enabled, in many areas it is enough to tip the sim into overload. So if you are using Vector try disabling it. But even having one complex airport loaded into the CPU, then flying into the area where another airport wants to load, can cause overload for a few seconds while the CPU loads textures into the RAM. Using scenery config editor, it might be worthwhile unticking all the airports in the area you will be flying except for the ones that you will fly out of and in to. And Vector. I sometimes go into the scenery config editor before a flight in the USA and untick all US airports, then tick the two or three airports I will be using, and mostly it helps to reduce these CPU bottlenecks. Unfortunately, with large areas of photorealism associated with the complex airports being called on to load all at once as soon as the scenery comes into range, it's impossible to ensure that there won't be times when the sim will pause. It's a function of the old FSX coding, that was never designed to handle the current level of detail in the scenery.
  2. It hasn't affected my overclock. No software can be guaranteed to work with overclocked computer hardware. There are just too many variables in different computers. Perhaps you could test a slightly reduced overclocked setting? Have you tried completely deleting Orbx Central and reinstalling it?
  3. Apparently the staff member in question is booting up the computers, this one is a bit slow.
  4. Interesting. I have a lesser system than you and mine runs fine in P3D, particularly p3dv5. What sort of cooler do you have? I invested in a top of the line Noctua CPU cooler and I run my rig at the water cooled setting in the BIOS. Frame rates dropping to zero can sometimes be CPU getting too hot. To determine scenery issues I have always used a default aircraft. Then run P3D default (Global is always active of course) and the default aircraft, with all sliders maxxed out. You should be seeing at least 70fps in sparse scenery and at least 30fps over cities. If not, your problem is already somewhere in the computer, whether it's hardware or software related is anyone's guess. If it does run smoothly, still using the default aircraft, activate your regions, landclass, cityscapes etc. You should still be seeing 40+ fps in sparse scenery and 25+ over cities. If not, once again there's a problem that shouldn't be there. Note though that max settings in the True Earth areas can also bring fps down into the low teens so at this stage some highs instead of ultras may be needed. BTW if you use the freeware scenery config editor you can activate/deactivate blocks of scenery items with one click. At this stage you can activate your remaining Orbx sceneries, and if all is working properly there should be no change in performance across 95% or more of the globe. (some areas of the West Coast USA etc do suffer from conflicts that can't be explained but if you do find an area that is stuttering, try somewhere else. If you get this far with good performance you can elect to either try your add-on aircraft or other add on scenery. As long as you are meticulous in how you introduce each add on or group of addons, you should have no problem in tracking down the source of the fps losses. Good luck.
  5. Pretty sure if you search the forums you'll find an explanation why parking spots can't be allocated for this airport, something to do with the sloped taxiways, A I aircraft, taxying instructions? etc
  6. I think Nick has the answers to this more than anyone but if you search the forums I'm sure this has been answered before... limited swap drive or limited room on the drive where the temp files are processed comes to mind.
  7. I think most of the current crop of updates like this are just to make the product compatible with XBox and maybe MSFS Marketplace.
  8. Looks like you've been eating dodgy mushrooms before take-off!
  9. Sorry no idea. I have only the same information as you, and I think the expected schedule has been posted in this thread further up hasn't it?
  10. If Eugene says work is continuing then yes, work is continuing. It might not be front and centre on the entire team's morning schedules but it will be progressing as resources and other priorities allow.
  11. I was seeing this in testing. However it would only do this in VR . Switching to 2D with just the Orbx installed and the problem went away. Did you use your Content Manager to uninstall the Asobo LOWI? If you removed the folder as was previously recommended the sim will put it straight back in when you start up. Needs to be uninstalled via the Content manager in Marketplace. Is your MSFS Microsoft Marketplace, Steam or XBox? Different variables seem to generate different results. Quite frustrating.
  12. I noted at Frankfurt in testing for the update that there were areas of flat autogen on arrival but a minute ort two later the areas had filled in with autogen buildings. Something strange is going on in more than once location!
  13. I believe that if you have MSFS with WU6 and the Germany Austria Switzerland pack, it includes a Landmarks Frankfurt package as standard. The update is only for people who have the Orbx package and wish to retain it.
  14. In my experience, having done it, the answer is yes. As I recall it just updates to Windows 10 and at least 95% of my installed programs saw no change.
  15. You can uninstall your products using Orbx Central. Once uninstalled they should have zero presence on your machine. But given that thousands of users around the world successfully run Orbx in X Plane 11, wouldn't it be a better idea to see what's causing the problem and seek a solution?
  16. No it's pretty well a one off, due to some issues with the Asobo LOWI not being fully excluded when the Orbx one installs. I'm sure if one day the MSFS SDK provides enough information on file structures permissions and hierarchy, the problem will be solved and an update provided.
  17. Yes the Asobo LOWI is removed from the Content Manager within MSFS. If you just remove the LOWI files from the MSFS Official Folder it will simply put them back in. From MSFS go to Marketplace and then Content Manager, it will show you all your installed products. Highlight LOWI Innsbruck Airport and there's an option to Remove or Delete or Uninstall I've forgotten which. You can always go back to Content Manager and reinstall without a problem
  18. The exe file should be here: C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe This should allow you to start MSFS. If it's not there then maybe the install went wrong. It'll probably show as a 0 KB file if your MSFS location is actually on another drive.
  19. I don't know anything about the airport but I've seen cases like this where P3DV5 has been given a new ICAO code to an airport. So maybe check the net for possible changes to the airport code? Another option of course is to get the airport lat and long coords and type them into the start screen and see what P3DV5 has in the airport location, it should show whatever airport it has there in its on board map.
  20. I loaded up Bristol after reading your post and it was quite stuttery as you said in VR. After some trial and error I realised I had Orbx Central and my browser and a couple of other things open on the desktop. I closed everything and it was running better. I did some more trials and I've now turned of re projection and the render scale in OpenXR Tools, and set the VR settings in MSFS to the default VR with a couple of sliders up a bit, and now Bristol is as smooth as any other airport. Cheers John
  21. Yes I'm seeing the transponder dark as well. I'm guessing the Optica team will get a fix out in due course.
  22. If you want to emulate Svetlana over this airport here's a video of how to do it!
  23. I don't think there is such a thing in MSFS, it deals with scenery in a different manner to the FSX/P3D/XP method. I can virtually guarantee that your problem is with a conflicting add-on, probably a freeware scenery or other add-on. One well known source of problems are any programs or file edits to do with scenery LOD distance or tree heights etc. Another reason ight be as simple as a repaint or any add-on that has a duplicate filename of an existing file in its structure. If you search these forums for something like "rename Community folder" Nick has a guide on ow to check for conflicting add-ons. I suspect you'll find a solution there.
  24. If we had to list every possible tweak and setting to accommodate every user's pc we'd not only have a User Guide a mile long but the devs would have to find computers that mimic every conceivable configuration, leading to a drain on the electricity supply similar to Bitcoin mining. Flight sims have always been and will always require users to tailor the options within the sim to suit their own computers, and software. The PMDG aircraft are well known resource hogs and do require lower scenery settings, however which settings need to be toned down cannot be predicted given the vast array of scenery and other options that can affect it.
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