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John Dow

Orbx Team
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Everything posted by John Dow

  1. Do you have any AI traffic programs or any other addon in the YBBN area? Anything with an FS9 model in it will cause a crash. Do you get an error message, if so please provide details.
  2. Not at my lc but there are topics from a year or so ago that tell you how to disable the waves files in the effects folder. If you can't find the posts, you can go to the effects folder and find files relating to waves, I'm pretty sure they have names like Orbx-waves.fx so not hard to find them. Rename any you find to a bak suffix or similar and your waves should disappear.
  3. Another thing that can contribute to longer pauses: Hard Disks. A lot of the complex scenery areas demands SSDs these days, and the old HDDs just can't keep up, especially if they are 5400 rpm, and the motherboard you are using doesn't have top flight data transfer capability. Just another thought.
  4. Yes everything in the airport that is or was there when the data was acquired is depicted. I just checked and it's right where it should be.
  5. Have you tried the same approach in a default aircraft to see how much the PMDG aircraft is contributing to the pause. Also if you have the save function turned on in FSUIPC it can also cause pauses.
  6. Or, if still on a keyboard, allocate the number pad keys to the movements. 8 to fwd, 7 and 9 yo rotation or yaw, 4 and 6 to left and right, 5 to backwards, 2 to up, / key to down. Works better than BOB.
  7. I think this is the relevant request: have you at any point installed objectflow on your C drive?
  8. What graphics settings are you using. That's the first place I would look, the True Earth scenery takes a lot of resources if XP11 is maxed out and what you are seeing is symptomatic of an inability to load any more scenery. If you're flying at airliner heights, low to medium settings are all that's normally required.
  9. I don't know of any way. But I do know that an Excel spreadsheet wouldn't take too long to knock up and once you have it, searching and updating is a breeze. All my flightsim purchases going back to the FS98 days are on my spreadsheet (though not the Orbx ones) and anytime I need a pw, order no etc, the info is right there.
  10. I would think it has more to do with Orbx Central being the best platform for their needs, but who knows?
  11. I wonder if there's any way to trick MSFS into accepting the scenery if it was moved into the Community folder? If the various files that tell the sim the version and xml files were tweaked, maybe the actual EGLC folder would contain compatible files?
  12. Just a quick note here, previously similar extended objects have had an obvious starting or ending point. If you follow it one end will probably end in mid air, which will be at the end of the draw distance for the object, the other end will probably be identifiable as an object, and one of the parameters of that object will have a decimal place missing or in the wrong spot. So if you can find the object, anf record its coordinates, it will help speed up a fix methinks.
  13. Perhaps this texturing is more authentic than the original P3D version? I don't know enough about the modelled plane but I think a different texture on a door could well be a possibility, from a different material for the door, to a repair since manufacture. I think the people to check with are the developers, I'm sure they will be happy to answer any questions with authoritative answers.
  14. Here's the text from the version file in the Cessna 140 folder. Aeroplane Heaven Cessna 140 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.3.0
  15. Really? Here's a screenshot of the panel, and the external view taken just now. Looks pretty good to me. I see the curtains and the interior through the passenger windows are blurry. It's possible this is deliberate to simulate looking through the glass, for me it doesn't work too well. But that's the only issue I have with the textures. Hopefully the developers will take a look and see if it's what they intended for the windows.
  16. Can you post a couple of screenshots to confirm what you are seeing now? Sounds like a problem I was seeing, where the autogen doesn't load. When I saw it I flew along the river for a minute, turned back and the autogen appeared as if by magic.
  17. Not necessarily a problem. This message pops up sometimes but doesn't seem to affect the scenery. I just run Verify Files then I use the scenery as normal, and I'm pretty sure I've never noticed a problem with it.
  18. There's no manual backup but if you set up a location for backups in Orbx Central, those files are stored for use by the installers. So most reinstalls will not need to download any data. The backup folder can get very big so it's best suited to a hard drive with lots of spare space. Mine is on an 8TB HDD.
  19. So in Content Manager inside MSFS you can see the products in your list of owned titles? You can't select a download or install option there? Ss far as I know you won't download inside Steam, only inside MSFS itself.
  20. Should work by moving (copying) the backups to a new drive, then pointing Orbx Central to the new location. There's no embedded location information in the files that I'm aware of. Easy to test. Make sure the scenery to test is up to date with Verify files. Once your backups have been moved, and with the new location set up in Orbx Central, delete the scenery and reinstall. The reinstall should be quick with no downloading, or very little. Once you're happy, delete the files from the original location.
  21. There's no way that I can see that the monitor and video card aren't perfectly compatible. In the first instance I think I would totally uninstall the NVIDIA drivers from the computer and try the video card with the Windows drivers alone. Make sure that the monitor works plugged into the video port on the motherboard using the default drivers, then install the video card and if it doesn't boot up or there's no display I'd be starting to doubt the video card.
  22. Another thing, try the level of detail radius and the autogen distance sliders at a low to medium setting. Also if you use FSUIPC switch off the auto save feature. BTW I put my cpu/gpu combination in that calculator and my bottleneck is 21% which is higher than yours, so I wouldn't be putting too much store in that program! Personally I suspect even high end up to date i9 systems would have scenery loading pauses in the areas you fly in, because if you look at the CPU and GPU load in normal flying it's mostly no more than 50%!
  23. Yes someone will advise you, hang tight @Nick Cooper
  24. I don't know if this will help but I don't allow small hiccups in the program to prevent me from enjoying the remaining 99+% of the flight. I call it the suspension of disbelief method. I just look away from the scenery into the instruments or close my eyes for 2-3 seconds and hey presto! when I return to the sim everything is back to normal and the interruption quickly forgotten. I know it's not for everyone but it works for me and has proven to be a robust and effective method of ignoring the temporary brief problems that pop up every now again in each of the sims.
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