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IFR along the Iron Ore Railway


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The iron ore line is one of the most important railway tracks of the world - and one of the most important connections in northern Scandinavia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Ore_Line. As you know, the easier transport way out of Kiruna would be through the flat plains southwards towards the (swedish) habour Lulea at the Baltic sea. But the Baltic sea freezes in Winter, so the railway line was also built across the mountains to the northwest. Narvik harbour is always free of ice, due to the Gulfstream.


Initially I planned to follow the railway line in VFR, looking down at the scenery. But the (real) weather had different plans, Kiruna airport was already only IFR this time.



At least I could find the runway...



... though its end was unclear.



Lovely scenery below. Even in a virtual plane it is easy to lose orientation with all this moving snow around.



At some point I could see the swedish landscape - and the railway line.




Descending over the Björnfjell - not below 6200 ft, please!



This is already the turn into final towards Narvik...



... due to much better weather than on the swedish side this looks safe.



The people living in these houses enjoy a very long day in Summer (the sun does not set for about 50 days) but suffer a very long night in winter (no sunrise for about 5 weeks). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_sun 



The bigger trouble than landing is parking at Narvik... I had to cheat, so I won´t show it here.


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2 hours ago, paulb said:

A great flight with some interesting facts Gerold! :)

Thank you Paul. Though we don´t see much along these ways in the north currently, there is still some knowledge or history around.


2 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

A great flight indeed Gerold. With your skills flying in adverse conditions the Mule Team might be interested in you:rolleyes::D

Wow that is a real compliment, Karl. If I find my way over the Ocean towards the Mule Team´s network, I will try to make a formal application!

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1 hour ago, beardgoblin said:

Very nice images.

Looks like I should check out flying over the (virtual) Scandinavia Peninsula - looks like it would be relevant to my interests (usually I fly Pacific Northwest/Southern Alaska).

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you Goblin. Indeed the Scandinavian landscape and weather have quite a similarity to PNW & SAK. It is a pleasure to sit in the warm room and fly out there!


1 hour ago, andiflyit said:

Wonderful winter shots again Gerold and an aircraft which I like to fly very much.

But always flying in the snow you will now need some holidays at Pago Pago, just to thaw! :)  

You are right Andreas, some warm sun from time to time is not that bad... :D


41 minutes ago, BradB said:

+1 - :):)


Good to see you support me in this honour.


39 minutes ago, Captain Lars said:

Very cool set, Gerold - and quite literally, too. :D Fascinating winter pics from the high north. And now - Svalbard? Rovaniemi? Iceland?

Thank you Lars. I´ll head a bit further North, and there is some geography (plus history) to be found.

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Gerold, these shots not only capture the scenery but also the temperature. BBRRR! Out of curiosity, may I ask if you had any trouble with windscreen icing. I was  flying a Caravan into Portland, Oregon, one midwinter. The route kept me at altitude over the Cascades until I reached the Columbia River just north of Mt. Hood. I was doing fine until,suddenly, the front windscreen went opaque with ice. I flew by GPS and side window for quite some time until ATC gave me a lower altitude and the ice melted off. I did some follow-up reading and found that the Caravans of that day had no windscreen de-icer. Hard to believe but true. Lives were lost for that very reason. I assume the problem has been addressed by now. Hope so. That was a scary experience.

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12 hours ago, lauriebe said:

Very nice set indeed Gerold.  Too cold for me though. :)

Thank you Laurie. Reading your location I can understand that... ;)


12 hours ago, adambar said:

Top-notch captures Gerold! :)

Thanks Adam!


14 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Gee whiz! Oh brother! ;)

Nice & fresh, Eric. As you like it!


15 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Some really fine shots there Gerold.  The old six pack instrument scan in your Caravan makes me very comfortable. 

Thank you OnD. Indeed this is a very trusty view - despite the fact that the ILS into the 19 has an offset to the left and can therefore not be used for the final...


18 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Gerold, these shots not only capture the scenery but also the temperature. BBRRR! Out of curiosity, may I ask if you had any trouble with windscreen icing. I was  flying a Caravan into Portland, Oregon, one midwinter. The route kept me at altitude over the Cascades until I reached the Columbia River just north of Mt. Hood. I was doing fine until,suddenly, the front windscreen went opaque with ice. I flew by GPS and side window for quite some time until ATC gave me a lower altitude and the ice melted off. I did some follow-up reading and found that the Caravans of that day had no windscreen de-icer. Hard to believe but true. Lives were lost for that very reason. I assume the problem has been addressed by now. Hope so. That was a scary experience.

Uh, what a story, Rodger. I doubt that Carenado has simulated these effects in detail, nevertheless I was pleased to have a good view of the scenery!

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

Thank you Laurie. Reading your location I can understand that... ;)


Thanks Adam!


Nice & fresh, Eric. As you like it!


Thank you OnD. Indeed this is a very trusty view - despite the fact that the ILS into the 19 has an offset to the left and can therefore not be used for the final...


Uh, what a story, Rodger. I doubt that Carenado has simulated these effects in detail, nevertheless I was pleased to have a good view of the scenery!

Gerold, I'm sorry that I did not make it clear that my Caravan flight was in flight simulation, not in the real world. That's one reason I didn't expect to ice up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

These are wonderful Gerold!


4 hours ago, magic1 said:

very nice


4 hours ago, carlosqr said:

I missed this post!!

Spectucular pics


4 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A wonderful flight Gerold passing over some spectacular scenery.

Great narration too.



Thnak you all for watching and commenting my flight. A little mixture of sceneries & geography!

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