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Zhejiang Bonanza


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You like flying in China? :-) Yesterday there was a new release of ZLXY (what an icao code...) from WFSceneries. I have ZSSS and ZBAA and another smaller one from them and like them. Sadly they make bad screenshots for the product.... So they dont really reflect the quality imo. 

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33 minutes ago, Senchay said:

You like flying in China? :-) Yesterday there was a new release of ZLXY (what an icao code...) from WFSceneries. I have ZSSS and ZBAA and another smaller one from them and like them. Sadly they make bad screenshots for the product.... So they dont really reflect the quality imo. 

Yes I do and as you might guess, along with at least one other (who shall remain nameless but his initials are Gerold!), I am really hanging out for OLS Asia! I have a few Chinese Airports as well as many other Asian ones. I don't have any by these people though but thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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12 hours ago, jean marc said:

great idea to go and fly there Martyn ...there are plenty of room to fly :P the ftx landscape is well done ! surely there is global addon... :rolleyes:

Thanks Jean Marc, the landscape is FTX Global Base. It does it so well.:D

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3 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Nice Shoot Martyn of China  Global

that i see for P3D unlimeted FPS will be beter perf in your sim here your target is 20, need to unlock ....



Cheers for commenting Patrick.

Also thank you for the advise which I will take next time I use the sim!:D

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On 8/29/2018 at 12:23 PM, VH-KDK said:

Yes I do and as you might guess, along with at least one other (who shall remain nameless but his initials are Gerold!), I am really hanging out for OLS Asia! I have a few Chinese Airports as well as many other Asian ones. I don't have any by these people though but thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Great shots of the pure ftx global. Do you want me to add some real life pictures?

And i know who is also prepared to post some real life - sim comparisons once OpenLC is released...

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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great shots of the pure ftx global. Do you want me to add some real life pictures?

And i know who is also prepared to post some real life - sim comparisons once OpenLC is released...

Thanks Gerold.

Global is very impressive.

Some of your RL photos are so interesting wherever they are from.:D

So there is some one else who has RL pics of Asia, who could that be!;)

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3 hours ago, Anthin Delahunt said:

I love those shots Martyn. Makes me want

to fly there this morning.



Cheers Anthin and I hope to bump into (hypothetically speaking that is) you around China somewhen.:)

Congrats on your 1000th post btw, 9k to go!:lol:

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3 hours ago, Anthin Delahunt said:

I love those shots Martyn. Makes me want

to fly there this morning.



Well don't procrastinate Anthin, as the bottle of House of Arras Blanc de Blancs 2001 that us waiting for you will get warm.:o

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9 minutes ago, Anthin Delahunt said:

I will try my best Martyn.In the meantime

I guess I will have to stick with Vino Collapso

Rouge,Chateau cardboard.:lol:



Vino Collapso:lol::lol::lol:

Just mind you don't start some Gossip Calypso with your inebriated antics!:o


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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 11:20 AM, Anthin Delahunt said:

That was one of the strangest things

I have ever heard.It is a wonder you can't hear me laughing

over there in Victoria.:lol::lol::huh:


Anthin...I wonder if the Sun is over the yardarm yet ?

Happy it made you laugh Anthin!:)

I had forgotten that this was Bernard Cribbins, great for me to be able to listen to some of these old songs from when I was young.;)

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