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Let's try this...

Jack Sawyer

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Superb Jack.


I've been watching your recent posts with great interest as I am also considering making the move to P3Dv4, having no previous experience with any version of P3D.  These shots look great......i'm getting closer to hitting that button with every photograph I see.


Prepare for a barrage of questions when that day finally arrives.  Cheers,



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1 hour ago, Caluma65 said:

Superb Jack.


I've been watching your recent posts with great interest as I am also considering making the move to P3Dv4, having no previous experience with any version of P3D.  These shots look great......i'm getting closer to hitting that button with every photograph I see.


Prepare for a barrage of questions when that day finally arrives.  Cheers,



Tanks Calum, most appreciated.  Ask away, I'm always willing to help.

1 hour ago, Ken Hall said:

Take advantage of any opening Jack 


Thanks Ken, any port in a storm as they might say. 

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2 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Very clever.:)

Where is that?

Hi TTI, thanks, I think it's Moffat Field in California.  The home of the blimp hangars.

1 hour ago, magic1 said:

Nice Flying Jack - did you try that inverted?

Thanks Magic, not this time.  It would be difficult with a 182, the Extra would be easy.

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Okay, Jack, I thought I'd give it a try. But when you went through earlier, you must have upset somebody, cause when I went tried later people were yelling at me and almost closed the hangar doors before I made it through !  Had to land on the golf course across the freeway, pack up and beat feet before the cops showed up !





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1 hour ago, jmbiii said:

Okay, Jack, I thought I'd give it a try. But when you went through earlier, you must have upset somebody, cause when I went tried later people were yelling at me and almost closed the hangar doors before I made it through !  Had to land on the golf course across the freeway, pack up and beat feet before the cops showed up !

LOL!  Ain't easy is it.  I once tried it with a 747 but it was too wide. :blink:

50 minutes ago, MZee1960 said:

Mr. Bleeker would be proud of you,  Jack !   Great flying !

Thanks MZ!  But who is M. Bleaker?  Must look it up.

46 minutes ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

Very impressive!  I have yet to try stuff like that with the sim - I just may have to.....gotta test the skills!


Thanks JJJ!  It's fun to have fun.  I was just watching the 777 training videos. Now that's some serious flying.


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Amazing set Jack.  I was just flying past Moffett Field the other day.  I'll have to give that stunt a try next time I'm in the area.  I am always a fan of flying under bridges and between skyscrapers.  You know, the stuff you shouldn't do in real life! :D

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8 hours ago, scottharmes6 said:

Amazing set Jack.  I was just flying past Moffett Field the other day.  I'll have to give that stunt a try next time I'm in the area.  I am always a fan of flying under bridges and between skyscrapers.  You know, the stuff you shouldn't do in real life! :D

Thanks Scott!  I love this kind of stunt flying.  It reminds me of all the barnstorming stuff they did in the 30's, I have whole books on that era.  

7 hours ago, adambar said:

That's to easy Jack, you need to go through a regular hanger. :D

I can try sometime Adam, if I find a place with a suitable hangar where it's open on both ends. :)

28 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:

Hi jack i try it  to Muffet

Nice set Patrick!  It's pretty easy isn't it because that hangar is so huge!

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Be careful Patrick @Neptune6 , Realair has left the market and cannot replace your plane in case of damage!

Hi Stillwater

No it's like a boomrang, it come back every time  :)


Did you think the big noise intramuros..... when you cross the hangar, if you 'r in it  :blink:

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13 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Lol you guys.:D

:lol:  Thanks flyingleaf!  Now I might want to try something different there.  

11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful flying Jack and the others you have lead astray.

Not a yellow plane in sight though.

Yellow soon my friend!  And yes, I feel like a bad boy, bad influences while I channel my inner Bob Hoover!

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Ok, how about this?  I decided to try REX's #11 preset, bad decision, I'm going back to Adam's.  So far his is the best.  But I thought I'd have an even bigger challenge as I needed to test out the update to the DC-6.


Really beautiful plane isn't it?



I think you know where we're heading by now.



Water looks nice but I left something in the hangar!



Better head back to the hangar and get it.



"Capt., you sure this is a good idea??



"Yup, it's easy peasy, wish this plane was yellow though!"





We made it!



"Capt. Jack, you're amazing!"




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Something doesnt look right Jack.

So i see you are not using the REX sky, and probably that is the reason. Something is off here. You saw my pics.

This is also some i made with 11, 




I think its like i thought first, they colored the fog/haze/dust to match the sky from rex essentials. And according to the website they use wiered fog inside that textures too so the whole "pic" can only achieved with both, rex & essentials im afraid. Sorry to hear that.

If you want help with setup, you can hit me up anytime.


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2 hours ago, Senchay said:

If you want help with setup, you can hit me up anytime.

I PM'd you my settings.  I don't think I much like REX's presets.  Adam's looks great to me.


2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

The hangar must be huge as the DC-6 looks quite small inside Jack.

A very skilful piece of flying.

Thanks Martyn!  It wasn't easy but yep, I did it.  

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