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pilot100 last won the day on May 5

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About pilot100

  • Birthday October 21

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    Melbourne, Australia near YMMB
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    Computers / networks / PPL with various endorsements.

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  1. Bob Dylan, the times they are a changin.... Personally I'd prefer for all states to not change the clocks, or how about we al use GMT (UST) and just get used to getting up at 2200 .....
  2. Yes, Thanks for the info John, so we all either just wait a while until 2024 stabilises and we know what the benefits are before moving across to it, and probably refrain from buying new planes at least for the time being on 2020 (except in the MSFS store). I understand that a lot of devs have only limited insight into what MS/Asobo are doing so it sounds like there is going to be a bit of pain in the transition to 2024.
  3. Now of course they have to wonder if there are more......
  4. Now they know why they had some bolts over after the overhaul....
  5. I have three, 'for actions there are consequences', 'for rights there are responsibilities' and of course 'yes dear'........😄
  6. No offence intended Roger, keep your questions coming.....
  7. What was that question again? Are you a rural or a city person? It depends on my location at the time, and the weather is also an influence, we are all lucky to be able to have a choice. I'm not really in favour of assignments like rural and city, makes for divisiveness (or is that divisivness?) and there's enough of that around.
  8. Depends what size the guys shoes were, and whether its a statute mile or a nautical mile and always remember, never smile at a crocodile....
  9. Hi Xavier, You are publishing this in the wrong part of the forum, try the P3D area off the main forum page and you might get some help there. In the mean time check your internet connection and probably ensure you have sufficient disc space.
  10. Personally, I'm not sure rose tinted glasses are required more 'Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy' opaque glasses. Especially when reading the news. I think that back in the 50, 60 and 70's news was less available and somewhat softened and travel was less prevalent , so many conflicts seemed far away and unimportant in the west. Fact is the world was just as unjust and brutal it just wasn't seen as much in the western world. BTW Nick you can add Africa to your list, lots of stuff went on there in the 50/60/70's and no doubt we could go on .
  11. I flew to Canada as a child, I remember a transatlantic jet trip but all I can recall is that the cabin walls had hot air balloons as it decoration - no idea what jet it was. Later once in Canada we flew by DC3 - I remember because it was a tail drager and we had to walk up hill to the seats. I was very young then.....
  12. There is a very good and free Storch in the FS.to website, apologies to Orbx but I don't think I am suggesting anything competing with their offerings.The Stroch is a great stol a/c so enjoy. Brian
  13. Actually I am most happy with Flight Sims when I start them up and they work as advertised, no updates, no strange missing links and all the peripherals work as per the last time I logged in, and I don't have to worry about the next generation coming in a month or two and meaning all my invested $ is possibly down the drain not to mention the time spent re learning the idiosyncrasies of a new 'improved' system. Additionally, I'm even happier when there are no PC/ system updates and strange UI changes etc. to cope with. Then there's the internet and ISP, but I won't go there today.....
  14. What do you like about the younger generations? Their ability to not worry about things - like I used to do, which is also I guess my main concern (so I'm still worrying about things - sigh...), that and an observation. I noticed that younger kids in particular seem to lack imagination, when was the last time you saw a six year old running around with arms out pretending to be a plane? Generally, though, I think the kids are pretty smart and every generation says the next has it easy and the new generation says the last generation stuffed everything up, in a way it's kind of comforting don't you think?
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