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LAX to Vegas

Jack Sawyer

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6 hours ago, andiflyit said:

The second shot is a nice view of the airport Jack. You seem to be making a lot of money from your comics if you can afford a BBJ! :D

Thanks Andreas.  I haven’t published them yet, don’t know when I will but hopefully soon.  As for a BBJ, well, Boeing simply gave me one, they said it was a free sample.  :) 

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5 hours ago, paulb said:

Nice flight Jack. Great landing :).

Thanks Paul, I would have had more shots but was tied up with the auto land, monitoring it anyway.  Wish this sim had an instant replay.  Will never understand why it doesn’t.

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2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Four great images Jack.

A very smart colour scheme on the BBJ too.:)

Those clouds are impressive in the first view.

Thanks Martyn.  I liked it too, you should have seen the interior.  On a lark I decided to wing it into the cabin with the drone and was very pleasantly surprised with the interior detail.  I could make several comics from those shots but there’d be no Orbx in them.

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