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Can we have an updated survey?

Ken Terry

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It would be nice to know the present primary usage of X Plane, P3D and MSFS.

It seems that 90% of all new developments are MSFS and we could gain a better perspective if we saw the 90% of usage is in fact MSFS.



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Hi Ken. Normally I fly P3D4, but am with FSX Steam right now in order to fly a C-7 Caribou on some routes. MSFS has proved difficult for me to work with--too big a leap from the old time-tested MS flight buttons and control commands to this new approach. I still can't figure out how to change views :huh:. I'll keep puttering, though. MSFS is definitely the sim of the future.

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4 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hi Ken. Normally I fly P3D4, but am with FSX Steam right now in order to fly a C-7 Caribou on some routes. MSFS has proved difficult for me to work with--too big a leap from the old time-tested MS flight buttons and control commands to this new approach. I still can't figure out how to change views :huh:. I'll keep puttering, though. MSFS is definitely the sim of the future.


Do you use a joystick?

I use a keyboard. If you do too I could help with the views




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38 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hi Ken. Normally I fly P3D4, but am with FSX Steam right now in order to fly a C-7 Caribou on some routes. MSFS has proved difficult for me to work with--too big a leap from the old time-tested MS flight buttons and control commands to this new approach. I still can't figure out how to change views :huh:. I'll keep puttering, though. MSFS is definitely the sim of the future.

Mark does a great job in this YT video explaning MSFS view settings Roger :





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1 hour ago, carlosqr said:


Do you use a joystick?

I use a keyboard. If you do too I could help with the views




Thanks, Carlos. I bought two books and am watching the instruction videos. Give me a year or so and I'll make it. :D

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48 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Thanks, Carlos. I bought two books and am watching the instruction videos. Give me a year or so and I'll make it. :D

And sorry I meant Rodger

Fortunately you got it :lol:

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Let me be the advocatus prepareboli here: I (still) enjoy a sim completely working with all my add-ons, be it GSX, NatureFlow, ATC or study-level airplanes. The only price I have to pay is the eye candy, and for the time being I can live with that - compared to installation troubles.

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I don't know if frequent reviews will help. Navigraph will certainly make the next round of their review series towards the end of this year, and a one-year cycle is pretty optimum in my mind. Only few people are inclined to spend an hour for such reviews more often.


While I have FSX:SE, Prepar3d5, X-Plane 11, AeroflyFS2, and MSFS installed, stuffed with addons and ready to use, I only find me flying in the latter since I was admitted to the MSFS alpha. And I have to admit, I devote much more time to flying than I did in the 30 years before.


Kind regards, Michael

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15 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Thanks, John. I'll study this along with my books and Squirrel on YouTube. Someday, it will all come together.


Hi Roger @Rodger Pettichord


After you have had a look at the above , you may find the following helpful


Custom Camera Views » Microsoft Flight Simulator


This is a package from flightsim.to for all camera views for all aircraft in the Deluxe version of MS2020, which will cover the standard version as well.  So aside from setting up the keyboard mapping , you will instantly have all the views you would like. It is what I use and have found no need for anything more.


Although the videos mentioned are really helpful, I found the following one to be the simplest to follow in setting up custom key mapping which is all you need to use the above camera package.


Custom Wing Views for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | Save any view you want | Easy Tutorial - YouTube





PS - I agree with Michael @pmb with respect for the need of additional surveys .


MS2020 is still under very active development and I suspect that if you are a user that is not comfortable with that at the moment, you will wait to purchase/use  until it is stabilized.  As such I would tend to think that any survey right now would not really be representative.


PS - I am using XPlane and MS2020 and am very happy with both. They are different products and each have their good and bad points.  The world is far from a perfect place and I am happy using both to give me the most enjoyment from this wonderful hobby.  The constant "glue" though is Orbx - it makes both very worthwhile.:)

Edited by renault
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3 hours ago, renault said:


Hi Roger @Rodger Pettichord


After you have had a look at the above , you may find the following helpful

Custom Camera Views » Microsoft Flight Simulator

This is a package from flightsim.to for all camera views for all aircraft in the Deluxe version of MS2020, which will cover the standard version as well.  So aside from setting up the keyboard mapping , you will instantly have all the views you would like. It is what I use and have found no need for anything more.

Although the videos mentioned are really helpful, I found the following one to be the simplest to follow in setting up custom key mapping which is all you need to use the above camera package.

Custom Wing Views for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 | Save any view you want | Easy Tutorial - YouTube



PS - I agree with Michael @pmb with respect for the need of additional surveys .

MS2020 is still under very active development and I suspect that if you are a user that is not comfortable with that at the moment, you will wait to purchase/use  until it is stabilized.  As such I would tend to think that any survey right now would not really be representative.

PS - I am using XPlane and MS2020 and am very happy with both. They are different products and each have their good and bad points.  The world is far from a perfect place and I am happy using both to give me the most enjoyment from this wonderful hobby.  The constant "glue" though is Orbx - it makes both very worthwhile.:)

Thanks for the reference, Pete. I'll add it to the must-use list.

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An updated Sim Survey usage would be interesting.

As regards Orbx supported sims, not military ones ETC I enjoy too, then ...

FS2020, but still surprising even to me, find myself sitting on the fence with it and just take dips in every week or so and after patches ETC to check its progress and its position on the promised road map for it, its got a lot of maturing to do yet, but it does seem to be getting there ... its a keeper ... its our best hope really for the future.

Was on early Alph Beta testing for FS2020 too .. shrugs.

FSX Acceleration and Steam on a different PC, still fly this a lot believe it or not, really is getting a bit rough around the edges eye candy wise compared to MS 2020, but still has a lot going for it, especially if you like good missions ... the Mission, Bush Flying, Landing Challenges in MS2020 is far from fully fleshed out yet IMHO and I don't think they have any real plans to do that unfortunately. The mission voice acting in FSX was excellent and mission types wide and varied, from fun to very complex SAR ones like the Missing Co-worker one that has several different locations to find him and can take hours to complete ... so wish MS2020 did this too as an option.

P3D V 5, its well mature now, cant see LM making it much better, they should fix any remaining bugs and leave it at v 5, major revisions like a v 6 would probably break things again and be a PITA for after market company's to keep up with perhaps? Its become a moving target that is losing its appeal, at least for me slightly ... Time to retire the old lady perhaps from new releases (not from flying it) thanks though Lockheed Martin, do appreciate the work you put into the old engine but I think its as solid as it can be in V5, just chase a few more bugs please.

Last but not least .. XP11, been trying to get into X-Plane since much earlier versions, this one is best one yet, don't fly it as much as above simulations I've listed, but it always has that alluring return appeal where I might make that magical flight where it all gels and I think wowee, that was awesome, its still a bit clunky for the UI IMHO, but so is MS2020 as has been mentioned in this thread, just needs patience to sit down and understand ... wouldn't it be amazing if all sims had a common good intuitive UI especially for controllers? :)

Sadly have dropped Aerofly FS2 ... it never really took off did it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ken, thanks for asking


it's definitely P3Dv5.2(hf1) for me, rather than an alternative gaming company.  P3D looks great, THANKS TO Orbx, no blips except a shadier cockpit before start. It performs superb; consistently around 30fps (capped in NVidia settings), sliders at the "high end".


Except at airports, obviously I don't need photoreal ground when I'm 3,000-8,000ft aloft.


Rather than short-term thinking, Lockheed Martin is a perfectionist, dedicated and stable aerospace company; once bitten, twice shy with MS. I'm not a multiple fantasy-game player and don't have X-Box type thingy's. I like my software fully installed in PC and under my control rather than streamed from an invisible multi-purpose ulterior profit-motivated source, potentially compromised by profit and so potentially corruptible. 


Gold standard A2A planes work stunningly with P3D. Most of my GA flying is all around the British Isles and so I look for and forward to UK Scenery.


At the end of the day, "chacun a son gout" "variety is the spice of life".


KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TEAM-Orbx; SPECIAL THANKS TO NICK C. AND DOUG S. I've always got my credit card at the ready, especially for P3D British isles scenery.


Rod EGBB (beers a-coolin' in the fridge)

Edited by rod321
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I am much impressed with P3Dv5.2HF1.  I had a lot of Orbx scenery in FSX and a lot of airplanes. I have been able to port over to P3D all the scenery at no cost and many airplanes.  Its not just the port overs, its all the knowledge and experience I gained after 10 plus years in FSX that is useful in P3D.  I might try MSFS 2020 after A2A starts releasing planes for it, but for now I am happy with P3D.  

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2 hours ago, wolfko said:

MSFS only, from day one of its release. Never looked back.


PS: and I am not a newbie but an avid simmer since 1983.

Same here. Simming since 1991 (FS4). Exclusively using MSFS right now, with a rare detour to P3D5.2, XP11, and (yes) AFS2 just for comparison or some testing.


Kind regards, Michael   

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I divorced P3D like two weeks after the release of MSFS and it took me long because of PMDG affair and some specific Orbx airports. Apart from that P3D is far, far away from MSFS offer and potential. It lasted long due to its savoir , Saint Orbx.

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For those of you who are fans of MS 2020 could you say what you like the most about MS 2020 and what you like the least.  I would like to know since I will likely eventually try it out.

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For me, the amount of great detail and lighting that I get with very smooth performance and no stutters is probably what I enjoy most about MSFS. What I like least about it is that, as far as I know, you cannot save your pilot weight (or any of your passengers) and have to reenter it for each and every flight. It's a minor annoyance, but when you are doing several flights per session, it gets very repetitive. Something that I used to not like but is no longer an issue for me, is that figuring out MSFS and getting used to the flight model, the UI, settings etc. was really frustrating me and making me not give it enough of a chance. Once I stuck my nose to the grind stone and spent time testing settings for my PC, figuring out the UI and flying planes in MSFS, I now love everything about it. 

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What I like best about MSFS is the world-wide detailed base scenery. There is not one single item but a number of smaller niggles which I dislike. Two of them are the missing panel-free view ('w' key under FS/P3D) and the washed-out image under VR using the Reverb1/2.


Kind regards, MIchael  

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Personally for me who strives for the most realism, the scenery as Michael says is the biggest draw, when we can couple this with the high fidelity aircraft, GSX and the various FS2Crew modules, I would say it'll be by far the most realism I've had since starting on FS2002.


I don't have any massive dislikes, just 'improvements', for one the weather system has been slightly iffy this weekend, so either it needs to be made 'perfect' all the time or the engine opened to 3rd party devs. Also I like to see old FSX features added back like tower/fly-by views, and also they need an option so the logbook stops popping up at the end of a flight

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