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Enjoy your youth

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Some of you may have noticed I haven't been around that much of late - one of the problems of getting old and having health issue's. But every day I wake up, it's a good day. :D

I have no complaints when I am able to get my bum into chair and crank up my sim. A couple of weeks ago I received a wake up call in the middle of the night, my wife holding her head and screaming in pain. To cut a long story short, she has been diagnosed with "Trigeminal Neuralgia" which is a slightly enlarged blood vessel in her brain pushing on a nerve hence major pain. At the moment she is having pain management (lots of pills), blood thinning etc, and getting along a lot better. Hopefully the end result is NO surgery, which is drilling a hole in her head and inserting a pad between the blood vessel and the nerve. Apparently this is quite a common thing amongst us over sixty's. Anyway I thank God, I haven't experienced anything like this, and hope I never will. We have spent a lot of time in doctor's surgeries and hospitals so simming was the last thing on my mind. 

Point to this story is, guys and gals, enjoy life enjoy your youth, you never know what tomorrow will bring. I watched my wife become a basket case overnight, it can happen so fast. But thank God, she is on the mend now, and the medics think she'll have a 95% recovery, hopefully without the surgery.  


Don Aussieflyer     

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"Enjoy your youth".  I second that motion.  In my case, at 53 years of age, I am living with my two elderly parents.  My 81 year old father had some issues with cancer a few years back. He got rid of it, but due some earlier health issues he had, the chemotherapy caused some additional health complications which have now majorly affected his mobility, amongst a range of other health-related things. Never having been married (ie, I am single), it made sense that I should move back in and help my mother to provide the full time care my father needs.  But, at 80 herself, my mother struggles on some days too, leaving me with little time to scratch my own face, let alone do any flight simming.  When you do get that time, you grab it as quickly as you can and make the most of it.  Who'd have guessed in my younger days (in my youth) that this would be how things would turn out for me?  So, yes, enjoy your youth whilst you can because, as you've said, you never know what tomorrow will bring.


I also wish you and your wife the best.

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Hi Don

I'm sorry to read about your wife but relieved by knowing doctors give a 95% hope to avoid the surgery

I'm 52 and have never had any pains... but I know I'm getting old and I'm single, live alone and that sometimes puts me to think specially now in these times. I was unemployed for almost a year, this month I survived thanks to my bros and sis but they got their own families and issues. But it does make me think in when I get older.

So your message is good, we have to enjoy life before the body tells you I'm tired.


Blessings  to both of you!


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All the best to you both mate - I'm heading towards 80 this year and lost my wife 20 months ago to the big C - enjoy each others company as much as you can and soldier on with the infirmities that natural progression throws at you!

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Thank you everybody for your good wishes, we really appreciate your support. Too early to tell what the end result will be, but the doctors and surgeons said she is responding well to treatment, showing a definite improvement. So things are looking a lot better, but don't ant to, as they say.........count my chickens......

This the second drama in our family in a month, my sister (she's 90) had to have a "balloon" inserted into an artery supplying blood to her heart three weeks ago. But she's up and about and giving cheek again, thankfully. My  wife's problem coming on top of that really took it's toll on us, but we have stayed positive and looking to a bright future.



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59 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Thank you everybody for your good wishes, we really appreciate your support. Too early to tell what the end result will be, but the doctors and surgeons said she is responding well to treatment, showing a definite improvement. So things are looking a lot better, but don't ant to, as they say.........count my chickens......

This the second drama in our family in a month, my sister (she's 90) had to have a "balloon" inserted into an artery supplying blood to her heart three weeks ago. But she's up and about and giving cheek again, thankfully. My  wife's problem coming on top of that really took it's toll on us, but we have stayed positive and looking to a bright future.



Doctors and surgeons are amazing people. These days there is nothing 

they can't treat within reason. 6 years ago I had a kidney and pancreas transplant

after 35yrs of type 1 diabetes. I am now 53. and doing very well {touch wood}. As I say, stay positive,

it's not always as bad as it seems at the beginning, but I wish you both all the best.:)




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/17/2021 at 7:49 PM, gumbypickett said:

Doctors and surgeons are amazing people. These days there is nothing 

they can't treat within reason. 6 years ago I had a kidney and pancreas transplant

after 35yrs of type 1 diabetes. I am now 53. and doing very well {touch wood}. As I say, stay positive,

it's not always as bad as it seems at the beginning, but I wish you both all the best.:)




Thanks mate, appreciate it.

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Hi guys,

It's ben a bit of a journey as you would well appreciate, and still going, but the good news is, definitely  no surgery, she has responded well to treatment - pain management, she is back to having severe headaches, which with her meds are controllable and will get better with time. Couple of pills, a good stiff neat JD and a good lie down - actually after that she falls down.:lol:.

Picture a woman being dragged across the floor by the ankles by me LOL. Sorry I have to make the situation a bit light after what we have been through. 

So looking really good now. Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts and comments, it really means a lot. 



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On 3/30/2021 at 2:45 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Glad to hear a bit of good news, Don. It's a tough row to hoe, but you've got us friends at your side.



 Thanks Rodger. I know you guys are on the other side of the world, but it's nice to know we have your support.

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:56 AM, Stillwater said:

Glad to here about the improvements Don. Take our best wishes for a good and consistent therapy, and share these wishes with the one you have to obey to.


Yep we're heading in the right direction now Gerold, and as I said to Rodger, it's nice to know we have the support of you guys, no matter how far away you are.  

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