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Port - signs of decanting


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15 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

That's interesting as well...I never heard of Kendell but just found out that this former Australian Airline Company ceased operations in 2001. Thanks for the info.....

Thanks Fred, I flew with them many times but mostly on their Metros.


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5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

These are some very good shots Martyn!  I love all the ground detail, they look almost like what Adam posts which are always fantastic.

Thanks for the compliment Jack, not even 4am and things are going well today.:o

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3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Nice variety of arrival shots at Port McQuarie Martyn :) I spent so many early Orbx hours at that aiport...ah, the memories :) 

Thanks Landon, one of these airports that I have seldom visited and thought it was time to have a closer look.:rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great shots Martyn, I like the ground shots of the airport!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you John, I am too many times guilty of not having a closer look at all of the work that goes into these sceneries.:P

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2 hours ago, olderndirt said:

"Decanting" - such an elegant word.  These days I'm often reduced to a threaded cork.

It is much easier to get at the contents of the bottle these days.:o

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On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 6:06 AM, Stillwater said:

Fantastic light & detail in these shots, Martyn. Like yesterday!

Many thanks Gerold and like today too, well it has been a beautiful day in the GV.:huh:

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On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 12:58 PM, adambar said:

Very nicely done once again Martyn! :)  Myself,  I like taking ground shots about as much as flying for some strange reason. :rollmyeyes:

Cheers Adam and the ground shots are so enjoyable as the scenery is so well done.:)

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 7:43 AM, Aussie123 said:

Ahhh, Good old Kendell... A friendly airline. Looks at home in those shots.

It's a nice repaint. Good to see the old Ansett tail on an aircraft. (Now generally only seen on their Training facility http://www.ansettsimulators.com/ ) 

Great sequence of shots.

Thanks for commenting and we are very lucky to be able to bring old liveries and planes back to life again in our wonderful pastime.

Not that the SF340 is an extinct plane in the skies and hopefully will be around for a few years to come.

Many thanks for the link, I didn't realise that the name was still in existance as far as aviation was concerned..

Who knows maybe one day they could start an airline!:huh:

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