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By popular request

Jack Sawyer

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Right, you guys asked for it and I did it, took a while but it can be done.  :P


Here I am just floating along, maybe do some fishing.



Yup, the fishing (and beer) is just fine.



Advance the throttle, but WAIT, what's this???



How did I get up so high?  Now what am I gonna do?



Give it the gas and try to...



A little more....








Now to "land"




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36 minutes ago, lifejogger said:

Well now that is different, I hope you didn't spill any beer while doing that loop.

Thanks John, not a drop, I finished it all before the boat got airborne. ;)

28 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Well with a sense of exclamation I can say Holy mackerel!

Thanks Erik! :lol:

20 minutes ago, gregmorin said:

Thanks Jack. I needed that chuckle!



Thanks Greg!  Someone, I forgot who asked me to do this.  :lol:

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1 hour ago, BradB said:

Brings new meaning to the "Three Hour Cruise" that is for sure . :rolleyes::o;):D:lol:





Thanks John!  :lol:. Gilligan would be proud.

1 hour ago, Wakashi said:

Signature moves "yellow & inverted", gotta love it!  Cool ones Jack! :D 

Thanks Roger!  :lol:. I can't help me self sometimes!

57 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

This must be the only boat with parachutes and not life jackets.

:lol: Thanks Martyn!

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9 hours ago, adambar said:

What the, not quite sure what to say Jack! :D

Thanks Adam, it's ok, it was a challenge someone here threw down and I couldn't refuse. :lol:

5 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Fantastic Jack what will you do next I have seen it all now a yellow inverted boat I can tell you that I will not be going fishing with

you my friend regards stewart

Thanks Stewart.  Hard to top this ain't it?  And don't worry, if we ever went fishing we'd never go inverted unless we got hit by a rogue wave.

5 hours ago, paulb said:

LOL! Jack. Now that is different! :lol:

Thanks Paul! :lol:

3 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Nice one, Jack! Is that Eglin? As if the locals didn't have enough to worry about with all my flying saucers and stuff using that as my own personal Area 51 . . .

Thanks Andy!  Yep, Eglin, the default Andy Area 51 :lol:

2 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Obviously your medication drugs are better than my drugs:)


I don't take any TTM, maybe I need to?  Just all in good fun, sometimes it's good to make people laugh in this depressing world.

1 hour ago, PNW User said:

Just like that movie, 'something in Seattle, lol...


"I'll have what HE'S having...."....must be some awesome beer!!!!!


A fun posting :)



Never saw that movies PNW but I catch you're meaning! :lol:

1 hour ago, Ken Hall said:

Swordfish maybe 

Never had swordfish, heard t's very good eating Ken.  

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10 hours ago, Sammy H said:

I blamed the recent winds for the fish I found on the roof of my house.....nope.....it was crazy Jack up to his old tricks again :)

Thanks Sammy! :lol:

9 hours ago, mikewies said:

Needless to say... the boat was painted "YELLOW"! Nice job Jack!

Thanks Mike!  It has to be a yellow, it's a law!  :lol:

9 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Yellow, inverted... and really great looking screenshots (good sim setting, mate!). The only thing missing is under-the-bridge, but I´d think this could be done with this "bird".

:lol:  Much appreciated Gerold!  You have no idea ow difficult this was to do, it took me half an hour.  Next time I sal this boat it will be a normal cruise.  :D

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