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With immediate effect ..

Jay Kae

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Probably about time you had some time for yourself and yours....thanks for your unselfish and timeless conbtribution to the hobby....all the best for your future endeavours mate. You will be sorely missed. Cheerio. Dan

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Hi Jay, i am very sorry to hear that and you know how much i feel for Ozx and all that you made for me in the past. It's not an easy moment and not knowing the personal reasons, better i stay in silence. I hope anyway that you stay up, for me you have always been a legend, as well as John is, always used to see you both working in plain collabroation, it's difficult to accept, i know that things change but i prefer to remember the best moments because these always remain written. I also hope all the best for your future work, and it's not a sentence of circumstance.



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It is going to seem different around here, Jay, without you, but I am not sure I am gong to say it is a sad day.  I am hoping that this is the start of big things for you.  And maybe even big things for us, if you have something in offing, by chance, in the flight sim community. 


We all grow, and we thank you for all you've done around here behind the scenes, but it never stops the rest of us from missing those that move on.  Best wishes.


And check in here from time to time, don't be a stranger!


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See ya Jay Kae.  You've always been there and now you won't, you'll leave a big hole in our lives.


I doubt many people realise the full extent of your contribution to the community.


If ever you need to ask for any sort of assistance don't hesitate.





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I wish you the very best for the future. You have been a mainstay of the flight sim community here at Orbx for so many years it is hard to imagine life without you.  

Good luck in your future  indevours wherever they may take you.


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... sad news indeed, however and more important:

All the very, very best to You Jay!

Thank You very much for all the great things and support You have done and provided here (and elsewhere) for us flightsimmers.

And ... hope to see You around from time to time here!


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Thank you all for your kind words, Orbx has outgrown me and I for one always know when it is time to move on. It has been an amazing 12 years that is for sure and of course OZx will continue as per usual. Nothing changes there. 


It has been a privilege to see the company grow but with new things on the horizon a full time administrator is necessary and I am not the man for it. The mask stays as I will not disappear :) I will still be around on OZx.


Whomever takes on the new administrator role, please, remember one thing, there are humans on the other side of that screen, don't act rash or without thought, use the ban hammer as little as possible but be stern when you have to but above all, be kind, be respectful and people will respect you back and in turn behave as they should.


To be an administrator you have the ultimate power to do what you want but to wield that power properly, you don't use it at all. Let your actions speak for you, let your understanding and help benefit your members and you will reap what you sow. Whenever you make a decision think how you would feel if you were on the other end of that particular decision and if you think you can deal with the decision go ahead but if you can't, then the decision is flawed and other action needs to be taken.


Am I here to tell you how to suck eggs ? Most certainly, I have been an admin for various sites for 20 years so I think I have a right to do so. 


Farewell my friends, may Orbx soar due to it's tight member base and client base. 

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1 hour ago, Jay Kae said:

Whomever takes on the new administrator role, please, remember one thing, there are humans on the other side of that screen, don't act rash or without thought, use the ban hammer as little as possible but be stern when you have to but above all, be kind, be respectful and people will respect you back and in turn behave as they should.


Well said batman, farewell, leave the computer and go play outside. Life can be short



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Your words are definitely valuable lessons for me Jay ;) With few words you are able to say everything, i love this. Too often in the digital era, when you write in a forum (or you don't write at all), there is the serious risk to be misunderstood, and here is that your actions speak for you. It's a deep concept that rarely i've read in a forum, also this makes you special.



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