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The "other" famous valley


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... sure you all are aware of this stunning freeware of Antonio, Maurizio and Holger. Entering the playfield from Las Vegas over Amorosa Valley:











Zabriskie Point:



Heading down the valley ...



... to Trona (AEC needs to be disabled here):





Following Hwy 395 N ...



... via Red Hill Cinder Cone, ...



... and Owens Lake ...





... to an intermediate landing in Lone Pine. Though it is "only" Summer season in the valley (would there be any snow at all?), it looks impressive. Artwork, again.

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Fantastic shots of the "other" valley! Thanks for posting.


Thank you for commenting, Kasi!


The best shots of the Death Valley ever seen here :) At a first look the Valley seems empty, but it's not.... it contains the autogen on every little towns, also the adaptation of the airports took a quite time.


What a compliment! In fact I did land at Trona (but with AEC enabled, so the shots are ugly), and explored the valley with the trains and the city details. It is a great pleasure to see such a level of detail, thank you for the passion!


Big world, so little time to explore. Thanks for posting! :)


It took me two days for the first orienting Valley tour. Plus a lot of Google Earth research...


Fantastic shots these I fly around here quite a lot myself.




I now can understand you spending some time there. Especially with this light & shadows...


Beautiful scenery and livery


Thanks, Francois!


Thanks for posting. I will now install that scenery.



I would say it is the purpose of this forum to give these suggestions to other pilots. Enjoy!

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This FlightSim is becoming an ongoing geography lesson for all.  You guys from Europe, Oceania and elsewhere are showing us North Americans things we may have known existed but had never gave more than an idle glance.  Now we're venturing into your neck of the woods and it's all adding to the big picture called Global which, when viewed from outer space, is basically what we are.

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Wow - Top shots Gerold !! .




Marvelous shots of Death Valley Gerold!! :smile:


Looks amazing!


Thank you, mates - it is just the use of a magical scenery...  8)


Great set Gerold.

I am used to seeing winter shots from NA of late but this looks very hot.


Two factors may contribute here: a) it usually IS very hot in this area, 8) the photoscenery is limited to Summer textures...


This FlightSim is becoming an ongoing geography lesson for all.  You guys from Europe, Oceania and elsewhere are showing us North Americans things we may have known existed but had never gave more than an idle glance.  Now we're venturing into your neck of the woods and it's all adding to the big picture called Global which, when viewed from outer space, is basically what we are.


The enrichment of global knowledge is very true to all of us. In fact I have seen places in this forum I have not considered before but would like to visit someday. Perhaps the commercial airlines should do some sponsoring to us... ::)

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Two factors may contribute here: a) it usually IS very hot in this area, 8) the photoscenery is limited to Summer textures...




Did you know that Furnace Creek (don't know why they gave it this name ??? ) holds the record for the highest reliably recorded temperature on the planet. 56.7c/134f. Not an area to get lost in without plenty of water.

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The splendid shot Stillwater,
it is good to see that scenario did 5 years ago
still like it as well as the Grand Canyon 2 jobs done only with passion
din and desire to learn and the great thing is that they work perfectly well on Lockheed Martin Prepar3D ..... was one of the first of my works with Photoreal.

Antonio C.

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THis looks awesome...where does oen get this?


No i'm not aware! Where to get? Thanks




Rob is right, the scenery is on AussieX. A must have for every simmer!


I made a video long time ago to test my new ATI 4870x2 crossfire..... now burnt and not existing anymore ;) Don't know why but Furnace Creek inspired me a lot as nice place in the nowhere



What a pity you lost the ATI card... but perhaps the successor does his job also  8) ...




The splendid shot Stillwater,

it is good to see that scenario did 5 years ago

still like it as well as the Grand Canyon 2 jobs done only with passion

din and desire to learn and the great thing is that they work perfectly well on Lockheed Martin Prepar3D ..... was one of the first of my works with Photoreal.

Antonio C.


Thanks Antonio, for the scenery (and the honour to comment here). We all can feel the passion that was put into this fantastic freeware.

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