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can Release Announcements thread be locked?


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It seems it's just used mostly for support and "thank you devs" responses.  I think it's much more useful to just see the releases sorted in a nice chronological order when they were posted by the devs.  Allowing replies just throws the order off, and really don't have anything to do with the actual release notice.  People already have good sub-forums for support, and thank-you's can be said here on this General forum.



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As they're persistently abused by cretins., this must either result in a lock, of barring of the cretin.


I don't know why a release topic is not locked immediately after release..?


If you will persist, please explain the logic. 

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Totally agree with you dbrum.

If I am off line for a while and want to check on updates I find they are all over the 'map' in Release Announcements (we don't all check every day :) because the 'thank you' posts bump older posts up etc. I find I then have to check a whole bunch of announcements to see if I have missed anything.

Chronological set order would be so much better and maybe lock the announcement when announced?



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I am one of those that would have preferred to keep them open, but now my thinking is changing - we can all create our thank you threads in another section to express our appreciation. That would simply a matter of getting used to doing that.

Is there a valid argument for not locking them? If not then there is probably not much debate that needs to take place on this issue.

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The point of release announcements is obvious and an amazing place for devs to get some kudos, users are not to put support requests in there but it still happens, however, I do not see how it throws the order out at all, the first post still shows at the top and if you wish you can read the rest. I never do read anything more in those threads than just the announcement itself. 


And guys, like Alex said, stop with the animosity please

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After working away for months in a dark room ignoring your family/chores/life, then finally releasing a product.... its reading the release threads user comments and looking at the amazing screenshots that makes it all worth it, without that its nothing.


And yes, quit the shitty attitude towards others, enough is enough

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Why not accept that any new release, including an update or revision, gets its own thread. Thus all will know when there is such a new release or update. All that is required is that the thread title is specific enough to identify what it is claerly and precisely. This should satisfy all needs.

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Jay and Tim,

Excellent points. You have no idea how much your work is appreciated. The idea of restructuring the Release Announcements should in no way make you think your customers do not appreciate your incredible work.

It would be wonderful to sit you down, buy you a pitcher of beer, and tell you face to face how you have brought our hobby to such a high standard. Unfortunately we cannot be there to do that but please do not think your work is under appreciated.

In my many decades of professional life I have never seen such dedication and commitment to quality for the benefit of others.

Thank you,


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Appreciation is shown by the number of copies sold.


Partly. But it's clear to me that none of these guys do it for the money alone. A couple hundred bucks in your bank account doesn't make up for countless sleepless nights, a family that misses you, and the intense creative energy required to complete these projects.

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Jay and Tim,

Excellent points. You have no idea how much your work is appreciated. The idea of restructuring the Release Announcements should in no way make you think your customers do not appreciate your incredible work.

It would be wonderful to sit you down, buy you a pitcher of beer, and tell you face to face how you have brought our hobby to such a high standard. Unfortunately we cannot be there to do that but please do not think your work is under appreciated.

In my many decades of professional life I have never seen such dedication and commitment to quality for the benefit of others.

Thank you,




I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment, even though I would prefer an announcement thread to be just that.

There are plenty of other places to thank the devs, and I have done so several times for the fantastic work they have done.

...and if any of you guys are over in my neck of the woods I'd be more than happy to catch up and buy that beer.


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Personally I disagree, if it weren't for the replies by you guys on the preview threads, I wouldn't even bother posting any up, as for release announcements it's nice if customers do give their thanks, as stated above if it were only money involved we'd all be doing something else, so it's satisfying to see others appreciation of your work. The people that post up support to the release threads are a minor problem and shouldn't ruin it for everyone :)

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Clicking "Start Date" is fine except that the next time you access the forum it has reverted back to "Recently Updated" so your back to square one.  "Deja vu all over again!"

It would be fine if I could find this - but I can't so too bad.

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I see it now. Thanks. I don't go into individual forums. I use the setting to show me what has been updated since I last visited.

Just click here chumley:

It's on every forum topic list page, it's no bother, it doesn't take long and doesn't even wear out my mouse click finger...



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Yep, I got used to that too. Just clicking sort by start date in the preview and release forums. If thank yous we're to be restricted to the general forum It might get flooded by individual thank you posts that would push other threads down. I'm very happy with the way things are ^-^

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Clicking "Start Date" is fine except that the next time you access the forum it has reverted back to "Recently Updated" so your back to square one.  "Deja vu all over again!"


Is just pressing a button going back to square one? It's not like you have to follow 5 steps to sort the threads by the date of post.

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Is just pressing a button going back to square one? It's not like you have to follow 5 steps to sort the threads by the date of post.

You might be onto something there.

So we have learned that developers quite like the threads open, and it's not really that much of an inconvenience.

Certainly no more than a screenshot thread that gets a post of approval.

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My shortcut to ORBX takes me to the Latest News. There is the latest update(s) and I do not have to do anything to see them. One more click and I am in the forums and start my trek with General.


I like organized bervity and that is why I have avoided the announcements forum. My preference is a clean listing with only supplementary comments by ORBX. As it is now if I look  at that forum I see lots of messages and MAYBE somewhere in the clutter ther is a gem of knowledge. I'll stick with starting with Latest News.

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Ok... happy to go with the consensus. Interesting feedback from the devs. We certainly do not want to deny them their kudos as we all know how hard they work and how much they give back to us with our chosen hobby. If these threads help them keep doing good work, then I'm happy to sway to the majority on that... after all, I benefit greatly from their efforts too and very thankful I am for that.

Perhaps the mods can help keep things in the release announcements a) on topic, and B) control (remove? move?) support posts.

Good discussion guys: exactly what these forums are about :)

Blue skies and tailwinds...

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