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Made redundant.. again

Jay Kae

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Yeah so this time, it looks like it is for real, all operations of my department have stopped as per immediately, we got called for a meeting, 5 minutes later I was packing my stuff up.. again and I am out of a job.


Very disappointed and hurt at the moment so I am just having a little vent

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That's so awful to hear of this news. Feel for you man at this terrible time for you.


You are surrounded by a host of loyal supporters here in these forums and will gladly give you all the support you need.


Sincere wishes to you



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Wow, Jay. I thought this was one of those posts where you open it up and they're talking about something else.


Mate, that is devastating. It's a kick in the guts, thas for sure.


Hang in there and you'll be Ok. There will always be a need for professional IT people, Jay and from what I've seen, mate, you are really one of those!


Good luck,




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Jay Kae, this is very, very sad news!

I am really wishing You all the strength needed now!

It is really abhorrent how people are being just kicked out from their jobs for whatever reason within a few minutes nowadays.


All my best wishes as well to You Jay!

And as John has pointed out above:

You have a lot of loyal supporters here!


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Hey Jay, I'm really sorry for you mate. That sucks. The only thing I will say, having been there myself, is that the old adage of 'when one door closes another opens' is very true. Good luck and keep us all posted, cheers.

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jay this is sad news for me to hear! being a top bloke as you are,and always willing to help others im sure some lucky employer will be blessed too have you on board,i wish you the best of luck mate!keep your chin up :)

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Thank you all for the very kind words, I was not after compliments or anything, I just needed to vent so to read all your heartwarming comments is actually making me feel a lot better than I was before :)

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To be honest, I am not even frustrated for myself, it is all the people for whom I was the direct manager and I feel responsible for all those families, they are sitting at home right now around the dinner table wondering what the hell they are going to do, my heart is broken for them. I did not see it coming, I would have warned them well before time. I got told the same time as they did and it was heartbreaking, one of my people's husband was made redundant the week before at his work and I had just given her extra hours to compensate and now.. it is over. 


No matter what happens, I will not go back to this company purely from a moral point of view.

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This is disgraceful.  There are ways and ways to do something like this,  I acknowledge ompanies sometimes have to do it, but in this case they must have seen it coming some time ago so why couldn't they have given some warning and eased it in slowly?  That would have at least given the people a chance to look and find alternative employment.   Don't they realise there's a difference between a company hitting hard times and human beings losing their income to live on?


As I say.  I'm digusted!



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Hey Jay, I'm really sorry for you mate. That sucks. The only thing I will say, having been there myself, is that the old adage of 'when one door closes another opens' is very true. Good luck and keep us all posted, cheers.



Very sad news indeed for all involved. There will be lots of stress and tough times ahead for sure for those without work and income, but I do fervently subscribe to the old adage quoted by Rockliffe. In retrospect, all of the hard times for me have turned into new adventures and experiences that were good. It is the transition period that really sucks! Strength and good luck to all! 

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Wow, Jay. I thought this was one of those posts where you open it up and they're talking about something else.


Mate, that is devastating. It's a kick in the guts, thas for sure.


Hang in there and you'll be Ok. There will always be a need for professional IT people, Jay and from what I've seen, mate, you are really one of those!


Good luck,





I agree with this.  IT guys are like accountants, everybody needs at least one -- and most need a lot more than that.  You will land on your feet faster than most, I would say. 


This may well be a blessing in disguise.  It just is a bit scary, and nobody envies you for that, but this is your chance to find something better.

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Jeez, Jay Kay,


That's really terrible news.


How can companies treat people like this. There should be a government mandate for a minimum time between a notification and actually being terminated.


My sympathy to you and your fellow employees, especially the couple you mentioned. Keep your chin up and I wish you the best of luck in finding new employment. And soon.




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Personally , I quite enjoy redundencies !  A  spontaneous holiday always goes down well with me . Usually they are quite financial too .  I've had the honour two or three times .


The problem lies with the people that are not flexible or open minded . They are the ones I feel sorry for . I hear guys saying ( at being made redundant ) I'm 50 yrs old and finished . Its not that way at all if you don't want it to be like that.


Sorry to hear it mate . It is a very emotional time . As said , you'll sail through this   :) ....and the others will get it sorted.

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;D Err, Loren....Unfortunately, the Aussies don't seem able to do that any more though do they?! ;)


I think I'll duck now. :footmouth:



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Bad news Jay, I'm very sorry.

Both my son and myself were made redundant over the last year or so and it really is a kick in the teeth.


Companies expect loyalty from employees but it seems loyalty is only one-way sometimes.


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Stay positive Jay.


I'm in IT and was let go in 2008 (the whole department was, at a huge multinational company). Took a while but I found another big company, a good job albeit at a lower pay, but then it was different pre-2008 crisis (USA and I would assume most everywhere).


Keep cool, take some rest time, make a budget, keep up with technology and you will be up and running again soon. It is easier now in IT (at least here) as the economy is better and companies are hiring. Much easier than it was in 2008.

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Mates look after each other. This morning Orbx awarded Jay a contract to upgrade our backend infrastructure. It's the least I can do after Jay has worked tirelessly for eight years as my server guy without being paid anywhere near commercial rates, far from it.

Guys as skilled as Jay are never off the market for long; it's his former employer's loss and someone else's gain.

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