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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#187)(April 3)

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Hi all. Most of us put plenty of money into commercially developed simware. I've long been a fan of Orbx product$ and have all the Global and regional offering$ plus many small airport$. I have account$ with aircraft $im companie$ that have filled my library with Ce$$na, Piper, Pilatu$, and vintage plane$. Thank goodness I have a supportive wife!  In addition to payware, many of us make good use of freeware, too. Back before MSFS, hobbyists developed an amazing range of freeware planes, and I think I've tried them all. Wow! And still today, I frequent my favorite freeware sites to see what's new. Love me my freeware! And that leads to this week's topic.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What's your proportion of payware to freeware flight sim downloads?

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P3D scenery: I rarely used freeware scenery, with one BIG exception: OZx. What a glorious time this was.

P3D planes: No freeware for me, except Manfred Jahn´s DC-3.

That drives the pay / freeware relation in that sim to approx. 90/10.


MSFS scenery: I find the default mostly good enough (we are flying, not walking!), only for places I currently visit in real I may spend money. And then there is flightsim.to...

MSFS planes: Not enough interesting ones on the market, so I have only bought a few.

Makes a pay- / freeware relation of approx. 10/90.


Maybe this is the reason why JV (and so many famous Orbx designers) left the scene?

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All of my scenery is p3d Orbx and all of my aircraft 

are freeware. When I was flying fsx it was a 

50/50 of purchased aircraft and freeware. Fsx had a 

great collection of freeware aircraft sadly hard to

come by now in p3d.



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2 hours ago, gumbypickett said:

All of my scenery is p3d Orbx and all of my aircraft 

are freeware. When I was flying fsx it was a 

50/50 of purchased aircraft and freeware. Fsx had a 

great collection of freeware aircraft sadly hard to

come by now in p3d.



 Gumby, I have discovered that quite a few of the FSX freeware planes do work in P3D4. I was able to transfer all but just a few on over. Unfortunately, the few that wouldn't make the leap were among my favorites, but there you go. At least I got most.

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14 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

 Gumby, I have discovered that quite a few of the FSX freeware planes do work in P3D4. I was able to transfer all but just a few on over. Unfortunately, the few that wouldn't make the leap were among my favorites, but there you go. At least I got most.

Glad a lot worked for you Rodger, I have p3dv5 weather that

would make a difference I'm not sure. I may have to do 

a little trial and error, fsx certainly had some of my favourites.

Thanks for the update.👍



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I suppose if I was to stock take my Hangars - I would find 90% pay ware inc. default -and a few vintage FW aircraft

but when it comes to using them - I only use pay ware - and only about 25% of what I have bought over the years of MSFS.


When I use P3D or XP11 - which is very rare - I only use pay ware- because that's the reason I would use those sims 

i.e. aircraft I can't get in MSFS. but would repurchase them if someone would offer them for sale e.g mainly Piper singles and twins

and an F50 Dassault.

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I pretty much stopped at P3Dv3 for the reason of using Manfred's C-47, Milton's Howard 500, and MAAM's B-25.  I populated all of the West Coast with Orbx.

It was fun developing goodness in some of those models!  Now just a dusty memory.

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Back in the "olden" days of FSX and earlier I had and used a collection of freeware scenery and planes.  But since I moved to P3Dv5 I don't use any.  I have a couple of payware airplanes, but fly the stock Mooney "Bravo" almost exclusively.  Nearly all of my scenery is Orbx, with a few other payware airports that Orbx doesn't offer.



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 was a user of Manfred's C47 back in the day, was an incredible piece of work....recently thanks to @andiflyit I downloaded Headwinds free A330, also the LVFR A318 mod, however I don't really use any other freeware now, I got stung with some stuff way back in early p3d days that wasn't good and turned me away from freeware, in MSFS I had a few things that kept causing CTD because they were not updated so now the only free stuff I use it what's recommended on places like this forum....probably p3d 100% payware MSFS 90/10% payware/freeware...

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Always had mostly payware since they started making them, I just enjoy the realism as opposed to freeware. I know there some payware stuff that should be freeware and I don't purchase them unless they are are a model you rarely see.

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Since MSFS2020 my hanger is predominantly freeware as I am not at all proficient or time rich to operate payware/study level planes. It was a celebration when I started the FBW A320 engines without crlt e! !!

Looking at my sceneries that is a different story, many many freebies from flightsim.to but the majority are payware. I think the fact that the scenery developers I support are individuals like Ken, Marcus and Co make it more appealing - I'm hoping they get a good financial reward. Mr Marshall are you reading this?? Come back mate!


Graeme :)

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On 4/6/2024 at 11:30 AM, boetie said:

Mr Marshall are you reading this??

Absolutely Graeme, I don't know what he is doing at all...I think his adventure with Aerofly did not amuse him at the end. 

IPACS did not really adapt the sim fast enough to what was needed. 


So one of the reasons why I still have a big installation of P3d4.5 is that it can run really everything which is native FSX according to the SDK. 

And this is true for a lot of fantastic freeware. I also have great freeware for Xplane and also a lot now for MSFS, the free HPG helis H125/135 are 

a fantastic example or FBW and Headwind airbus.

On 4/5/2024 at 8:21 AM, wain71 said:

 I downloaded Headwinds free A330


What I found is that mainly for MSFS the quality of the freeware is improving, I am quite astonished. On the other side I have a lot Carenado planes

and other like the FlightFactor or JarDesign jets and I have the entire Orbx Global and region sceneries and a lot of the hd airports but by far not all. 


I would say at the end I have a lot of both payware and freeware because nearly everything I ever installed and did work is installed today in all my sims.

But it's even more freeware I think, let's say 60/40 %.




Edited by andiflyit
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