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John Heaton

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About John Heaton

  • Birthday 09/19/1935

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  • Location:
    Gold Coast - Queensland - Australia
  • Interests:
    simulations - Painting -

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  1. Yeah - there's a few - the airport is the old Nicosia shot up in 74 by the Turks - and in 76 I saw there was an old abandoned Cyprus Airways 720 there grounded by damage during the Turkish invasion of the North. Whoops - I should have said a British Trident - not much difference see The "bufferzone" is a no-mans land between the Turkish and Greek population - put there by the U.N. and manned by U.N. troops A sad story all round - when we were there - Enosis wanted Union with Greece and were killing Brits to get it - eventually - peace was declared and Cyprus was shared by both Greeks and Turks - until the Grek Army moved in - in 72 and the Turks invaded in 74 to protect the Turkish minority and the Island was divided and still is - unfortunately
  2. Good movie made at the time - Richard Attenborough in Guns at Batasi
  3. after 50 years of separation - one would hope - and maybe it is the result of at least 2 generation changes
  4. Mate - What years were this - I presume you were too young at the time of the Mau Mau conflict
  5. Yes - with my favourite drink container - a Chatti - and - the result of army training and playing Rugby
  6. the result of the sergeant major - shouting --- "Get some plants on parade "
  7. In my case - the answer is my service in Cyprus - preceded by basic trading in Catterick - Yorkshire - 4 weeks of intense pain to my body then a further 8 weeks of - so called - trade training as draughtsman in the Royal Signals. It seems that as an engineering draughtsman in civvy street - I was suitable to be retrained in the army in producing Electronic circuit diagrams😁 - Following this - the remainder of my service was in the same job in Cyprus - following the Suez crisis in which my regiment was evacuated from the debacle in Egypt and sent to Episkopi in Cyprus - something I related in my small addition to the forum Yesterday. Cyprus for all its terrorist related experiences of the island - showed this bloke what life was like elsewhere than my England The conflict of EokA - union with Greece was a pain - due to many - many Guard and escort duties - of which the latter gave many opportunities to travel around this beautiful island with a massive history. At one time - a ceasefire was gained at which time we could move around with freedom -unincumbered with weapons - and allowed us to Ski in winter on Olympus I have to admit though - that this experience over 2 years was the making of me and carried on the discipline hammered into me as a Boy Scout - and which I think is a sort of upbringing missing in the youth of today As a civilian - I have been back to Cyprus on 6 occasions - as a tourist - using it as a stoppover on trips to the UK - and I wish I could go back there again - but I am sorry to see that trouble has prevailed consistently since I first left there in 1958 - and the Island is still partitioned between the Turks and the Greeks - which simply carries on the same struggles back in the middle 50's
  8. Adam's contribution of his life and accommodation in the US Navy - and other ships - prompted me to remind myself of the title above and to share with you something similiar - Wayne might have something on the same subject I did most of my National Service in Cyprus at the time of Suez and Eoka terrorism - where billets where hardly known due to the rapid deployment of troops - and what was temporary - became permanent as far as I was concerned and here are some pics of my domicile The first was my first Cyprus home in Nicosia after a 17 hour flight in a DC 4 Our Royal Signals area in the camp was lines of tents thrown up supposedly as a temporary accommodation until brick billets could be built My drawing office was an old signals wagon last used in Egypt and in which I shared with another draughtsman in which I spent most of my service doing signs and posters - nothing to do with my so-called basic training - in drawing circuits - that is - when not on countless guard and escort duties. The most important part was my wonderful bed and all the fresh air - and my mossie/fly net T.G. for the letters from home and the goon show on the radio on Sunday morning just before lunch in the Marquee
  9. I'm sure that I've read this problem before - when Orbx brought out the new UK region series - ie a clash of sceneries The answer at that time - I think - was just what I think you said above - seek out the relevant scenery you find objectional and remove it from the North file Although - just checking the 2 items you mentioned which are in the Orbx North files - I would need someone more knowledgeable than myself to advise just how and what to remove from the file - NICK maybe From what I read - most of the changes in MS are in Ireland anyway But - then again - just remove the Orbx file from the community and enjoy the new scenery whatever it is - and its only for another 4 months - and my thought is - its probably been done by Orbx for MS anyway
  10. Happy Birthday Orbx - seems like yesterday that I bought my first coloured region
  11. Just what Nick said - but in my case - the addon linker he mentions is way ahead of my old brain and I find it complicated I have a separate community in aircraft and scenery categories and just slide them across into the sim when I need them Since I only have aircraft from Marketplace - I don't worry about deleting them - none are too complicated to worry about changes
  12. Well ! - it isnt Australia - or UK - or Japan - because the cars are on the wrong side of the road Looks Scandanavian?
  13. You = I dont have any that are Orbx based -I dont think
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