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W2DR last won the day on April 23

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  1. But never forget...If it's a Boeing, I ain't going.
  2. I sent this over to our "travel buddies". They're afraid to even drive the Amalfi Coast.
  3. I normally don't repost things from The Other Site. But this one is just too good to pass up. After Flight UA-1001 lost a wheel on takeoff at LAX, Charliearon posted this: You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel With four old bald tires, you were such a good deal I've had some clunkers, some really bad junkers But you were just a great steal You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel
  4. I don't have any and I don't want any. I'll never understand why anybody wants one. If God wanted us to have tattoos we'd have been born with them. I wonder how the good-looking babes are going to feel about the ones they have when they're 80-years old.
  5. Thanks Adam. It was 61 years ago that I first heard PP&M. 1963 at the Monterey Folk Festival. Who knew then just how big a name they would become. Great stuff.
  6. But they do know how to use click-bait.
  7. Not much. That's one reason why we live in an over-55 community. No kids.........
  8. I can't play now either John. I had 54 good years on the links before a medical problem stopped me. Can't complain about that. But that's not why I'm posting this. Back in my playing days I'd occasionally play a round with a 96 year-old guy named Julian. Every time I'd see him at the club I'd ask "Hey Julian. How are you doing today?" His reply was always the same..."Heck, today's going to be a great day. I'm vertical and I'm breathing". A great philosophy of life.
  9. Here's the latest update. While things are looking a bit better I suspect the road ahead is going to be a long one. Hang tough John, we're with you.
  10. My thoughts right now are with his wife Laurie and their daughters. One ray of hope is the news report that he got himself of the car and that he was alert and able to sit up on the stretcher. Hang tough John. There are lots of folks pulling for you.
  11. I wish Dale S. were here to see this. He was my Little League baseball coach back in 1952-54. He was also an avid model builder. I spent many hours in his basement looking at the best models in town. He wouldn't believe what's happening now.
  12. Yeah, probably so. Remember, my drag racing days are long past. If I can find them I'll post some pictures from my SCCA days. The first race I ever saw was Pebble Beach in 1955 ( I was 12 years old). I remember there were some cars there called Porkchops. I learned later they were called Porsche 🙂. I'd give most anything for just one more lap at Laguna Seca. I was there for first race in 1957 (it was less than 10 miles from my house and I hitchhiked out Hwy 68 to get there). I remember Pete Lovely's Ferrari was the winner. But the car I remember most was Max Balchowsky's Old Yeller. I was lucky enough to have a chance to drive the track 53 years later (don't tell anyone I wasn't supposed to do that) when I was working the pits on my son's team (DAL Racing). Memories of racing and Sandi Lee.
  13. Even my local grocery store has a separate listing for all the items on sale.
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