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Over the hill


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Finally got the time to do a flight after a week.

I am confined to the house with a heavy cold and my bird who normally comes out in the afternoon is confined to her cage for a couple of days for being very naughty yesterday afternoon.



Old Henry is reading the paper but when asked if he believed all the rubbish in the press these days he said, no but the porta loo is out of paper so I am reading this while I wait my turn and then I will put it to it's proper use.



We are of course at 7S3 Stark's Twin Oaks.



Approaching SW River Road, this is Oregon's wine country.



Arlington Heights and Washington Park with the beautiful sight of Portland.



Over the Willamette River with the Ross Island Bridge and beyond that the Marquam Bridge taking interstate 5 over the river.



Threading our way over KPDX and the Columbia River. Government Island is crossed by the Glenn Jackson Bridge which carries the War Veterans Memorial Freeway (I205). Lest we forget.



At Riverview and over East Evergreen Bvld.


Now the bad news...….to be continued.




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17 minutes ago, European Mountain Man said:

More fantastic shots Martyn  and i loved you flight  and all your shots regards EMM

Many thanks Stewart for commenting.

I have run out of likes. Just went to Tesco's and they have sold out.

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6 hours ago, BradB said:

I hope you get to feeling better Martyn , we have missed you and your shots around the forum as of late . :):)





Thanks John, I have been a little busy and also away from home.

Hopefully some more flying today.:)

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5 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Absolutely beautiful shots Martyn, enjoyed look at them.   And get well soon!!!!!!!!

Thank you John, I am glad you enjoyed them. 

4am and still feeling cr*p!:lol:

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn, these were EXCELLENT!!  I loved them all and loved your descriptions, well done despite feeling crummy and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Thanks for your kind comments Jack. FSim and my friends on here are the best medicine.:)

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18 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Great title Martyn, loved that line about the press! :lol:  Nice post with all of the narration that we have come to expect and like.  Hope you are better soon! :)

Thanks Roger, great to see another one not being hoodwinked!:)

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21 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. Beautiful scenery. Oregon is a beautiful state. Great news paper story I'm gonna read one next. What kind of bird do you have? Take care of that cold with a hot rum Toddy. All the best, k:D

Cheers Karl, I haven't read a paper for over 20 years now. 

There is some magnificent scenery in this part of the world.

I have a blue and gold Macaw, only 8 months old. I also have a 6 yo pair of macaws outside in an aviary, soon ready for breeding I hope.

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Great tour of the Oregon country- and cityside, Martyn.


On 7/5/2018 at 7:18 AM, VH-KDK said:

Old Henry is reading the paper but when asked if he believed all the rubbish in the press these days he said, no but the porta loo is out of paper so I am reading this while I wait my turn and then I will put it to it's proper use.

Well said, Henry.


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