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A fire has broken out so we have been summoned to see it we can extinguish it.



Even though the vegetation is lush and tropical fires still do occur.



We must try and put it out before it gets out of control.



Plenty of water on hand, if only we had the CL-215.



Lets hope we can do better than the last fire fighting plane.



Almost there and lined up on the blaze.



The previous attempts to quell the fire by some poncey turboprop plane failed as can be seen by the dye trail on the ground.



That should do it.



You cant beat a good old radial engine plane to do the job.



The last puff of smoke.



My window cleaning friend will have some extra work to do now.


Mission accomplished with a real plane.

That will teach them not to invite us to their BBQ.

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great BBC "news" introduction :D

I love particulary the color of the liquid ... bright idea the fa-fa-fire man knows where the liquid is going :lol: 

... and window cleaning man still doing its work when it happens...fully in its work - a very serious man :P

EXCELLENT ... thank you for this fun

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21 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Brilliant Martyn.:D That is what you call job security for that window cleaner.:lol:

Cheers Karl, he had only just finished cleaning them and I made him see red for sure.:rolleyes:

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20 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Lol...nothing like a little aerial assault to get one's point across :D I would say your dousing skills are quite up to par Martyn, nice drop! 

Thank you Landon, it took a while to get it all right but third time lucky.:)

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20 hours ago, Bluebear said:

I love fa-fa-fire fighting action shots, Martyn
especially when they so spectacularly
like your shots . :lol:
and with the CL-215, there is hope in sight.  ;)




Thank you Bluebear, a beautiful image reminding me I will have to get my 215 out again.:)

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19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was brilliant Martyn!  I was :lol: so hard at the guy in number 9, was he the source of the fire?  Too many cigarettes?

Thank you Jack, I think he had the gas turned up too high and burned the snags.:o

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11 hours ago, paulb said:

Brilliant set Martyn! It brought a smile to my face :D

Although I do feel sorry for your window cleaning friend :unsure:

Thanks Paul, glad you enjoyed them and my friend was looking for some extra work to do.:huh:

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11 hours ago, jean marc said:

great BBC "news" introduction :D

I love particulary the color of the liquid ... bright idea the fa-fa-fire man knows where the liquid is going :lol: 

... and window cleaning man still doing its work when it happens...fully in its work - a very serious man :P

EXCELLENT ... thank you for this fun

Thank you Jean Marc. The window cleaner takes his job very seriously and travels the world to clean all the ORBX windows.:D

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Martyn that really brought back a memory.  In the late sixties I was stationed at McGrath, AK which happened to also be a focal point for the state's fire-fighting activities.  We had several B25's a couple of B17's and a PB4Y.  They were using a similar product to your pictures - red in color with a name like Foschek.  Mid summer we lost the PB4Y in a four victim accident and that was still fairly fresh when the other fire bombers got ready to leave.  Last to go was a B17 and, unbeknown to any but the crew, it had a load of chemical onboard.   When they dumped that over the departure end it was a local area faint - it looked so much like an explosion.  Needless to say, sales were brisk that evening in our three town taverns. 

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