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The Posiedon Adventure arrives.


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Well I have finally worked out how to use Imgur and here is the approach into LOWI




No commentary necessary as most of you are familiar with LOWI.





I suppose it was about now that I realised that I had not lined up my GPS flight plan with the runway so press "z" and fly in by hand.



The Inn River and the outskirts of Innsbrucke.









The moment of truth and........



.........wait for it............brace!!!!!!



My bestist ever landing. Nice and smooth also right on the centre line.


It that the end of the flight, who knows.

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Well, a nice close to the adventure Martyn...I was expecting something dramatic, as per your last comment on this episode, but oh well...I will just settle for all the good looking screenshots! ;) 

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7 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

Well, a nice close to the adventure Martyn...I was expecting something dramatic, as per your last comment on this episode, but oh well...I will just settle for all the good looking screenshots! ;) 

Ah ha, Landon. Nothing like a bit of suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat.>:D

I hope it wasn't too much of an anti climax for you.:rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Ah ha, Landon. Nothing like a bit of suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat.>:D

I hope it wasn't too much of an anti climax for you.:rolleyes:

Nah, you are all good Martyn...your posts are always fun and adventurous, so that makes up for anything else ;) 

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6 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Great shots Martyn, and congrats for that hand flying. It seems to have been a successful landing!

Thank you François, it was a most successful landing.:P

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48 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Cheers Paul, I hoped you enjoyed the flight.:)


I enjoyed the whole tour Martyn. I think it was a great idea to fly over the orbx scenery across Europe in the way that you did ;).


That's a great looking freeware plane too. Some of the external modelling on freeware is very good.

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2 hours ago, paulb said:


I enjoyed the whole tour Martyn. I think it was a great idea to fly over the orbx scenery across Europe in the way that you did ;).


That's a great looking freeware plane too. Some of the external modelling on freeware is very good.

I still think that even OLC is a wonderful representation of the world. 

It was not long ago we were amazed by Germany and now there is the Netherlands to marvel at.

I am getting quite a collection of freeware airliners, I like them because they are simple to fly and the quality is mostly excellent.:)

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51 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

Nice adventure, Martyn. Smashing shots, all the snow disappeared as well.

You did fly the easy approach after all.....:rolleyes:

The snow went when it heard I was coming Fred.:huh:

There is no such thing as an easy approach for me but I was very pleased how this flight ended.:P

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What a wonderful landing Martyn!  I can't decide which one I like best so I like them all.  Glad you had your best ever landing, always satisfying to do that, it makes it all worth it.  But the Inn river, and Innsbruck, could that maybe translate to Inn's Brook?  Asking for a friend. :D

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20 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

It that the end of the flight, who knows.

After seeing these nice shots & proof of your serious work, I would not mind to see your taxiing to the terminal and the welcome crew inside. I know there are some prominent characters depicted.

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1 hour ago, HeKa48 said:
Great shots!
Did you know that when you arrive at LOWI airport on Saturday between 1300 - 1400, you get a water salute from the fire brigade?


Wow, great.....Easter Egg?

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9 hours ago, European Mountain Man said:

Well what a supper set of shots Martyn and did you have my permission to fly over my mountains i normally charge but as you are a friend i will let you off the payment

just send me some more eggs and i do hope they arrive this time regards EMM

What gives Stewart, are you the EMM, European Mountain Man, renowned for his hospitality and friendliness, or are you the AMT, the Alpina Mountain Troll, woe be to all who venture over or through his mountains....his grumpiness knows no limits, and his desire for spare coin knows no bounds....


I for one, prefer the former....the EMM I know is much better to have around :D:D

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Well, cogratulations Martyn on your set of screenshots and on your landing, too. Well, Innsbruck is not as fascinating and mundane as Wuppertal, but anyways. ;):D:P I found your series of european scenery flights most entertaining.

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10 hours ago, European Mountain Man said:

i will let you off the payment just send me some more eggs and i do hope they arrive this time regards EMM

... let us hope he does not bring them personally by plane. You´d get them scrambled after Martyns standard landing procedures.

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10 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

What gives Stewart, are you the EMM, European Mountain Man, renowned for his hospitality and friendliness, or are you the AMT, the Alpina Mountain Troll, woe be to all who venture over or through his mountains....his grumpiness knows no limits, and his desire for spare coin knows no bounds....


I for one, prefer the former....the EMM I know is much better to have around :D:D

That was good Landon well done  Martyn is in for a shock when he reads and you are ok Landon i am in a good mood today you are lucky regards EMM 

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23 hours ago, European Mountain Man said:

Well what a supper set of shots Martyn and did you have my permission to fly over my mountains i normally charge but as you are a friend i will let you off the payment

just send me some more eggs and i do hope they arrive this time regards EMM

Sorry Stewart but I am having trouble understanding your message:huh:. Something about legs:unsure:? I think it must be scrambled!:wacko:

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20 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

What a wonderful landing Martyn!  I can't decide which one I like best so I like them all.  Glad you had your best ever landing, always satisfying to do that, it makes it all worth it.  But the Inn river, and Innsbruck, could that maybe translate to Inn's Brook?  Asking for a friend. :D

Thanks Jack, I am glad you liked them.

The landing was very pleasing as it always is when it comes off so well, this one was the best.:P

I have just run bruck through the translator and it comes up as bridge.:)

Always interesting things to be found out on here.

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17 hours ago, Stillwater said:

After seeing these nice shots & proof of your serious work, I would not mind to see your taxiing to the terminal and the welcome crew inside. I know there are some prominent characters depicted.

Thanks Gerold, I did have a look at some of the other, less attractive characters around the airport.:huh:

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16 hours ago, HeKa48 said:
Great shots!
Did you know that when you arrive at LOWI airport on Saturday between 1300 - 1400, you get a water salute from the fire brigade?

Thanks for pointing this out, I will have to give it a try next time!:)

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13 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

What gives Stewart, are you the EMM, European Mountain Man, renowned for his hospitality and friendliness, or are you the AMT, the Alpina Mountain Troll, woe be to all who venture over or through his mountains....his grumpiness knows no limits, and his desire for spare coin knows no bounds....


I for one, prefer the former....the EMM I know is much better to have around :D:D

Trip, trap, trip, trap.

Maybe he is the troll under the bridge too.:huh:

Jack had better watch out.:ph34r::o:lol:

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13 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Well, cogratulations Martyn on your set of screenshots and on your landing, too. Well, Innsbruck is not as fascinating and mundane as Wuppertal, but anyways. ;):D:P I found your series of european scenery flights most entertaining.

Thanks Lars, anywhere new is fascinating to me and your town was no exception and with an interesting history too.:)

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13 hours ago, Stillwater said:

... let us hope he does not bring them personally by plane. You´d get them scrambled after Martyns standard landing procedures.

Now I know why there are now eggs!:huh:

I forgot to change the battery.:rolleyes::blink::wacko:

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2 hours ago, European Mountain Man said:

That was good Landon well done  Martyn is in for a shock when he reads and you are ok Landon i am in a good mood today you are lucky regards EMM 

No more mountains for me then, I will stick to the planes.:wacko:

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