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LOWI tragedy.


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I hoped to bring you the second instalment of the attempted flight from LOWI to EDDM in the LH DC-4 but tragedy has struck


On going to my external HDD today I found there was a problem and all my screen shots had vanished including the second part of the flight.

So instead here is a video of kittens.:o

A bath full of sulphuric acid and razorblades would have been more fun!

Just kidding, read on where all is revealed.



Captain Blähung and first officer Hodensack have miraculously avoided the mountainside but with the possibility of overstressing the drinks cart the flight is now in danger.



Still straining to make safe height the DC-4 the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen can be seen in the distant valley. The occupants of the DC-4 don't have to strain at all.


At the edge of the Alps over the Walchensee the crew can breathe a little easier although the opening of the windows would make the atmosphere more pleasant.


At Sindelsdorf with the AH95 the decision was made to continue to EDDM with the mountainous terrain around LOWI being unsuited to a plane in distress.



Antdorf and Penzberg are approached with the Starnberger See at the top of the screen.


ATC asked the DC-4 to report its position which was Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Fürstenried, I kid thee not. By the time they had reeled this lot off they were parked up at the terminal. I have never seen such a long name!


Over the Isar River at Sendling-Westpark.


The Munich Highlight Towers which are inhabited by Fujitsu, IBM and Unify amongst others.


Close to Dieterscheim and the AH9, the weather has taken a turn for the worse.



At Eching-Ost the AH9 and 92 cross each other as the crew crosses themselves hoping they can land safely.


Passing Neufahrn.



The lights of 08R are a welcome sight.



On short finals and it looks like the flight will have a happy ending..........


..........apart from the Lufthansa cleaners who now have the unenviable task of mucking out the cabin and cockpit after the earlier scare.


I hope you have enjoyed the second half of my flight and many thanks for the interest you have shown.

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I just imagine the initial greetings on bord:

"Ladies and gentlemen, ...

10 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Captain Blähung and first officer Hodensack

... are pleased to welcome you on this Lufthansa flight to ..." Though fixed by the safety belt we all would be ROFL!

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What a great narration once again, Martyn.

Yes, these village names are funny in the region down there. I´d be able to take pictures of mot of the signs in June when I drive down this road again, if you so desire.

Honestly, making a propliner climb that fast in the valley would have been nearly impossible in earlier times, the engines would probably burn before drinks could be served to the cockpit crew.

19 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

the Lufthansa cleaners who now have the unenviable task of mucking out the cabin and cockpit

... I think their main problem would be climbing into the narrow rows that Lufthansa is nowadays fitting into their cabins. Except those with "more legroom", which they sell for a fortune.

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Happy (la)(e)nding....Really enjoyed the thrilling story. 

Today it seems that the weather hardly has any influence (not always of course) for a safe flight, but in those days good weather was far more important than today. We sometimes forget that....

Cheers -Fred-

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Well Martyn super set of shots and i was expecting to see that you had crashed but no you managed to complete the flight well don Martyn i did not think you had crashed

Because there was nothing on itv news last night about your crash and you must have  9 lives like cats you where very lucky  when you said about a chopper rescue i thought

the worst regards EMM 

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That was excellent and hilarious Martyn!  I'm laughing out loud again and loving it. :lol:  Cat video!  Who'd a thunk it?  I'll always know cats as "woodles" because that's what my sister called them, because they make a "woodleing" sound when they purr.  :lol:

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great to have a such detailed story with amazing suspens and lot of fun :)  ... and finally not dramatic ... this time ... but the plane has to come back :lol: !

(NB : any such choucroute before a flight is definitely not a good idea :P)

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Well Martyn, I must say that cat video kept me watching more cat videos from that same guy, and now I have some good ideas for my cat Indiana Jones....as to the rest of the shots and the narration, a very nice second half of the flight and lots of great screenies to go along with it. You have outdone yourself as usual. :) 

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