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The LEBB Lancairian

Jack Sawyer

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Wait for it , wait for it ....what no inversion and no flying under bridges . Don't get me wrong mate , I loved every shot of this fantastic post but.... where is Jack Sawyer and what did you do with his body . :rolleyes::blink::o:(:D:lol:





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14 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Marvellous mega set Jack.:)

So how much did you bribe ATC to get your flight plan approved.;)

I like the approach images too with the lights.:)


Thanks Martyn!  They had to bribe me!  :lol:

9 minutes ago, BradB said:

Wait for it , wait for it ....what no inversion and no flying under bridges . Don't get me wrong mate , I loved every shot of this fantastic post but.... where is Jack Sawyer and what did you do with his body . :rolleyes::blink::o:(:D:lol:





Thanks John!  And, he's being held incommunicado till he straightens up and flys right, right under a bridge in a yellow plane inverted!  :ph34r::lol:

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9 hours ago, adambar said:

That's not the Jack I know, what a bummer. :D  Gret looking set there anyway my friend! :)

Thanks Adam, not to worry, I have some great flying planned. :)

8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Super set of shots jack and nice flying.

Thanks John!

8 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Holy cow Jack. Great shots a wee bit timid as our Aussie friends would say:rolleyes:. Probably scared the crap out of the guys working on them windmills when you flew between them:P:D

Thanks Karl!  Actually, the guys on the windmills were egging me on!  They even timed it right and took a selfie when I flew past them! :D

4 hours ago, paulb said:

Brilliant Jack! Super shots! Great detail of the scenery at Bilbao :). The colours in your sim are looking really good.

Thanks Paul!  It's a nice place and I love how they modeled the interior of the terminal too.

4 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Big serie from Bilbao i missed it for reduce price .....



Thanks Patrick, it's well worth getting for European flights.

3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid set of shots these Jack. 



Thank you kindly Iain!

2 hours ago, Taph said:

Fine set Jack

Thanks Taph, appreciate it.

1 hour ago, Torchy821 said:

Nice shots Jack.  Another interview without coffee!!!



Thanks Kev!  Coffee, who needs coffee?  :lol:

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1 minute ago, Stillwater said:

A great spin, and an interesting runway you were allocated for take-off.

I see you have been desperately seeking for bridges, maybe you can even "do" a crane when you are not full inverted but at 90° only?

Thanks Gerold!  Sure, i can do that, when I get back I’ll have to try.  Have to figure out where though.

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9 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Hi there Jackson! Mighty fine set of shots and that approach is super dope!

:lol:  Thanks Erikson!  And that approach was done in spot view, I wanted to see the progression of landing shots as it got closer to the runway, just a creative idea I had.

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3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Well Jack, what a grand series here. So many great captures in this huge set. The Lancair, although not my cup of tea when it comes to GA aircraft, is looking mighty spiffy in your shots. 

Thanks Landon!  I like this little plane, it's like a Corvette of the air.  I was just goofing around as yet again, I didn't have a lot of time to make a proper flight and I was having camera problems.  So I just decided to make a quick blast around lovely Bilbao.  One thing I really love about this Orbx airport is the terminal, it's so graceful and easy on the eyes.  

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

One thing I really love about this Orbx airport is the terminal, it's so graceful and easy on the eyes.  

I agree Jack, I feel the same way about that airport and the terminal. It is just different looking. And, that area in general is nice.

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