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Texas.Houston & Around.


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8 hours ago, mikewies said:

Very nice selection of images! Houston is a big metro area, published reports shows the metro area to be over 10,000 square miles! 

You did a great job showing the diversity of the city!

Thank a lot for your very nice comment

7 hours ago, amentiba said:

Wonderfull set of shots !


6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I don't know how you do it FILOU but you captured Houston and environs perfectly.  And with your unique eye for dramatic shots.

Thank a lot.!

4 hours ago, adambar said:

Outstanding shots of Houston Filou! :)

Thank adambar.

3 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Well Filou as always truly brilliant shots. +1+1

Thank a lot.

1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

Superb aerial views! Maybe in such a plane near Filou's private strip:




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24 minutes ago, briansommers said:

was that just ORBX global base, vector and LC? or something else?

Global/Vector/OpenLC North America/ SweetFX/ REX soft cloods/ Envtex/ and the GTX 1080 do the rest...

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2 hours ago, Ripcord said:


Agree completely.  Looks just like H-town, and I live here.


Thank a lot .This is a very nice comment!which proves to me that I can believe every city that I fly over:)

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2 hours ago, SamRothstein702 said:

Looks good!  What is your vehicle traffic set at? Looks like it's pretty high.


Also, well does Active Sky and Rex Essentials Plus work together?  I thought they are competing programs?

Thank.My vehicle traffic set at 70.

SweetFX/ REX soft cloods/ Envtex/ and the GTX 1080 do the rest. 

I no longer use a weather engine.I bought a few weeks ago AS16 & ASCA and "I'm" completely disappointed.

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18 hours ago, FILOU said:

Thank.My vehicle traffic set at 70.

SweetFX/ REX soft cloods/ Envtex/ and the GTX 1080 do the rest. 

I no longer use a weather engine.I bought a few weeks ago AS16 & ASCA and "I'm" completely disappointed.



Thank you for the timely reply!  I will try setting my traffic higher as i probably can get away with it.

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