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SERVER DOWN TIME -- Full Services Restored

Jay Kae

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Now this was fun, rather than having to take care of a random DDoS this was a targeted attack, I have been working for 25 hours (minus 5 hours sleep) to get everything back to normal, however, there will be some forum errors here and there which I will start work in about an hour from now, after I have some caffeine and some breakfast, my apologies for this outage but unfortunately there was not much I could have done about it.

Please be patient when it comes to errors here and there, they will be fixed.

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Jay.. I look up to you man. Your dedication and commitment to make our flight simming forum world a pleasent and well organised one.. And the hours, days, months you put into this in your own time... Speaks volumes

Now... Go to bed and get some rest

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Thanks for the kind words guys, there are still some little issues spread around but it should not affect your forum enjoyment, least not too much until I can get to them ;) I will notify everyone once it is all done :)

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Thankyou Jay,

There are not many more dedicated than you, we really appreciate your efforts in the face of this targeted attack. I have been reading the Norton and Wikepedia analysis of DDos attacks and they are complex to say the least, identifying what type of attack structure and its intended purpose is the overwhelming issue here, lets all be thankful that it was not a PDDos attack requiring a complete rebuild of server hardware and the entire database. I have run a complete system scan on my own system to make doubly sure there are no zombie infiltrating trojans present. (All clear with Norton).

Now what can we all do for you as a measure of thanks.

Cheers Jeff

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