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On to Woorona


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Now a short flight across the featureless eastern Barkly Tablelands.





At Barkly Downs strip the Invader has been replaced by a more suitable Cessna 185.



A tight turn to head west to Woorona Strip.



More nothing.



The smudge that is Woorona Strip, a whole 20 miles from Barkly Downs.



A shed, a shelter and a few markers and that is it. There is also a water tank a few hundred yards from the strip.



Lucky to park the Cessna out of the sun, no trees here to enjoy their shade.


A change from the grassy treelined strips in other climes!




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Great shots Martin, and congratulations on your patience.. your comment re the shed and shelter brings back a memory of a flight in the very early 1970's. Due to things beyond my control, I ended up on an F27 from Sydney to The Alice , and the first stop was for refueling at Birdsville.There was not a soul to be seen, no  real airport buildings, just a shade area for 44 gal drums of fuel. The Pilot and First Officer had to get out, manipulate some full 44 gal drums  to the aircraft, the proceed to refuel with a hand operated pump. Teecee.

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Fantastic discoveries in good old OZx land, Martyn.


5 hours ago, teecee said:

Great shots Martin, and congratulations on your patience.. your comment re the shed and shelter brings back a memory of a flight in the very early 1970's. Due to things beyond my control, I ended up on an F27 from Sydney to The Alice , and the first stop was for refueling at Birdsville.There was not a soul to be seen, no  real airport buildings, just a shade area for 44 gal drums of fuel. The Pilot and First Officer had to get out, manipulate some full 44 gal drums  to the aircraft, the proceed to refuel with a hand operated pump. Teecee.

... and what a great story. I doubt there is a better place in the internet than this one for sharing these.

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 8:55 PM, paulb said:

Gosh! That looks a pretty deserted place Martyn.

In the real world would there be a small township?

Nice shots! :)

Thanks Paul. All I can see are 2 buildings 500 metres nw of the strip. I am not sure if they are farm sheds or if there is a house.

This is typical of The Outback.

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 11:56 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

How did you get a Cessna to Mars Martyn! :D  Dang, imagine living there, it looks so hot, barren, and lifeless.  But it sure has its own beauty.

Ve haf veys and meanz!:lol:

I think people exist in places like this but if you like heat, dust and solitude it may just be the place.:-


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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 2:11 AM, teecee said:

Great shots Martin, and congratulations on your patience.. your comment re the shed and shelter brings back a memory of a flight in the very early 1970's. Due to things beyond my control, I ended up on an F27 from Sydney to The Alice , and the first stop was for refueling at Birdsville.There was not a soul to be seen, no  real airport buildings, just a shade area for 44 gal drums of fuel. The Pilot and First Officer had to get out, manipulate some full 44 gal drums  to the aircraft, the proceed to refuel with a hand operated pump. Teecee.

Wonderful story Terry, different days then.

I liked flying on the Ansett F-27s.:)

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 2:56 AM, lifejogger said:

Thanks for the shots of the featureless eastern Barkly Tablelands.  I would hate to have an engine failure  while flying out there.

Cheers John, it is very desolate country, not the place for engine trouble.:ph34r:

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 3:43 AM, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. Looking at your shots "parched" my throat so much I had to blow the froth off five cold ones. :rolleyes::lol::D

Blimey, I hope I don't get charged with aiding and abetting!:o:ph34r::lol:

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 7:46 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Martyn. Great trip. Really enjoying it. "At least it's a dry heat."

Cheers Rodger, I would rather have 40°C with 10% humidity over 28°C and 80% humidity any day.:-

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 7:56 AM, Stillwater said:

Fantastic discoveries in good old OZx land, Martyn.


... and what a great story. I doubt there is a better place in the internet than this one for sharing these.

I couldn't agree more Gerold, we hear some wonderful stories on here.

I am very glad that I have a fair few of the OZx strips although I am still kicking myself for not downloading all of the individual airports, Mt Isa would have been good for this sequence of flights.:(

A pox on those responsible for destroying the site.:angry::angry::angry:

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Drove my family across the Barkley back in 1972.. a black dirt road that had been graded so much it was like a ditch..we prayed as we drove that it would not rain as it would have been impossible to get the car and caravan out of said ditch..once scary drive back then.


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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 4:55 AM, teecee said:

"At least it isn't snow."

Strangely enough, I experienced the worst hail storm I have ever seen in Alice springs.. The day after I bought a new car.. so much damage to buildings and vehicles.. Teecee.

Last time I was in Alice it dropped to  minus 4°C overnight and the day was a sunny but chilly 16!:o

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2 minutes ago, teecee said:

Drove my family across the Barkley back in 1972.. a black dirt road that had been graded so much it was like a ditch..we prayed as we drove that it would not rain as it would have been impossible to get the car and caravan out of said ditch..once scary drive back then.


I came through he region in 1983 from Alice to Dajarra. Slept out under the stars which was great until we had a dust storm at 3am.:o

Wonderful days so long ago:D.

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Yep, the whole trip was over 2400 miles.. and this at the time that Nasser closed the Suez. We had to spend some time on the Queensland coast, and I ended up paying $10 a gallon for black market gas, just to get out of there at a time when gas and smokes were 34cents.

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:26 AM, teecee said:

Yep, the whole trip was over 2400 miles.. and this at the time that Nasser closed the Suez. We had to spend some time on the Queensland coast, and I ended up paying $10 a gallon for black market gas, just to get out of there at a time when gas and smokes were 34cents.

It is nearly $10 a gallon now! :ph34r:

That must have hurt though to pay that then, always someone who will make money out of a bad situation.:angry:


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On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 2:45 AM, Captain Lars said:

Incredible, Martyn. It looks so barren, typical of the neglected areas in the sim. But you say this is how it is in reality, hm? :D

Thanks Lars, yes this is a fair representation of the outback.;)

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