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A few more from an unsuccessful flight in a CX A359.


















I don't know what I did wrong but soon after this the nose lifted into an uncontrollable stall.



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The road tunnel is fascinating.  The State boundary between Queensland and New South Wales lies across the southern end of the main runway.  The tunnel carries the main motorway which runs the entire north south length of the Gold Coast on its western edge and on continuously to Brisbane.

So, for people like me who live on the northern end of the Goldie or the Coast (local terminology), we drive west to join the motorway and then south to the airport.  But the motorway is on the western side of the runway and there lies the curiosity.

You enter NSW before entering the tunnel which continues into NSW, but to get to the airport entrance the road circles the southern end of the runway and on the eastern side going north you are welcomed again to Queensland.

Departing on 16 your plane will be wheels up before the over-run into NSW but landing short before 34 means your accident will be in NSW.  However the airport itself is federal property....... 

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Interesting flight Martyn, did you have the throttles at full power?  I know, dumb question.


And @macca22au Iain, this is extremely interesting stuff!   I saw that tunnel and loved it.  It's cool how it divides the states like that.  We have a very cool tunnel I go under all the time here at KATL, it's under the "new" fifth runway.  You actually drive right under the runway with planes over your head.  There's no place to stop to take photos unfortunately but as you come up to the tunnel you can see that there's a 737 on top of you, it's narrow too, it looks like the plane could taxi right off and down onto the road which would be a huge disaster.



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Sorry to hear of the unsuccessful flight you experienced Martyn. I have no thoughts to offer, as I know not much about tubeliners. Thankfully it's only a sim flight ;) 

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Great detail shots Martyn, and I also join the crew fascinated by the tunnel!


9 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I don't know what I did wrong but soon after this the nose lifted into an uncontrollable stall.

More power, man, even if these are no pistons!


8 hours ago, macca22au said:

The road tunnel is fascinating.  The State boundary between Queensland and New South Wales lies across the southern end of the main runway.  The tunnel carries the main motorway which runs the entire north south length of the Gold Coast on its western edge and on continuously to Brisbane.

So, for people like me who live on the northern end of the Goldie or the Coast (local terminology), we drive west to join the motorway and then south to the airport.  But the motorway is on the western side of the runway and there lies the curiosity.

You enter NSW before entering the tunnel which continues into NSW, but to get to the airport entrance the road circles the southern end of the runway and on the eastern side going north you are welcomed again to Queensland.

Departing on 16 your plane will be wheels up before the over-run into NSW but landing short before 34 means your accident will be in NSW.  However the airport itself is federal property....... 

Ian, I had to read this 3 times to get back my orientation. Better I take a taxi...:blink:

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Martyn:  I found the QW787 just a bit naughty after takeoff.  After wheels up, use forward pressure to keep the speed near the 'the overspeed red' at the top, or simply on the V2+ marker on the tape.  Leave the flap, if you can until you kick in the autopilot, then bring flap up according to the marks on the speed tape. The reassuring voice of the PM also does the call-outs.   Manually: trim the aircraft more nose down, reduce the climb rate to a 'calm' 2000fpm and milk the flap up according to the speed tape. If you look at the climb rate after takeoff it can be over 3000 fpm, and the speed drops into the lower red protection zone from which all evil comes. Check carefully that the right trim is set, and the stabiliser is in the green (tiny indicator at the top of the ECAM).

Busy planes on takeoff, sleep making over the long legs, and then actually not bad on approach and landing.  I don't flare airliners, the angle of attack has already got them in a landing attitude, and I concentrate on speed control and the altitude call-out to chop the throttle: but wait for the purists to snarl.

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PS Martyn the plane, ready at the departure end of 34 is almost entirely in NSW but will roll forward into Queensland.  With YSPT, the sewage plant and the state border you are right for Trivia.

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On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 10:24 PM, gumbypickett said:

Ah the beauty about all of this KDK is your nose will always fall

 back into face. I mean place. Bought my GC airport today along with

GC cityscape, I shall explore tomorrow.:D

cheers Gumby

Thanks Gumby, I am glad this was only going to be a short flight over the Gold Coast but it wasn't meant to be that short.

I hope you enjoy your new scenery, there is so much to explore.:)

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On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 10:25 PM, macca22au said:

The road tunnel is fascinating.  The State boundary between Queensland and New South Wales lies across the southern end of the main runway.  The tunnel carries the main motorway which runs the entire north south length of the Gold Coast on its western edge and on continuously to Brisbane.

So, for people like me who live on the northern end of the Goldie or the Coast (local terminology), we drive west to join the motorway and then south to the airport.  But the motorway is on the western side of the runway and there lies the curiosity.

You enter NSW before entering the tunnel which continues into NSW, but to get to the airport entrance the road circles the southern end of the runway and on the eastern side going north you are welcomed again to Queensland.

Departing on 16 your plane will be wheels up before the over-run into NSW but landing short before 34 means your accident will be in NSW.  However the airport itself is federal property....... 

Thanks for the local info Ian, looks like a good road link to the airport even if you have to go interstate to get there.:huh:

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On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 11:22 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Interesting flight Martyn, did you have the throttles at full power?  I know, dumb question.


And @macca22au Iain, this is extremely interesting stuff!   I saw that tunnel and loved it.  It's cool how it divides the states like that.  We have a very cool tunnel I go under all the time here at KATL, it's under the "new" fifth runway.  You actually drive right under the runway with planes over your head.  There's no place to stop to take photos unfortunately but as you come up to the tunnel you can see that there's a 737 on top of you, it's narrow too, it looks like the plane could taxi right off and down onto the road which would be a huge disaster.



Thanks Jack, I think I did but I will have another go somewhen to try and work out what went wrong.:rolleyes:

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 1:48 AM, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. I do strongly recommend not to place the very large people in the back of your bird but rather more forward.:rollmyeyes:

Thanks Karl. Well the plane wasn't completely full as some of the passengers were so large they couldn't fit through the door, this is Australia.:o

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 3:27 AM, paulb said:

Excellent shots Martyn! I love the detail :).

Does your 787 have a trim control? Some FS flight models are unrealistically demanding in terms of trim.

Cheers Paul, I might have over trimmed it as the nose did shoot up very quickly.

It is the A350 btw. They do look similar.:)

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 3:40 AM, Sniper31 said:

Sorry to hear of the unsuccessful flight you experienced Martyn. I have no thoughts to offer, as I know not much about tubeliners. Thankfully it's only a sim flight ;) 

Cheers Landon, it was only going to be a short departure over the Gold Coast but I will try again.:)

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 6:26 AM, Stillwater said:

Great detail shots Martyn, and I also join the crew fascinated by the tunnel!


More power, man, even if these are no pistons!


Ian, I had to read this 3 times to get back my orientation. Better I take a taxi...:blink:

Thanks Gerold, that tunnel is fascinating.

The dials were in the red for take off, you know it is a company plane so you can do almost anything with it!

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 11:28 AM, macca22au said:

Martyn:  I found the QW787 just a bit naughty after takeoff.  After wheels up, use forward pressure to keep the speed near the 'the overspeed red' at the top, or simply on the V2+ marker on the tape.  Leave the flap, if you can until you kick in the autopilot, then bring flap up according to the marks on the speed tape. The reassuring voice of the PM also does the call-outs.   Manually: trim the aircraft more nose down, reduce the climb rate to a 'calm' 2000fpm and milk the flap up according to the speed tape. If you look at the climb rate after takeoff it can be over 3000 fpm, and the speed drops into the lower red protection zone from which all evil comes. Check carefully that the right trim is set, and the stabiliser is in the green (tiny indicator at the top of the ECAM).

Busy planes on takeoff, sleep making over the long legs, and then actually not bad on approach and landing.  I don't flare airliners, the angle of attack has already got them in a landing attitude, and I concentrate on speed control and the altitude call-out to chop the throttle: but wait for the purists to snarl.

Thanks Ian, all far too much for me, I keep to the simpler freeware planes but even this one had the better of me.:lol:

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 11:31 AM, macca22au said:

PS Martyn the plane, ready at the departure end of 34 is almost entirely in NSW but will roll forward into Queensland.  With YSPT, the sewage plant and the state border you are right for Trivia.

Thanks Ian.

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 2:46 PM, macca22au said:

Whoops, I failed to see your aircraft is a A350. I thought there was only an XP version. If it is P3v4, could you let me have the reference. Many thanks.

That's Ok Ian, they are very similar with the A350 having those swept up wingtips which I think look very stylish.

Here is the link to the CX A350, about half way down the page, sorry for the delay.


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Martyn I'm sorry that your flight went into desaster. This is surely no quality plane. Causes could be, possibly, the center of gravity, or elevator trim, or you took off to early at a too low speed. Or the fancy Airbus logic, but I don't know if this plane is advanced enough to simulate the Airbus logic of flying into desaster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_296 

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6 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Martyn I'm sorry that your flight went into desaster. This is surely no quality plane. Causes could be, possibly, the center of gravity, or elevator trim, or you took off to early at a too low speed. Or the fancy Airbus logic, but I don't know if this plane is advanced enough to simulate the Airbus logic of flying into desaster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_296 

Thanks Lard, I don't know what I did but I will go back somewhen and give it another try.

I will pay more attention this time.:)

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