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In for a penny, in for the pound.


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The second part of my flight from Crystal Brook to Wilpena Pound in South Australia



At the head of the Spencer Gulf is Stirling North and to the right Port Augusta. The Sturt Highway will take you north to Alice and Darwin and you can make out the Eyre Highway which goes to Perth.



We are heading NNW to our destination.


We are passing The 820 m high Dutchman Stern and the Conservation Park of the same name.

The mountain was name such because it looked like the stern of a Dutch sailing ship not because I am not flying around the Netherlands at the moment.


Further along the beautiful Flinders Ranges at Kanyaka.



Abeam Hawker.


Wilpena Pound appears out of the haze as we fly close to Mernmerna



Descending into YWPD on the edge of Wilpena Pound.

I am not used to this plane and that dirt strip appears to be very small.



Touching down over some mutton mowers.


I have made it with plenty of runway left but wait, it might be a ruse.



I need some help to unload the plane in the evening heat, I had better drum up some help.


Signing off with a loverley outback scene. Not a mobile phone in sight.


I trust you enjoyed the flight with Careflight, a nice place to find a friendly bear!



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A wonderful flight for part 2 of your Careflight mission Martyn. Thanks for the narration and the adventure :)  Some real sweet and jolly shots here, as well as yet another geography lesson from you ;) 

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Great to see this Orbx scenery from "stone age" again. Well, looking so beatiful this is not stone age, this is a must on every simmers HDD. The hazy mood and the mountain structures are a pleasure to watch.

And I like to see the mowers nearly as much as the Red One. To SEE, I wrote, just that you do not misunderstand me ;).

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6 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great to see this Orbx scenery from "stone age" again. Well, looking so beatiful this is not stone age, this is a must on every simmers HDD. The hazy mood and the mountain structures are a pleasure to watch.

And I like to see the mowers nearly as much as the Red One. To SEE, I wrote, just that you do not misunderstand me ;).

Love your puns Gerold, Martyn is catching isn't he? :D

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 1:16 PM, Sniper31 said:

A wonderful flight for part 2 of your Careflight mission Martyn. Thanks for the narration and the adventure :)  Some real sweet and jolly shots here, as well as yet another geography lesson from you ;) 

Thanks Landon, glad you enjoyed the flight.:D

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 1:59 PM, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn as always. You bring the beers and I help drinking them while I watch you unloading the drumsB):P:D

I was hoping you were going to help decanting the plane Karl, as I am sure there is a keg amongst the drums.B)

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 2:08 PM, lifejogger said:

Great shots and flight!!!!!  Thanks for the commentary, it is always nice to know what we are looking at!!!!!!!!!

Thank you John, I enjoy finding out where I am flying over too.:)

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 5:59 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

That was terrific Martyn!  I loved your tour and puns and "mutton mowers" :lol:  Very informative as usual, I love this kind of information.

Thanks Jack, it appears for you that the flight was shear enjoyment.:wacko:

I am sure at least one of those sheep was called Shaun.:wacko:

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 6:02 PM, jean marc said:

Excellent flight narration full of information - thanks !!

and very glad to discover it is possible to see kangoos bythere - I love this so sympathical animal !

Thanks Jean Marc.:)

Kangaroos are very nice but sadly for them very tasty too.:huh:

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On ‎30‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 7:19 PM, Stillwater said:

Great to see this Orbx scenery from "stone age" again. Well, looking so beatiful this is not stone age, this is a must on every simmers HDD. The hazy mood and the mountain structures are a pleasure to watch.

And I like to see the mowers nearly as much as the Red One. To SEE, I wrote, just that you do not misunderstand me ;).

It stands up well to the ravages of time and the fast changing FSim world Gerold.

Would I misunderstand you when it comes to mowers in red Gerold.:o

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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack, it appears for you that the flight was shear enjoyment.:wacko:

I am sure at least one of those sheep was called Shaun.:wacko:

Can you hear me laughing out from goodness knows how many time zones and how many thousands of miles away! :lol:

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On ‎4‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 7:53 AM, Jack Sawyer said:

Can you hear me laughing out from goodness knows how many time zones and how many thousands of miles away! :lol:

I heard you Jack, it made my day better to know you were laughing!:D

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