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Goyder's Line where the water flows clear


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Crystal Brook in South Australia to be exact.

The first part of a flight from YCYT to Wilpena.



Getting the Careflight Beech 200 ready for our shortish flight north.


Another one of the excellent OZx freebies.


A pleasant crop farming location 120 miles north of Adelaide.


It sits on Goyder's Line which marks the differing climate in SA. North of the line it is too dry for crop farming and south the rain is sufficient to plant.


In the 1860s George Goyder surveyed South Australia and mapped out where he thought crop farming was suitable. He was proved correct despite big rain in 1865 which made many farmers settle in normally dry areas. Within a few years those disbelievers had abandoned their farms and moved south. 



Lift off with plenty of the dirt runway to spare.


Over Bungama Port Pirie can be seen through the haze. Port Pirie is home to the worlds largest lead smelter. Zinc, copper, silver and gold is also refined here.


Following the Princess Hwy past Germein Bay with the town of the same name visible on the right.


Mount Remarkable NP.



Approaching Nectar Brook.


A close up of the Careflight King Air at Winninowie.


Fast approaching the head of the Spencer Gulf  with Blanche Harbour just visible over the water.


To be continued...........

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10 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

When you leave your plane parked like this you gotta make sure to preflight very thoroughly. Some kangaroos may have jumped aboard without anyone noticing.

The roos are ok Erik but it's those Echidnas you have to beware of especially when you don't see them curled up on your seat before you sit down.:o:ph34r::(

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1 minute ago, Sniper31 said:

Well, some nice SA shots and narrative Martyn, and thank goodness there were no dangerous critters in your aircraft during that flight...that could have been messy :o

Thanks Landon but we had to scour the plane thoroughly for any drop bears.:ph34r:

They are always a danger when parking under trees.:o

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7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

That was very cool Martyn!  I never would have know all that, thanks for sharing and some terrific shots here.

Thank you Jack and it is something that I had never heard of either.:huh:

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6 hours ago, BradB said:

I have reconnoiter this area long ago myself , and my conclusion is you have captured it well my friend . :D:rolleyes:;):)





Thanks John, it is an interesting place to fly made much better with the OZx sceneries.:)

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Good to see you flying in Australias skies again, Martyn. With your remarkable information you give a lot of nectar to those who like to learn about geography. I have never heard about Goyder´s line before, but I´ll probably keep this knowledge from now on.

BTW: Nice haze in your shots, the look really real.

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