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Yeah, I know I am late.


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Computers and I go together like oil and water or apple pie and ketchup!:lol:

I would have to be the most computer illiterate person here which is why I had so much trouble getting the Netherlands scenery downloaded and installed.

Well after getting some good adhesive and gluing the tower and monitor back together again(just kidding)I finally got it all working.


So here are my first images from this new era in ORBX scenery.



I suppose this was an appropriate aircraft to use for a first flight and from EHAM which always makes me think of London!

I have always been fascinated by the remote runway 36L/18R here.


The Noordzeekanaal with one of the "static" boats moving so slowly you don't notice it moving. Stewart, if you look below the plane you can see the Northern Dutch Alps but this is not where you go skiing in this part of the world:huh:.


Looking to the North Sea and IJmuiden with Haarlem district on the left.


For those downhill skiiers you can just make out Snowplanet on the right just below the canal.

More important at the bottom left are the sluice gate system at the mouth of the Noordzeekanaal with the North Sea.


At Bloemendaal aan Zee you can see plenty of detail along the sea front. You can also clearly see Circuit Park Zandvoort below the plane.


Zandvoort is one of the most important sea resorts in the Netherlands. It also boasts the countries top motor racing( which I have now noticed and edited in its presence in image5) venue as well as a nudist beach!

Nup, we will keep flying, it is nearly lunch time and I don't want to see any beached whales:o:ph34r:


Katwijk aan Zee and the Oude Rijn River.


Well we are always wondering the next step ORBX are going to take and this is so impressive.

Thanks to everyone involved in bringing us this giant leap and for the new Central update for those of us who didn't have enough space on our C drives!


So that is that, what next!:lol::lol::lol:

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Martyn:  if I sent you a USB stick could you copy Netherlands on to it, and post it back to me.  PM me with your address if you can.  I am not on NBN so still ADSL slow, but I will meet all costs.

I have already purchased Netherlands, but I have found that the download takes days, yes, days.  Netherlands is something I can wait for.

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9 minutes ago, macca22au said:

Martyn:  if I sent you a USB stick could you copy Netherlands on to it, and post it back to me.  PM me with your address if you can.  I am not on NBN so still ADSL slow, but I will meet all costs.

I have already purchased Netherlands, but I have found that the download takes days, yes, days.  Netherlands is something I can wait for.

Thanks Iain, I will PM you in a while. I don't want my curry to go cold!:)

I will also have to check to make sure we are not breaking any rules.;)

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4 hours ago, BradB said:

Nicely done Martyn , have fun exploring Dutch world . :):)





Thanks John, there is plenty packed into this small country along with more to see if you stray into Germany.:D

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4 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. But when it comes to computers and your knowledge description compared to mine makes you looks like at least Bill Gates or at a bare minimum a Neurosurgeon. :blink::unsure::rolleyes::D

Thanks Karl, damned computers are like cars, great when they work but when things go wrong..........:angry::angry::lol:

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4 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Marvelous set of Netherlands shots here Martyn, and more super information from you about where and what you are flying over...most excellent!

Cheers Landon, it is always nice to know where I am flying over.:)

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3 hours ago, renault said:

Wow Martyn. This is incredible:)

The true expert is the one who makes stuff happen regardless of the challenges of the journey.

So like it or not, in my books you are "expert":D




Well thank you Renault for your wonderful comment.:)

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27 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

Well done, Martyn.

You have done your homework correctly by studying and commenting correctly the topography of the westcoast.


Cheers -Fred-

(B.t.w....nice livery)

Thanks Fred,  I am glad I got it right and I hope I didn't disturb you when I took off.:D

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1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Fred,  I am glad I got it right and I hope I didn't disturb you when I took off.:D


Ha ha....no you didn't. I live 20 km south of Schiphol and you departed to the North.

Only when rwy 36C or rwy 06 are used for approaches the airliners fly right over our house.

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"Late" you say Martyn, you and "late"? I am still flying in SA and will not attempt to DL before virtually returning to Europe...

Anyway, great shots and a very well chosen bird for a low&slow flight.


14 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Zandvoort is one of the most important sea resorts in the Netherlands. It also boasts the countries top motor racing( which I have now noticed and edited in its presence in image5) venue as well as a nudist beach!

Nup, we will keep flying, it is nearly lunch time and I don't want to see any beached whales

I can see the racecourse but I am glad the PeopleFlow is not as detailed as you fear.


1 hour ago, Sniper31 said:

Only some one who eats Sea Haggis could say something like that :D

Not to mention Martyn´s famous Sauerkraut lasagna.

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9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

This was excellent Martyn, you have an amazing ability to describe the passing scene below, I really enjoy learning about new places from your descriptions.  And apple pie and ketchup, what's wrong with that? :wub:

Good to hear Jack.

Well my brother didn't like blackcurrant pie with ketchup. When he was 10 he thought he would be smart and ask for ketchup on his pie and he got it. He sat there for an hour not eating it so his punishment was no desert for a week. Mind you our tastes change as we get older, not only in food!;)

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6 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Only some one who eats Sea Haggis could say something like that :D

Sea Haggis.:lol::lol::lol:.

I have a vision of some evil bloodthirsty monster, hiding in the kelp and ambushing anything that comes close!:o:ph34r::ph34r:

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5 hours ago, Stillwater said:

"Late" you say Martyn, you and "late"? I am still flying in SA and will not attempt to DL before virtually returning to Europe...

Anyway, great shots and a very well chosen bird for a low&slow flight.


I can see the racecourse but I am glad the PeopleFlow is not as detailed as you fear.


Not to mention Martyn´s famous Sauerkraut lasagna.

Cheers Gerold, my intention was to wait until the initial rush was past but I just couldn't resist.:rolleyes:

The only problems were caused by not having enough space for the temp folder which was resolved by the Central update.:o

I haven't been down for a look at the beach, I will have to wait until her indoors is outdoors.:huh:>:D:wub:

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4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Sea Haggis with ketchup, now you’re talking! :)

I hope you are not getting the Sea Haggis confused with the beach whales.:huh:

I will leave it up to you if you want to put ketchup on them.:o:ph34r::lol:

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12 hours ago, macca22au said:

Almost four days of downloading, some hours of extracting and installing, but here we are.  Fantastic in the end.



WOnderful image Ian and glad to see you have finally made it.:)

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