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Northern California city pairs

Jack Sawyer

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Made a nice flight from KMRY, Monterey to KSQL, Structured Query Language, um, er, I mean, San Carlos.


Everything Orbx makes, and maxed settings in 4.1






Wanted to see outside the tarmac







More cool little details.























Smile for the camera!





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9 hours ago, BradB said:

Sharp and brilliant shots Mr.Sawyer , you are burning the midnight oil . :)B):D





Thanks John, yeah, I was, for many reasons.

6 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Glorious series of views Jack.

All top class both on the ground and in the air.:)

Thanks Martyn!  Appreciate it.

5 hours ago, medx421 said:

Great shots Jack!  It's actually a common and fun misconception that it was given SQL as it sits right by Oracle.  Turns out that it was SQL long before Oracle and overall software databasing came into place.

Thanks Medx, I know, I was just having a little fun, but it is strange isn't it?  

5 hours ago, magic1 said:

very nice Jack

Thank you Magic.

4 hours ago, paulb said:

A first class set of shots Jack! Well done! :)

That's a very smart livery as well!

Thanks Paul, I like it too, it's very glossy in my sim, like they just waxed it.

2 hours ago, Taph said:

Your going to have to lean how to use the Avatar or Bob for your walkabouts B)

Thanks Taph.  Never used Bob and I can never get that dumb avatar to work.  I think there's a conflict with my flight control and key bindings where it's impossible to get him to move easily, it's very frustrating so I give up.

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I've just been on a holiday  .... Thanks Mr. Jack!!


When you said SQL I thought of .....



Then I saw your wonderful series of screenshots .... oh, well I don't get out much anymore, which is why I find the little things so amusing

Cheers Jack & thanks for sharing these!


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8 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Excellent shots Jack, enjoyed your flight.

Thanks John!

3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

With all that traffic around, this flight must be hard on VAS. And can be seen as proof for 64 bit superiority.

Hi Gerold, with full maxed sliders and UTL airliners set to 60 and GA set to 40 I still had 30 FPS so I was happy.  In 3.4 I could never ever do this, it would be instant OOM.  Plus I have that amazing AI ships running too.

46 minutes ago, renault said:

I've just been on a holiday  .... Thanks Mr. Jack!!


When you said SQL I thought of .....



Then I saw your wonderful series of screenshots .... oh, well I don't get out much anymore, which is why I find the little things so amusing

Cheers Jack & thanks for sharing these!


:lol:  Thanks Renault, you just made my day.

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Just now, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

Splendid set Jack - like that Cessna 310 as well....I'll add one back to my hangar eventually. Spent enough lately. LOL.  



Thanks John!  I know what you mean.  I'm saving my pennies for another Orbx sale, they're usually a surprise to me so I want to be prepared.  This MV plane is a joy to fly, and it'll take the GTN750.

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10 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Superfine flight and pictures!

Thanks Erik!

9 hours ago, adambar said:

Enjoyed the trip Jack, super shots of it! :)

Thanks Adam, it was a fun flight.

3 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

great set Jack, nice ride and livery

Thanks Ken, it's a cool plane, easy to handle and nice livery.

1 hour ago, stewart1 said:

What super set of screen shots Jack you have got p3dv4.1 looking fantastic well done my friend regards stewart:rolleyes:

Thanks Stewart.  I'm gonna leave the settings well enough alone now. :)

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