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What really pees me off.


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It's not the rough and sloping strips like here at Steinkjer in Norway.


It's not Rudolph suddenly running down the runway when I am about to take off.


It's not him standing there laughing at me when I have gone.


It's not the Norwegian names, like Leksdalsvatnet, which are so hard to spell for us Anglo types.

5. pNwu7.jpg

It's not that Sheffield United beat the Saints today(bad enough!)


It's not Beitstadfjiordan with the town of Steinkjer. See #4.


It's not he magnificent ORBX scenery of Norway coupled with P3D.


It's not Ant's superb Eaglet.


It's not Snasavatnet(sounds like a character from Hagar the Horrible!)see # 4 again just in case you are not paying attention.


It's not that I have to wait another 9 months for my next holiday.


It's not that I made a perfect dead stick landing at Jorstad.


It's when you make a perfect approach and you end up in the drink when the damned yoke comes off the desk because the development team at CH Products could not spend 5 minutes making a suitable means of clamping their hardware to the desk. I cannot understand that a company designs a Yoke that is absolutely fantastic but then sells it with a total useless fitting. Had it for 8 years and really liked it except for it's reluctance to stay attached to the desk on odd occasions. I hear the new design is better, although it would not take much to beat the old design. Have their pedals too which are superb.

Rant over.

That's all folks!!!!!

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Lol VH-ADK. The same bloody thing happened to me landing at Bellingham (way easier to spell by the by). Just bought the bloody thing from Saitek and tried them for the first time and just before touchdown bam in my lap they landed. But all aside you posted some awesome shots.

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Outstanding shots and scenario. Congratulations.



Nice set of shots of this beautiful country.










Nice shots!!!! As for the yoke coming of the desk I have two words industrial Velcro..... I use it and I works.

Thanks for the tip John, did not want to drill or make holes in anything so I shall give it a try.


Nice shots!


I have the Saitek yoke and would never consider using the clamping device that it comes with...so I took less than five minutes and screwed it to my desk Lol :)

Good to see they have made provisions to screw the yoke to the desk, but nothing like that on the my CH yoke. Not too keen on putting holes in the desk though.

Lol VH-ADK. The same bloody thing happened to me landing at Bellingham (way easier to spell by the by). Just bought the bloody thing from Saitek and tried them for the first time and just before touchdown bam in my lap they landed. But all aside you posted some awesome shots.

Can be frustrating sometime, but luckily I does not happen on a regular basis. I do have to check it is not working loose most days.

Funny one, I was wondering what would be the conclusion. I can understand you now!

Riveting rant and great pics!



Many thanks for commenting and thanks for the advise. Going to Blackwoods(Industrial supplies) maybe tomorrow so will have to check to see if they have any.

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Great shot VH, and I promise I will never run down the runway again when you wanna take off ;)



You are very lucky Dolf that you didn't end up as venison mince!

Very nice set indeed.



Thanks Iain.

Thanks guys for commenting

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Loved the whole ranting, together with images. Now, try reading this: Szczecin or Przebrzezin. :)

Szczecin or Przebrzezin could be to for the reasons I don't fly in Wales much!



Must have a defective desk.  :D   I've been using CH products for years, nothing has ever fallen off unless I didn't tighten the clamps.

Maybe I'm defective!  If I tighten them up anymore something will break. Anyway a slab of conveyor belt has improved the situation so it is now a fairly rare ocurrence.

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I am on my 2nd CH Yoke in 14 years (1st one just wore out) and have never had any problem clamping it to my desk. As my computer is a general purpose computer (used for other things than FS) I unclamp it each time I use it and make sure it is clamped on really tight when I do use it.

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I am on my 2nd CH Yoke in 14 years (1st one just wore out) and have never had any problem clamping it to my desk. As my computer is a general purpose computer (used for other things than FS) I unclamp it each time I use it and make sure it is clamped on really tight when I do use it.

Thanks Pat. I remember reading that they had to re design the clamps as they were getting bad feedback about them, but the yoke I have must be 8 yo and it is still going strong. At the moment I have a piece of rubber conveyor belt wrapped around the edge of the desk for protection and that is holding really well.



Great shots and a nice narrative to go with them.  Odd cloud banding though - are you using default or an add-on for clouds?




Thanks Chris, I was using REX Texture direct and ASN.

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