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Thanks Eric C!


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Yes, many thanks.

This has been some great work. And it is not only because they all look awesome but also because you hit my (and many other forum user's) style. That shows that you care about us guys here :)

Again many thanks. I am very proud about the banners you did for me.

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Wow everyone thank you :), and what I love the most about all those banners is that it is showcasing each of your own amazing screenies! I'm glad you all are enjoying them so far and I know I have several more to do for some other members. Take care and thanks again for making this forum a special place to be and it's a pleasure to give back to all of you for being supportive, positive, and inspirational. God Bless!

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Wow everyone thank you :), and what I love the most about all those banners is that it is showcasing each of your own amazing screenies! I'm glad you all are enjoying them so far and I know I have several more to do for some other members. Take care and thanks again for making this forum a special place to be and it's a pleasure to give back to all of you for being supportive, positive, and inspirational. God Bless!

Hi Eric, these look wonderful and bring us all closer as a community I feel.

I only just spotted this thread and wondered how I would be able to get a banner?

Sorry for the dumb question, I must have missed another thread on this subject...

Many thanks and keep up the wonderful screenshots & contributions you make to this forum...well done

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Eric, I missed this thread until today. Sort of been distracted changing address and to make matters worse it has taken my Oz IP service over 2 weeks to connect me to the internet! The new banners are in a class of their own . How do I get one?

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Thanks Eric.

Thank you so much Eric. Sorry for the absence these days, better ones are soon to come (I hope).

Thanks a lot guys, glad to see you enjoying these designs showcasing your awesome work.

Hi Eric, these look wonderful and bring us all closer as a community I feel.

I only just spotted this thread and wondered how I would be able to get a banner?

Sorry for the dumb question, I must have missed another thread on this subject...

Many thanks and keep up the wonderful screenshots & contributions you make to this forum...well done

Eric, I missed this thread until today. Sort of been distracted changing address and to make matters worse it has taken my Oz IP service over 2 weeks to connect me to the internet! The new banners are in a class of their own . How do I get one?

Thanks a lot guys, and I'm glad you liked these. I just sent you both a PM with some info, and I'd be glad to do one for you this week :)
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Hey Eric. Just noticed the thread and some awesome work you are doing with these sig banners. Could I possibly trouble you for one of these banners too? Never had a sig banner before, but these custom ones look too good to resist. Of course it's if and when you can find the time.


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Hey Eric. Just noticed the thread and some awesome work you are doing with these sig banners. Could I possibly trouble you for one of these banners too? Never had a sig banner before, but these custom ones look too good to resist. Of course it's if and when you can find the time.


Thanks Scott, glad you liked the designs buddy and I just sent you a PM about the banner.
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They are all absolutely amazing signature banners. I have always held back from using one as I considered my signature big without them but these are too hard to resist such wonderful work. Any chance of imposing one more on you? I know that this can become overwhelming so feel free to decline.

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They are all absolutely amazing signature banners. I have always held back from using one as I considered my signature big without them but these are too hard to resist such wonderful work. Any chance of imposing one more on you? I know that this can become overwhelming so feel free to decline.

Hey Rick, thanks and no problem. I used to rush to finish it the same day but I'm giving myself some breathing room by saying "this week or weekend sometime now" :) I just sent you a PM buddy, take care!
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Well, I didn't realize that the new banner would be applied to all older posts as well. Just a public Thank You to Eric for creating this stunning signature banner for me. Just one more example of the kind of creative and caring people that are found on this forum. So many so willing to share their knowledge, experience, creativity and skills for the joy and benefit of others!

Thanks Eric!

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Well, I didn't realize that the new banner would be applied to all older posts as well. Just a public Thank You to Eric for creating this stunning signature banner for me. Just one more example of the kind of creative and caring people that are found on this forum. So many so willing to share their knowledge, experience, creativity and skills for the joy and benefit of others!

Thanks Eric!

Eric, a public thank you from me as well, your contribtions to the forum are to be commended...

Only just noticed this thread...

I'd also like to say a really big public thank you for your great offer and great work!


Mallard - proud user of the signature banner :D


You got my thanks as well. you've got some extreme talent my friend, and very giving to take your time to do these for us all. God Bless!


Thank you very much my friends for the kind comments, and it's the least I could do and give back to you all for supporting the forum, the community screenshot area, and my posts. Thanks again and looking forward to more of your screenies :)

Superb job on the banners Eric 8)

Thank you Wolter, and I hope it's easy on the eyes on the forum for you and the Team. I had the idea for a while but after I did one for myself, I had to extend the offer to many who make the forum a special place.

Eric, could I bother you to do one for me too? :smile: These look really awesome!

Thanks BPL, and no problem mate. I tried to send you a PM but couldn't (hmmm, not sure why). Email me when you get a chance at this email I just created, eric_c_sigbanner@yahoo.com and I'll send you some info to make one for you, thanks 8)
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Thanks BPL, and no problem mate. I tried to send you a PM but couldn't (hmmm, not sure why). Email me when you get a chance at this email I just created, eric_c_sigbanner@yahoo.com and I'll send you some info to make one for you, thanks 8)

Got that fixed, so now you can PM me. Thanks!

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Got that fixed, so now you can PM me. Thanks!

Very cool, I'll PM you shortly the info.

Been searching for this awesome banner, just come across this post could you do one for me please Eric?


Thanks and no problem Peebee (funny screename :D), I'll send you a PM shortly with some info.
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