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Key West is amazing....


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12 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

Excellent set Dario.

I am waiting out the download.

Might get a look tonight, otherwise tomorrow.



Thanks a lot! And I hope you enjoy flying over this amazing region! :) 


11 hours ago, adambar said:

Outstanding captures of Key West Dario, spent a lot of time there on vacations. :)


Wow, Adam, In would also like to visit this region in real life! It's already amazing in the virtual world here :) 


10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Everywhere looks great with your set up Dario and FL is no exception.

An outstanding series of images.


Thank you very much! Yes, I am truly happy with my current setup... I lost everything some months ago, and after many hours of "work" happily everything went back to normal :) 


10 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

TE-Florida and Key West...very nice!



Thank you very much! :) 


10 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Lovely shots Dario, Florida and Key West look great!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you very much! :) I indeed loved my first flight here. 


6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set these Dario.




Thank you very much, Iain! :) 


9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Unlike anything I have ever seen!  Amazing photoreality.


Thank you very much for your words, Jack! :) It's indeed an amazing region! 


9 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Superb caps, Dario and may I say, I love your plane 


Thank you very much! I also love this bird!!! Since I bought it, it's difficult to select other planes to fly.... :) 


3 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Great set Dario, the colour and clarity is amazing.




Thank you very much, Don! :) 


9 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Amazing shots as usual Dario

I'll fly my Fly Tampa Miami and LatinVFR Key West ones while Orbx launch them for P3D :(



Thank you very much, Carlos! :) I also love P3D, as you know. But may I ask why you didn't get XP11? And let's not forget that now FS2020 in on its way....


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13 hours ago, Dario said:



Thank you very much, Carlos! :) I also love P3D, as you know. But may I ask why you didn't get XP11? And let's not forget that now FS2020 in on its way....


I wasted up to 30 minutes just trying to identify the controls of the plane and how to fly it, until I gave up in absolute frustration

I fly with Keybord and mouse and the usual Key commands seemed not to much so I had a lot of conflicts, I remember touching a key and got full power, or another and the spoilers got up, the plane didn't "obey" at all and I got furious I couldn't change anything. The views too where impossible. I once managed to get a bit far from the panel in the cockpit and took off!! but couldn't do anything else, couldn't retract the gear, lower the speed get the nose down the plane climbed as a rocket until it stall. To simply uninstalled it and then had peace :rolleyes:


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