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There is nothing like travelling in style


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The luxury of travelling in a beautiful turbo prop means you have well and truly made it.

Your own private plane flying around Europe reclining in the soft leather seats sipping cocktails and eating decadent meals.



This is the things that dreams are surely made of.






Meanwhile I am off for some training in my Uno ultralite which, believe me is NOTHING like travelling in style!

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Hey Martyn you had my attention when it came to cocktails:P and soft seats;). But then I saw that "haywire" put together thing you're trying to coax in the air and decided to stay at the loungeB) and watch you catch bugs (like Rodger said) with your teeth. But great shots you've got there.:D

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On 12/6/2018 at 9:09 AM, VH-KDK said:

Meanwhile I am off for some training in my Uno ultralite which, believe me is NOTHING like travelling in style!

Well, see the positive things: Lots of legroom, fresh air (not even contaminated from the bloke sitting before you who just finished his pea soup), window seat, free aisle access, priority lane (the first on board). I can´t stop, there is surely more...

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On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:42 AM, lifejogger said:

Twin engine is good for getting somewhere fast but ultra light is better for seeing the scenery.   Nice shots.

Thanks John and you are correct on both counts!:P

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On ‎12‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 1:56 AM, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn I literally laughed out loud!  That was one of the more brilliantly funny things you've done in a while, I loved it! :lol:

Cheers Jack, glad I made you laugh.:lol:

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20 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey VH-VDK. Wonderful! Now wipe the bugs off your teeth, cough up the two-stroke exhaust, and carry on!

Those are the joys of this type of flying Rodger.

I must learn not to be so happy when flying around.:lol:

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20 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Hey Martyn you had my attention when it came to cocktails:P and soft seats;). But then I saw that "haywire" put together thing you're trying to coax in the air and decided to stay at the loungeB) and watch you catch bugs (like Rodger said) with your teeth. But great shots you've got there.:D

Thanks Karl, maybe you could coax Hilda to take a flight in one of these.:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:.

I don't mind the flies and mosquitos but the beetles are very painful when they hit!:o

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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Well, see the positive things: Lots of legroom, fresh air (not even contaminated from the bloke sitting before you who just finished his pea soup), window seat, free aisle access, priority lane (the first on board). I can´t stop, there is surely more...

The biggest disadvantage I have found is having an impatient A380 number two to you and following far too close.:ph34r:

Once at the gate the jetways can be a bit tricky to line up correctly.:wacko:

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