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I felt down


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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Very cool long shots Martyn!  Is that an AI Goose?  And I love the train, always love to see trains.

Cheers Jack, yes indeedee, it is a goose!:D

The train is rather good isn't it, so much to look at here around the town too.:)

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 7:20 AM, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. Lovely Goose. Hmmmm soon it'll be Thanksgiving in Canada.:P:D But you lucky "Ducks" have summer coming pretty quick and we'll need all the goose feathers we can find.:D 

Cheers Karl.

We will swap you some Emu feathers for some of your fire fighting planes and choppers.:o

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 11:14 AM, Wakashi said:

Well since all the best puns were used up by those above I'll just have to say, I FELTS really good after looking at those Quackin' shots! :rolleyes::lol:

Many thanks Roger, Eider one of those puns are funny for us older coots!:wacko::wacko:

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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 12:51 PM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Martyn, head about ten miles west from Felts and fly low. I'll wave from the balcony as you go over. More seriously, I must apologize for the terrible puns made in response to your excellent post. Us more mature members must tang such stuff with deeply felts sorrow.

Cheers Rodger, I will have to search you out another time as I got side tracked goose hunting.

I did fly into some heavy clouds but as there wasno goose to be seen I didn't show those pictures.:wacko:

Don't worry about the puns either, just do as I do and keep taking the medicine.:blink:

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