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In a fix


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I am currently waiting for my anti virus to fix some sort of problem on my PC.

I am eagerly waiting to install a new airport and then go for a flight.

So while biding my time I thought I would post a few images from an earlier flight out of KEGE.














Well it still hasn't finished so as it is already September I will  go for my shower.

I hope you enjoyed the post.

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Your shots make America(n) look great again. Well, it was never small in the meantime, was it?


1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

it is already September I will  go for my shower

I see you have indeed turn from a brit into an aussie. Saving water as much as can be done.

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16 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Your shots make America(n) look great again. Well, it was never small in the meantime, was it?


I see you have indeed turn from a brit into an aussie. Saving water as much as can be done.

Thanks Gerold, saving on the soap too.:o

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12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nice Martyn!  I've always thought the 757 was the sports car of the tubeliners, it's so sleek and very very powerful.

Cheers Jack, always been a favourite of mind despite seeing very few in RL.

I am making up for it now with FSim!:lol:

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2 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Wonderful shots, especially the landscape in #2. I like the 757, it's sad that there are no new ones anymore.

Thanks Lars, all good things must come to an end.:(

Great to see the 767 is still in production though!:)

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2 minutes ago, adambar said:

Dang, no wonder nobody wants to fly with you Martyn, a shower once a year, what's the occasion. :D  Fantastic shots! :)

No worries Adam, we always fly with the doors and windows open but we are puzzled why the oxygen masks sometimes deploy on the runway.;)

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12 hours ago, Wakashi said:

High flying shots you have here Martyn, great!  Hope your shower took care of that virus! :rollmyeyes:

Thanks Roger, I am not sure but I did lose 7kg which cant be a bad thing!:o

Now I have to call in the plumber to unblock the drains.:huh:

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