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20 minutes ago, BradB said:

Royal shot of your Thai Queen Martyn , it is good to hear that not all 747 are going out to the “Boneyard” at least for the time being . :):wacko: . 





Thank you John, they are getting a rarer sight now.

Sometimes we get a QF64  744 fly overhead to Sydney on it's way from Joburg. They will all be gone by 2020.

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19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Great shot Martyn but I know where your mind is at, ou have a longing to back to Thailand.  Wish I could send you some tickets to go.

Many thanks Jack, a very nice thought from you.:)

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19 hours ago, Wakashi said:

I guess all good things must come to an end, and so it is with airplanes! :(  But, rejoice, you have saved this one for as long as you keep that sim going! :D

We are so lucky Roger to be able to keep all of these old planes flying in the virtual skies.:)

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13 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Nice picture that "moves." I can hear the climb-out and see the curve of the turn to heading. Thanks.

Thanks for that Rodger and great to see you over on this side of the forum.:)

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14 hours ago, Ripcord said:

50 years ago, who would have thought the B-52 would out live the 747 in service life?

That´s not fair, Mark: No one cares for the economy of the B-52 and her ancient engines :ph34r:.

PS: God save the Queen.

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Well, sure good point.  Certainly different metrics involved, no question, but I suspect those B-52 airframes have been totally renovated and modernized.  Not much original content left on those things, I suspect.

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