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Flight of uncertainty


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I found a skin for the DC-4 in the beautiful old Lufthansa colours.

This flight is supposedly from LOWI to EDDM but will the old DC-4 be able to thread it's way through the mountains without disaster



Gisela and Ingrid marvel at the plane they are about to board.



Manfred is a seasoned flyer and is not at all concerned by the planes vintage.


Angelika voices her concerns to Wolfgang and doesn't want to board the plane while Kurt stands in disbelief as most Kurts do.


With the weather closing in and the distant rumble of thunder there is a strange atmosphere on the ramp amongst the baggage handlers.

Or maybe it was the Sauerkraut Lasagne they had in the canteen at lunch.



Everyone is now aboard and the DC-4 taxies out to the runway.


Passing lines of modern aircraft which would be more suite for flying in todays weather.


Increasing the power and getting ready to release the brakes.



Off and over the Inn.


At Kematen in Tirol and the GPS has been activated.


Over the market town of Zirl before turning up the River Isar Valley.


"Heilige Klumpen von malliablem Mist." It appears our flight planners have may have got it wrong.



As the pilots strain on the controls could this be the end for this DC-4 and it's unsuspecting passengers.


Look out for the concluding part of this story. 



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23 minutes ago, European Mountain Man said:

Well Martyn super set of shots and it looked like a  hair raising flight  and i hope you got to your destination ok  regards EMM

Thanks Stewart, I guess you will have to wait for the next post for the answer.;)

In the mean time are you any good at flying rescue helicopters!:o:o

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1 hour ago, Dadtom65 said:

Great shots Martyn especially the number 4 picture and the comments  :D:D. I think you made it out OK. Derek.

Thanks for that, I hope to get out too as it would be a shame to scratch such a beautiful paint job.:(:unsure::rolleyes:

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Fine set, loved the commentary, and the music brought back memories of being allowed to stay up late to listen to Dick Barton on the radio. It's the second time recently that Dick Barton has come up drove past a Fish & Chip shop of that name, in the Mumbles, Swansea 

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1 hour ago, Taph said:

Fine set, loved the commentary, and the music brought back memories of being allowed to stay up late to listen to Dick Barton on the radio. It's the second time recently that Dick Barton has come up drove past a Fish & Chip shop of that name, in the Mumbles, Swansea 

Thanks for that Taph and I too remember the Good Old Days(another memory from the past!) listening to the radio. :P

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1 hour ago, BradB said:

Galloping Gertie , these are terrific shots Martyn . :D:)





I am no where near the Tacoma Narrows John but there is the possibility that this may end in disaster like the bridge.:ph34r::ph34r::o

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Martyn, first of all, I almost woke up the wife with your sauerkraut comment I was laughing so loudly! :lol:  One of your best set and narratives yet.  This is the kind of stuff I really like, it has nice details a great old vintage plane, perfect scenery, and those conversations were excellent.  Well done!

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn, first of all, I almost woke up the wife with your sauerkraut comment I was laughing so loudly! :lol:  One of your best set and narratives yet.  This is the kind of stuff I really like, it has nice details a great old vintage plane, perfect scenery, and those conversations were excellent.  Well done!

Cheers Jack and thanks for the great comment.:)

I should have put the music first and suggested it was played while looking through the images.:rolleyes:

I am off to the kitchen now to make up some of that Lasagne, I will put some in the post for you to try.:ph34r:

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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Cheers Jack and thanks for the great comment.:)

I should have put the music first and suggested it was played while looking through the images.:rolleyes:

I am off to the kitchen now to make up some of that Lasagne, I will put some in the post for you to try.:ph34r:

Cool!  Look forward to it.

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Great shots and an outstanding narration you give us here. I have never had such a personal tour of the airport before, and usually I do not know that many persons at an airport.

8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Or maybe it was the Sauerkraut Lasagne they had in the canteen at lunch.

Sounds dangerous. But you don´t know if they also had an english breakfast with fine baked beans?


2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I am off to the kitchen now to make up some of that Lasagne, I will put some in the post for you to try.:ph34r:

Hmmm, that will be interesting... do you get the ingredients in Mooroopna? Also the required Meisterwurz to digest it?

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14 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Fantastic shots, specially like those ground shots!!!!!  I am looking forward to the end of the flight!!!!!

Thanks John and we are hoping that it will be in Munich as planned not half way up a mountain.:ph34r::o

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12 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great shots and an outstanding narration you give us here. I have never had such a personal tour of the airport before, and usually I do not know that many persons at an airport.

Sounds dangerous. But you don´t know if they also had an english breakfast with fine baked beans?


Hmmm, that will be interesting... do you get the ingredients in Mooroopna? Also the required Meisterwurz to digest it?

Thanks Gerold, there is so much to discover in ORBX world if time is taken for a closer look.

Well I hope it wasn't a bean supper around the camp fire that Mr Taggert served up.

We have everything here in Mooroopna especially the Meisterwurz!

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6 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Martyn, looks like a heck of a flight...curios to know what happens next :) Lovely and humorous narration to go along with all of the great screenies :) 

Thanks Landon, I am glad you liked the set, watch this space.:lol:

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17 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn, first of all, I almost woke up the wife with your sauerkraut comment I was laughing so loudly! :lol:  One of your best set and narratives yet.  This is the kind of stuff I really like, it has nice details a great old vintage plane, perfect scenery, and those conversations were excellent.  Well done!

Wow Martyn great shots. I am so glad the boys had the sauerkraut instead of Jacks fish Haggis. I'm sure it would've turned out badly for the latrines and mebby the entire flight. Thinking of the pilots in the cockpit and people on the ground since this old plane had a straight flush out toilets through the fuselage.:rolleyes:  :D

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1 hour ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow Martyn great shots. I am so glad the boys had the sauerkraut instead of Jacks fish Haggis. I'm sure it would've turned out badly for the latrines and mebby the entire flight. Thinking of the pilots in the cockpit and people on the ground since this old plane had a straight flush out toilets through the fuselage.:rolleyes:  :D

Thanks Karl and cheers for the warning about the fish haggis.:unsure:

Also some worrying info about the plumbing on the DC-4, a 4 engine pelican perhaps!:huh:

Gimme acid rain any day.:o

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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks John and we are hoping that it will be in Munich as planned not half way up a mountain.:ph34r::o

If you need I´ll take pictures of the Zirler Berg pass when I drive it in June. But I do not really expect you will be able to wait until then:ph34r:?

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Just now, Stillwater said:

If you need I´ll take pictures of the Zirler Berg pass when I drive it in June. But I do not really expect you will be able to wait until then:ph34r:?

It would be good if you could include some in a FSim/RL post Gerold.;)

I hear the injuns are a problem there so if you are looking for someone to ride shotgun................:o

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17 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

It would be good if you could include some in a FSim/RL post Gerold.;)

I hear the injuns are a problem there so if you are looking for someone to ride shotgun................:o

I´ll let you know when we start. I´ll have my camera charged, you take care for this other thing.

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8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

You mean the rest of the post or the Lasagne in the post!:)

Both, I love cooking lasagna, as long as I don't eat it! :o  I can have one molecule of it and gain five pounds! :angry:


But I'd love to see a continuation of this flight with some of your humorous narrative. :)

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8 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Both, I love cooking lasagna, as long as I don't eat it! :o  I can have one molecule of it and gain five pounds! :angry:


But I'd love to see a continuation of this flight with some of your humorous narrative. :)

Well Jack the second post and the Lasagne are both out there and should have been well and truly digested by now.:huh:

I hope you haven't put on too much weight with the latter.:o

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16 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Well Jack the second post and the Lasagne are both out there and should have been well and truly digested by now.:huh:

I hope you haven't put on too much weight with the latter.:o

Strange isn't it?  When I was in my 20's I had to eat my weight in food every day like a sparrow just to maintain 150 pounds, now I can smell food and gain a pound. :wacko:

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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Strange isn't it?  When I was in my 20's I had to eat my weight in food every day like a sparrow just to maintain 150 pounds, now I can smell food and gain a pound. :wacko:

I have the same problem Jack, I think it is called getting old!:ph34r:

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4 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

And it's not for the faint of heart either!


Well, as I type this I'm in the B200 flying at 9500' over GES and loving it.

No and I have just come back from the wrinkley home and thinking this could be me in a few years from now!:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


I am glad you are enjoying your flight and we have to enjoy it while we can.:)

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