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Getting the hang of study-level

Jack Sawyer

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P3D v4 - Orbx Global, Vector, NA L/C, Trees, Northern California, Southern California, Adam's PTA, REX, AS4 and a few partridges in some pear trees for good measure.


This was KSFO (not shown) to KLAX




































Following the STAR into LAX


























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11 minutes ago, Airwolf said:

Great shots.


There was a time just a few months ago, we would all would have faced ooms with these addons in the 32 bit era.  It is amazing on what can be done with 64bit.



Thanks Airwolf, and I was amazed too because I had every last slider maxed out in P3D and not one worry.

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When the day comes when I can't CTL-E to start my props , then that will be the day when I give up my wings . But as our friend Jack reminds us : …condition, grounded, but determined to try… words to live by my friend . :angry::o:):)





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52 minutes ago, BradB said:

When the day comes when I can't CTL-E to start my props , then that will be the day when I give up my wings . But as our friend Jack reminds us : …condition, grounded, but determined to try… words to live by my friend . :angry::o:):)





Thanks John.  You should try one of these someday, it's fun to learn.  Yep, I'm grounded but I am determined very much to try. ;)

33 minutes ago, Ken Terry said:

Jack, fascinating set of excellent pictures, what level of FPS were you getting mid flight and arrival at KLAX?



Thanks Ken!  The FPS never went below 25 around LAX and that with Ultimate Traffic Live running too!

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Top class set and flight Jack.

It must give you a great sense of accomplishment when you do a flight like this. Well done.

4 hours ago, BradB said:

When the day comes when I can't CTL-E to start my props , then that will be the day when I give up my wings . But as our friend Jack reminds us : …condition, grounded, but determined to try… words to live by my friend . :angry::o:):)





Could not agree with you more than that John. I am definitely a Ctrl+E aviator like you and just want to get up in the air and enjoy the view. This is the beauty of FS that there is something in it for everyone.B)

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7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Top class set and flight Jack.

It must give you a great sense of accomplishment when you do a flight like this. Well done.

Could not agree with you more than that John. I am definitely a Ctrl+E aviator like you and just want to get up in the air and enjoy the view. This is the beauty of FS that there is something in it for everyone.B)

Thanks Martyn!  It is a lot of work but since it's so-called study-level it makes it more of a challenge to learn all this stuff.  This is why at 9:00 PM my nose is buried in my iPad watching YT's and reading manuals.

7 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Super set of screen shots jack I liked the ones with the undercarriage good shots well done regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart, this is why I like Chase Plane, it makes it so easy to set up creative views like this.  This way you can get part of the plane you don't see too often and get to see Orbx's stuff at the same time.

6 hours ago, paulb said:

Great fight and great shots Jack! :) Like you, the more time that I spend in P3Dv4, the more that I like it! ;)

I do admire the way that you can fly those complex big jets.

Thanks Paul!  I have a slight leg up Paul as I used to work cockpit avionics in these birds so I know a lot freaky out of the gate.  But it's still a lot of work to set up a flight with fuel weights and winds, and SIDS and STAR's and well, you get the picture.

2 hours ago, mikee said:

Super Shots Jack , well done ! :rolleyes:

Thanks Mike!

39 minutes ago, dolf8857 said:

Fantastic shots Jack!

Thank you Dolf!

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Honestly I would not want to be a passenger starting in a 777 piloted by you Jack. I simply like my lunch too much.


14 hours ago, Airwolf said:

There was a time just a few months ago, we would all would have faced ooms with these addons in the 32 bit era.  It is amazing on what can be done with 64bit.

LAX is definetively an aera where 64 bit makes THE difference.

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1 minute ago, Stillwater said:

Honestly I would not want to be a passenger starting in a 777 piloted by you Jack. I simply like my lunch too much.

Ouch!!  :(


I wondered if people would notice, you see this is a study level plane and in my stupid rush I didn't notice until after take off I was climbing too steeply.

I had neglected to turn on VNAV like a dummy.

After that it was normal.


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1 hour ago, Capt Pugwash said:

You giving them wings some flex in #1 shot Jack ...:blink:

Grand shots...

Yeah, it was a mistake, I was wondering why I was climbing so fast then I realized I neglected to engage VNAV and LNAV!  Oops.  Fixed it and continued with my flight.  Thanks Capt.

34 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Excellent set of very close to photorealistic shots Jack.

Very crisp, & shadings & colors look good.

If I had that setup I don't think I would be tinkering with it much.:)

The Delta is PMDG??


Thanks TTM!  I agree and thanks, not messing with it any more.  Yes, PMDG.

5 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Smashing set of shots indeed.



Thank you Iain!

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4 hours ago, Ken Hall said:

superb set Jack, keep learning

Thanks Ken, yup, that seems all I do, learn learn learn.  It's my way of enjoying the hobby.

1 hour ago, adambar said:

I'm pretty good at starting the J3 Cub and Cessna's, but that's about it. :D   Fsntastic series of pics Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!  If I can do it anyone can do it!

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2 minutes ago, magic1 said:

Very Nice Jack - looks like photographs! Something about that third shot really jumps out and those undercarriage shots are really cool!

Thanks Magic!  Yeah, I love those undercarriage shots too.  I remember when I was a kid and they showed these on TV, a long long time ago and I was always fascinated to see them.

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