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3 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Nice shots of Jandakot, but ain´t YPPH an optical disaster?

I see the spikes in Juneau only, but do not know the cure.

Thanks Gerold, but why is YPPH an optical disaster?  I've never seen there in real life, is it not made correctly or something?

Yeah, I read somewhere the spikes are caused from two things, the sliders too far to the right, and certain types of trees.  I may be wrong.   But I do know that since I cranked up the sliders I see them constantly and they ruin the immersion but man do I like the way the sim looks.

2 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:


I was in there an hour ago doing a few before/after shots after just buying Jandakot.

The 'before' had Rex World Airport hangars etc, the after is the Orbx Payware.

Big! difference.

May put them up later


I'd like to see them TTM.  I like all of the Australian airports, I think I just need one or two more and the city of Canberra and then the UK and some of the other major stand-alone ones and I'll have 'em all.

1 hour ago, BradB said:

Wow - Fantastic livery Jack , I knew you could fly something other than yellow . Hopefully the spikes will be a thing of the past with V4 . :):)





Thanks John, I hope so too.  I think it'll be quite a while before I'm at where I am now in the sim in V4.  I'm going to lose a lot of planes which bothers me.  There's a lot of work for everyone to do but this time next year I think the dust will have settled.  And I'll still be flying yellow planes John! :P:D:)

39 minutes ago, bernd1151 said:

Great screenies, Jack. That plane blends in there rather well ;)

Thanks Bernd, that's your livery and it's a beauty!  My all-time favorite livery out of all the planes in my hangar.

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Just now, olderndirt said:

In the third from last, it looks like you're landing on that taxiway - wanna be a movie star?

I was OnD, I was doing my Harrison Ford imitation.  I figured since there was no one around, why not? :D

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4 hours ago, paulb said:

I get the spikes sometimes as well Jack. I don't really know what causes it.

I love the plane - always fancied a nice biplane. :)


it's graphic card too high definition cause this

also some warming of the element need to clean , may be a lot of dust in computer?



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7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots.



Thanks Iain!

6 hours ago, paulb said:

I get the spikes sometimes as well Jack. I don't really know what causes it.

I love the plane - always fancied a nice biplane. :)

Thanks Paul, perhaps it is dust, but I think it's the sliders.

4 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Amazing set Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

2 hours ago, Neptune6 said:


it's graphic card too high definition cause this

also some warming of the element need to clean , may be a lot of dust in computer?



Thanks Patrick.  I keep the PC on a table two feet off the floor and I regularly blow out all dust with one of those powerful electric blowers made for this.  It could be slider or dust, I'm afraid to take anything apart, like removing video cards.  

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:


Thanks Paul, perhaps it is dust, but I think it's the slider

Thanks Patrick.  I keep the PC on a table two feet off the floor and I regularly blow out all dust with one of those powerful electric blowers made for this.  It could be slider or dust, I'm afraid to take anything apart, like removing video cards.  


I am pretty sure that it not dust Jack. My current pc is only a few months old. No chance for dust to accumulate there in such a short time.

So IMHO, it could be sliders/settings or something else.

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1 minute ago, paulb said:


I am pretty sure that it not dust Jack. My current pc is only a few months old. No chance for dust to accumulate there in such a short time.

So IMHO, it could be sliders/settings or something else.

Thanks Paul!  That'll save me some time today 

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28 minutes ago, stewart1 said:

very nice shots Jack like the colour scheme on that aircraft regards stewart  

Thanks Stewart, that absolutely wonderful livery is from Bernd.  Out of all the planes I have ever flown in any sim, this one is my personal favorite.  It has beautiful, delicate lines.  Oh, and it's the same color as my car, oh, and my wife loves it too...:P

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4 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Numero uno series of captures Jack! My math teacher at Purdue is from Perth. He's studying to become an astronaut. Also, you photographed some mighty stange brobdingnagian alien structures in one of your shots!

:lol:  I'd love to be an astronaut but I'm too old, alas and alack.  I'm already a space cadet though! :lol:


Brobdingnagian |ˌbräbdiNGˈnaɡēənadjectivegigantic.nouna giant.ORIGIN early 18th century: from Brobdingnag, the name given by Swift (in Gulliver's Travels) to a land where everything is of huge size, + -ian.

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Very nice shots Jack, I love the livery you chose. As for the two big antennas visible in shot #10, they are not the result of new settings, those are the only two such antennas in the world used to search for extra-terrestrial life. You just happened to make a screen capture by luck. :ph34r:

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3 minutes ago, Orbxtreme said:

Very nice shots Jack, I love the livery you chose. As for the two big antennas visible in shot #10, they are not the result of new settings, those are the only two such antennas in the world used to search for extra-terrestrial life. You just happened to make a screen capture by luck. :ph34r:

Thanks Francois!  I have to :lol: at your comments about the "antennas!"  There has to be life out there but why would they want to visit us?  We're not even a type 1 civilization and there's so much violence here.  Maybe someday humans can live in peace.  Maybe.


I wonder if aliens have flight sims?  Space sims?  :lol:


Oh, that's Bernd's lovely livery, he created it.  It's awesome isn't it?

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Beautiful shots from WA Jack, you are having a great time visiting all of the ORBX airports. Don't forget you have to look at all the bits in between. Should only take you about 35 years.

Those are not spikes but where the gum trees are trying to get into some cooler air because of climate change.

Never mind, if we all pay enough tax it will all go away and we will live happily ever after.:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Beautiful shots from WA Jack, you are having a great time visiting all of the ORBX airports. Don't forget you have to look at all the bits in between. Should only take you about 35 years.

Those are not spikes but where the gum trees are trying to get into some cooler air because of climate change.

Never mind, if we all pay enough tax it will all go away and we will live happily ever after.:rolleyes:

Thanks Martyn!  Gosh, 35 years.  By then they'll be up P3D v 29 and it'll be real flying!

Gum trees trying to get cooler air!  I love it. :lol:

Taxes, :blink:

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