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A joke for your Blonde boat mate Jack :


There was a dumb blonde out on a rowboat one day in the middle of a wheat field. Then another dumb blonde drives by and yells to the one in a rowboat, "It's people like you that give us a bad name!! And if I could swim I would go out there to kick your butt!!!





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9 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Lol Jack. Awesome my man.:D

Thanks flyingleaf!

9 hours ago, BradB said:

A joke for your Blonde boat mate Jack :


There was a dumb blonde out on a rowboat one day in the middle of a wheat field. Then another dumb blonde drives by and yells to the one in a rowboat, "It's people like you that give us a bad name!! And if I could swim I would go out there to kick your butt!!!





Thanks John!  I love it, I'm gonna add it to my repertoire :lol:

5 hours ago, paulb said:


Well done Jack.

Thanks Paul!

4 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

Absolutely terrific, Jack. I love it!!!!

Thanks Bernd, I'm really glad you liked them.

2 hours ago, Torchy821 said:

I love these cartoon strips Jack.  You should talk to JV and get an "official" Jack Cartoon slot!



Thanks Kev, I really appreciate it.  I'd be afraid to ask Mr. JV, I don't know what he thinks about them.  I do use Orbx stuff though, and they're always family friendly.  I just like to make people laugh.

1 hour ago, dolf8857 said:

Awesome story again Jack!  

Thanks Dolf, I'm glad you like them too.

1 hour ago, FILOU said:


Thanks FILOU!

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14 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Well done Jack, this is your best yet.

Thanks for starting my day off with even a bigger smile.:)

Thanks Martyn!!  I'm glad you got a smile from it.  It makes me smile to make others smile.

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2 hours ago, magic1 said:


Thanks Magic!

2 hours ago, Syzygy said:

Really enjoyed the fun and humour Jack. I needed a laugh this evening, thanks!



Thanks Roger!  It make me feel good to make you laugh, we need more laughter in this world.

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2 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Well done Jack, great cartoons great story, more laughs here.



:)  Thanks Don!  Glad you like them.  They take a lot of work because I want them to be funny and most of all family friendly.  I don't think I'd ever do anything that wasn't family friendly.  And I have to tell you, writing comedy is very difficult.  These three took me almost a week.  I had to stop work and come back to it with different ideas.

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Yep its very difficult mate and I appreciate your talent. Having dabbled with the pencils over the years I know what it takes. These days I stick with Painter when I have the time.

Cartooning takes a special talent mate. Thanks for sharing Jack



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1 minute ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Yep its very difficult mate and I appreciate your talent. Having dabbled with the pencils over the years I know what it takes. These days I stick with Painter when I have the time.

Cartooning takes a special talent mate. Thanks for sharing Jack



Thanks again Don!  I've done the same with pencil too.  PM me if you want to send some pix of your stuff.

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Thanks Jack, I'm a fan of Luis Royo, dont know if you know of him. His art gets a bit saucy though, he loves sketching/painting the ladies, neked ladies, but his artwork is brilliant. 

I tried cartooning a long time ago but gave up, I'm hopeless at getting the pictures from my head to the paper. Unfortunately these days I rarely have time to draw or paint.



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8 minutes ago, Aussieflyer38 said:

Thanks Jack, I'm a fan of Luis Royo, dont know if you know of him. His art gets a bit saucy though, he loves sketching/painting the ladies, neked ladies, but his artwork is brilliant. 

I tried cartooning a long time ago but gave up, I'm hopeless at getting the pictures from my head to the paper. Unfortunately these days I rarely have time to draw or paint.



Yes, his artwork is beautiful, he sure knows how to draw beautiful women.  I've always been a sci-fi-fi junkie so I always loved Boris Vallejo.

I still draw and paint occasionally but I love to sculpt in clay or wood.  I have been blessed with taking clay or wood and making an exact copy of an item in short order.  Chess pieces, animals, you name it.  Just a hobby but it's fun.

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