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Israel's Farm

Jack Sawyer

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This is a lovely little area.  So I decided to buy it and have a look around in my little A2A Cub with a fun Heidi.  We had a great time exploring and doing TNG's.  Very quaint and scenic area.

You'll see clears skies then AS16 skies.




























These little grass strips can be hard to find!










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2 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

These are some fantastic shots, Jack

Thanks Bernd.  It's a fun area.

1 hour ago, TigerTigerM said:

TNG's with Heidi?

Does your Wife know about this?:)

Nice set BTW.


My wife? :wub:  Oh, um, yeah, um, she ah, knows.  Thanks!  

1 hour ago, BradB said:

Some of the best from the "Farm" in a long time . Heck of a post Jack !!





Thanks John!  It's so beautiful there.

1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Top class Jack, those strips are not only hard to find but also very difficult to land.

Wonderful shots anyway with your virtual friend, whose absence was not missed by me in your last shot.

Thanks Martyn, I think I crashed and Heidi bailed on me so it was solo on the next takeoff. :)

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14 hours ago, adambar said:

Everyone has had fun with Heidi, Jack. :D  Super shots of the farm, now you need to get Walter Sutton's if you don't already have it. :)

Thanks Adam, yep, on my list.  I'd like to buy them all someday.

13 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Hope your enjoyed visiting your friend Izzy!

Izzy Erik?  I enjoyed my flight with Heidi.  Very much fun.

11 hours ago, jury42 said:

Great realistic set!

Thanks Jury.

8 hours ago, Flying_Grandpa said:

Great set.

Thanks Flying_Grandpa.

8 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Set of great shots again Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

24 minutes ago, paulb said:

Good set Jack! :).  I have Israels Farm, but I usually can't find it - let alone land there! :D

Thanks Paul!  Yeah, it's easy to take off but hard to find!

1 minute ago, Wakashi said:

Most excellent set Jack, I do like those little (although hard to find hard to land on) grass strips

Thanks Roger, good to see you back!  Those little grass strips are just made for fun with taildraggers.

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13 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Such a lovely little airstrip. And a lovely little airplane. Good fit...

Thanks Gerold!

10 hours ago, Bluebear said:

wonderful shots, Jack :)

the perfect combination a nice Piper Cup (with or without Heidi)
and a rural scenery like Israel's Farm





Thanks Bluebear, it's beautiful there.

6 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

I agree with you, the VFR flying around Israel's Farm is fantastic. If you try it with real life weather and wind, you can end up with big surprises with the Piper Cub.

I can imagine as it flys so slowly and is almost like a motorized kite.

5 hours ago, Republic DC-9 said:

Very nice shots, Jack!



Thanks Steve!

2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots.



Thank you Iain!

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