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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. On 8/31/2021 at 6:23 PM, Sniper31 said:

    This is a very passive aggressive remark Wolfgang. For my part, I responded to this thread with how I feel about the direction of Orbx as of late. I don't feel that my comments were 'moaning' as you put it. Maybe you were not talking to me, I don't know, but comments like that are what put people in defensive postures. Why not simply ask for some of us to elaborate on why we feel the way we do instead of resorting to such types of instigating comments? I've known you virtually on here for years, and I respect your comments and opinions and I do not wish to get into a sparring match with you in this thread. Just something to think about. 


    Anyhow, let me elaborate some on why I feel the way I do, for those that want to know. In some of the previous airport releases prior to MSFS, the developers put little special touches on many of them....the race cars at S43 Harvey, the moving trains at LOWI and EGHI, BBQ parties at places like Bowerman, and some of the other PNW airports (I cannot remember them all specifically). Also, the Orca whales off the ends of the runway at KORS....those kind of little touches are what make me feel like those are special Orbx magic touches. I know MSFS has it's own people flowish type of thing going on with the ground service people, but it is the exact same people at every airport. Orbx' People Flow had a little more variety (remember the woman in red for example?). Anyhow, that is generally why I feel the way I do. That, and as I stated earlier in my previous post, that lack of digital User Guides....that is a BIG one for me. Lot's of cool details were in those User Guides, and helped me to soak in more of the feel of that virtual location. Sure, I can use Wikipedia, and I do, but having some historical data combined with some flying info, maps and diagrams as well as POI's included with the scenery (and their locations) was something I really appreciated. We don't get those anymore.


    Hopefully that helps shed some light on why I feel the way I do regarding this main topic of this thread.


    Cheers, and have a nice day :) 



    Landon, my post was not aiming at you or all the others who clearly stated their sentiments and/or said what they do not like about the newer Orbx products. I was only asking the few posters who are saying Orbx does not provide the same high quality any more like it did a few years ago but do not state why they do not like the new Orbx products.

    Since I absolutely dislike the fact that complaining about everything and anything becomes more and more popular nowadays, my wording was probably a bit too harsh. I do appologize for this.

    And BTW, Happy Birthday Landon! :D

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  2. @Aussieflyer38  @wain71


    Hi Don and Wayne,

    I haven't watched the video by squirrel, so maybe you already know the following.

    Steering the plane while in drone mode is actually quite simple.


    1. Assign a key/button to "Toggle Plane Controls". I think it is the "c" key by default. This is inconvenient though, because also the com radios are pinned to "c"

    2. Now whenever you "Toggle Plane Controls" you can steer the aircraft while in drone mode, but you cannot move the drone camera then. For positioning the drone camera you have to "Toggle Plane Controls" again.  The "Toggle Plane Controls" command works also when in flying mode inside the cockpit.

    3. Unfortunatly there is no way of moving/positioning the drone camera and steering the aircraft simultaneously.


    So what I usually do is:

    1. I "Toggle Drone Mode"

    2. Position the drone (a perfectly trimmed plane can fly a few seconds whitout control input)

    3. Then I "Toggle Plane Controls" so I can steer the aicraft while in drone mode

    5. I "Toggle Plane Controls" back and forth when I want to reposition the drone 

    4.  I "Toggle Drone Mode" again, when I want to go back into the cockpit


    I hope this helps. It sounds much more complicated than it is. :)


    Edit: whith TrackIR you can change the camera direction and even the its position a bit when steering in drone mode.


    Edit 2: I do not use an Xbox controller for steering the drone but Keyboard commands.





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  3. 5 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:

    You appear to be running the very interesting images through an editing program, with an 'effects' in place.

    I don't think it is Sepia. What is it?:)


    Yes, I am curious too.

    Are these perhaps scanned old photographs?

  4. 3 hours ago, zkdos said:

    Just mulling over this issue and feel like I am missing certain textures and models that should be part of the custom PAJN that was repotedly included with the Mesh product.


    As per the attached screengrab, my Orbx Alaska community folder is 6.22GB file size containing 486 Files in 28 Folders.

    Is this correct, or am I missing some contents? Would appreciate if others could check their folders and report back.



    2 hours ago, Jon Clarke said:

    Your Properties size of the Alaska mesh is absolutely spot on correct as I attach a pic of mine:




    The "size on disk" is slightly different though.

    6.887.133.696 bytes vs 6.887.109.120 bytes.

  5. Could those of you, who are moaning, that the quality of Orbx products has got worse lately, please explain what kinda shortcomings the new Orbx products have?

    There is mostly just general nagging but no concrete description of what you are missing in these late releases. Thank you.


    Edit: I am not talking about the Throwback Thursday line if products. 



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  6. 2 hours ago, BradB said:

    I had to do a double take also .


    Me too. First I thought these are screenshots, because I did not see any people on the shots which is very unusual for a real life seafront location. Then I spotted the people in the sea and on the beach to the left of the third shot - and they are definitely real or borrowed from Pilot Plus.^_^


    • Haha 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Marcus Nyberg said:


    Sorry Stephane, no news at this stage. We will look further into it when the MSFS2020 is done. I've done some of the basic tasks already but to be honest I'm a bit hesitant on how we should proceed. We will most likely not be able to include the whole city so it would be a very cropped version of the MSFS2020 version with only final approach added, which I'm feeling quite hesitant about if it would actually meet up to the expectations as the default Stockholm is far from impressive.

    Let's deal with the MSFS release first and maybe there can be an open discussion about how a P3D version should look like to impress the crowds and if I can achieve that :)



    Since XP users are used to the generally not very impressive looking default XP scenery and many of them are using Ortho4XP, a cropped version of Bromma might not be a big problem for them.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Er!k said:

    I just landed into a rainy Split Airport departing from Graz. Due to the bad weather could not see much of the surroundings. Hopefully next flight :)


    After landing I found 2 issues:

    1. Parkings are not defined as 'Gate': so ATC says 'taxi to general aviation parking' instead of 'taxi to gate XX'

    2. The parking (7) did not have an option for 'ramp connection' (stairs). I know this option is available if you use a parking of type RAMP_GA_LARGE.


    Hope you fixe this in a future update!




    You made some interesting points regarding parking in general. There are some other threads here about parking and available - or let's say not available - ground services at other airports, e.g. LOWI, and no one of us could figure out so far what defines ATC commands and available services.

  9. Oh yes, I remember the good old Orbx days when PNW was released as first region outside of Australia and after this we had to wait many, many months until the first Orbx stand alone airport for PNW had been released, one of the masterpieces of Andreas and Heiko. I can't remember, if it was either Darrington or Concrete. And then, again many months later, the other airport, Concrete or Darrington was released. So litterally it was one region and two airports which had been released by Orbx within about one year's periode then.

    I am not sure if I like to have those "happy" days again.


    This said, we all were exited about Neil Hill's superbly enhanced airports, which have been included in the regions and enjoyed them very much. These enhanced airports have been good enough for us for a long, long time, but now we are complaining about 5 $ Thursday Throwback products, which even have a much higher standard than the enhanced airports had.


    And yes, like @BradB I do not buy as many airports any more like I did before MSFS. But this is not due to Orbx quality, but only, because I now fly the whole world with MSFS, literally every day in another area of the world, where I have not flown before. So why buying an airport, which I will use only once or twice, because the next day I will fly in another part of the world?


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    5 hours ago, Andrew Hunter-Graham said:

    It's an interesting topic to discuss, but we just need to be mindful for the topic not to become a bashing fest of @Orbx because the discussion will not last.


    Things change as the years go by. Seemingly a lot has changed since the heydays of Orbx being a leader in scenery development and improvement for FSX and P3D.


    I can't quite put my finger on it, but I do feel that things have changed and I cant say it hasn't been on my mind in recent times.


    Two points to consider:

    1) Ambitions as a company can and do change or split in two (in house development and partnership) There are positives and negatives to this.

    2) Highly productive talent and experience coming and going, it's inevitable, but has a dramatic impact. At times it is hugely positive, other times it comes as a huge loss and has a negative impact.


    On a product such as Ketchikan (PAKT) and even Juneau (PAJN) for MSFS I think transparency is key. Both were originally developed for FSX/P3D by Russ White, from memory he is no longer developing for flight simulation, which is a big loss to the community! I don't think he is the only one to move on.


    So I imagine there are serious limitations around these products in MSFS, without the original developer passionately going to the ends of the world and back to achieve insane quality.  


    It feels like the "Throwback classics range" has come out of nowhere. What is it, what should the community expect, why is Orbx going down this path, is it something that the community wants and can respect or does it do more harm than good?








    I think there is immense pressure right now and no doubt it is a substantial challenge to manage.


    Historically Orbx has built a lot of trust and respect over the years, giving them a brilliant reputation within the flight sim community. It's not impossible to become too reliant on that and loose sight of what the community still values.


    In saying that, a lot of what we see in scenery development today has been spurred on by the high standard that Orbx sets.


    MSFS is so incredibly young, in the scheme of what Orbx has achieved over so many years with other simulators.   







    5 hours ago, KORDATC said:

    It’s not even that which I’m most concerned about.  Rather, things that should be standard in all new releases.  PAKT, for example (since it is what prompted my post) is missing hangars, has a default jetway plunked down on the airport, and seems to use the default MSFS ground vehicles.  In the past, Orbx always had their own custom ground vehicles.  


    What would you have expected for US$6.59 | €5,60 | £4.81 | AU$9.09?

    Come on guys, you are comparing these kinda products with € 35 airports.


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  11. 2 hours ago, Seanmo said:

    So when exactly did they promise that helipads would be landable? And should I point out that official support for actual helicopters isn't even a feature in MSFS yet and that Microsoft doesn't plan on adding it until some time in 2022? Yes I am aware of the weird DLC they announced yesterday. Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of helipads on Earth are not landable.


    Here's the product page for Brisbane. Please tell us where it says that it has landable helipads? So you are asking them to fix something that isn't actually broken. That's called a feature request, not a bug. Very few scenery companies do a better job supporting their (reasonable) users than Orbx. I actually can't name one. 


    And just for the record, don't expect the alleged $400 of product in your alleged cart to be filled with landable helipads.

    Just sayin'


    P.S., Spamming this forum over and over like a child is really beneath you. Unless you are a child. Okay, if you are a child then my apologies. Otherwise you acted like a big baby today.


    Orbx has not promised to fix it. But  @Marfarkar is not moaning about this. He is just disappointed that he got nil answer on his request, if the helipads will be made landable or not. He was only waiting for a simple "yes" or a "no". Unfortunately this kind of lack of communication seems to become more and more common with Orbx.


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  12. @daan_vb Are you sure that ENAL is equipped wit an ILS DME in the real world? I have extensivly searched the Internet for info about an ILS DME at the real ENAL but have only found info about an ILS but not about a DME.

    That there is a DME according to Navigraph, doesn't mean that there is one in the real world.


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