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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 1 hour ago, AndyM01 said:


    Thanks. Can you try pushback with the A320 please? As I said, I can pushback, but strangely the vehicle is invisible.


    As per you request here are pushback and other grpund serbices available for the A320. Screenies taken just 10 minutes ago with live weather. Yes, we again have got rain here in Innsbruck:


    1) Available ground services for the A320




    2) Pushback Request for the A320




    3) Pushback for A320 operating (pushback vehicle is visible)



    So, no problems here at all for pushback and other ground services for the A320.


    Cheers, Wolfgang














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  2. On 6/22/2021 at 1:50 PM, eagle22 said:

    Most ground services are not available in LOWI, can't be called from the menu... No pushback!

    Can this be fixed please?


    11 hours ago, bioswatcher said:

    Very disappointing on the part of Orbx to leave its customers in the lurch. The least they could do is to take the complaint into consideration.


    All ground services are available at Orbx' LOWI, but which services are available depends on the airplane used and on the parking position, just like in ral life. Here is a pic I took 5 minute ago from a pushback executed on the 787. BTW in real life in most cases puhsback is not used at LOWI by commercial airliners, because there is usually enough space at their parking positions to enable them to turn around on their own.








    • Thanks 2
  3. 2 hours ago, B12 said:

    HF2 was an odd one for me, was up in early hours, fired up FS2020 and it told me another mandatory patch was needed, this was expected though and never minded, it directed me to Microsoft Store like last patches, ...


    After you have been directed to the MS Store you have to click on "Games" at the top of the page and once on the games page you have to look for the MSFS icon and then click it. This will start the download.


    IMO this is not Asobos fault but the MS guys who are responsible for downloads and installers via the MS Store. I assume Asobo will do the updates, then it will delivers the files to MS, who then should make them ready for download properly.

    • Like 1
  4. Since there is a poll going on, finding out how many of us are flying with and how many without photogrammetry and there is also another thread about this topic, I thought I shall post some comperison shots to illustrate why I only fly with photogrammetry on. The locations have been randomly chosen and are quick printscreen shots, without a lengthy looking for the best location and perspective. For convenience I have taken downtown areas for comparison, but photogrammetry also vastly enhances suburbs, industrial and rural areas.


    Both shots of a comparison have been taken from exactly the same position, at the same angle and at the same time of day and year.


    Chicago with photogrammetry on                                                                        Chicago without photogrammetry




    Barcelona with photogrammetry on                                                                      Barcelona without photogrammetry



    Barcelona with photogrammetry on                                                                      Barcelona without photogrammetry



    Mobile with photogrammetry on                                                                          Mobile without photogrammetry



    Cleveland with photogrammetry on                                                                      Cleveland without photogrammetry




    It also looks as if MS/Asobo have done a good job in reducing those melted buildings and blocky trees.

    I admit, in cities which have received the Orbx treatment, loke London, Sydney etc. photogrammetry might be switched of.


    Please keep this thread civilized. Tastes are different and I just wanted to show why I personally like photogrammetry.


    Cheers, Wolfgang


    Edit: these Barcelony pics I have actually deletd but they always show up again :D

    BCN 2.jpg

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  5. 9 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

    The last I heard was that 'Asia' (the remaining part of the LC world) had been divided up and was to be worked on as individual sections.


    An update telling us how each section was going would be welcome. Is any area in beta? What has been put on the backburner?


    I have a feeling, the section I am waiting on may be the last.




    I am not sure, that they are working on all sections simultaneously. They have numbered the sections and my understanding is that section 1 will be relessed first, than 2 etc. But maybe I am wrong.


    PS: I am now exclusivly using MSFS, so LC Asia will not be for me, but I am following the "development" of this project and I am feeling with you P3d guys and girls. I really do not understand  why there has not been an official statement about the stage of development by Orbx for the past few months.

    And in case the project really has been cancelled, it was best to get unpleasant things over and done with.

    • Like 3
  6. I only fly with photogrammetry. For me that's one of the best features of MSFS. It is the feature which makes the scenery looking like real world.

    E. g. when flying over LA with photogrammetry one will see those blocky trees any a few melted buildings, but still I get the most intense immersion of flying in the real world. Of course, by turning photogrammetry off, you don't get those melted buildings and blocky trees, but then you are only flying over a computer generated autogen city like you get them in all the other sims and the immerson is gone.

    And most of the times I only see those melted buildings when deliberately looking for them and/or when flying below the allowed minimum altitude.

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  7. 33 minutes ago, DRS27 said:



    Well, both MS and Asobo, really.  Somehow, the download from the marketplace is either different, or installed differently in the sim.  Before the update implemented by Asobo, this difference did not matter, but after the update it does.  It's not obvious where the coding fault lies, but it certainly was not picked up by Asobo in the pre-release testing they did.  Or if it was picked up, it was ignored.


    The beta testers are of course subject to an NDA, so cannot confirm whether or not they reported it.


    So, what are we learning from all that? We should always speak to the organ grinder (Orbx Direct), not to the monkey (MS Marketplace). ^_^


    • Haha 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, DRS27 said:


    OK, Thanks.  Looks like Asobo have screwed up in yet another area. 


    They now have so many things to sort out (for XBox users as well as PC), it's going to be quite a while before we get back to where we were just a few days ago, if we ever do.


    If buying from marketplace is the culprit than it looks like MS has screwed it up, not Asobo.

  9. 3 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    My 2 penny worth

    I followed Pete's Medium for High and this bloke's mod for the usercfg.opt -


    i get the original colourings around OZ and UK - and still the same after restart

    and new game start


    I I haven't even realized that I'm having colour issues :lol:.


    And honestly I do not see any difference in the comparison at the end of the video, at least not on my mobile, but maybe it is just my bad eyesight (lucky me ;)).

    I'll watch the video again on my PC once I am at home. Perhaps I will then see a difference. 

    • Like 2
  10. 9 hours ago, Doug Sawatzky said:


    Hi Greg


    Just a friendly FYI, you have posted this in the...

    Microsoft Flight Simulator discussion - no support requests please

    Here is where customers can post tips and technical suggestions about the Microsoft Flight Simulator

    Please do not post support requests here, please use the SUPPORT FORUMS.


    And in addition the OP is not even Orbx related.;)

  11. 2 hours ago, Wil Engle said:

    I've enjoyed running MS Flight Simulator ever since the Mid 80's! However, with this Last Update I've got some MAJOR Gripes.. When I try to set the Altitude on my Logitec Multi Test Panel I'm getting ATC telling me that I'm 300 Ft Below my assigned altitude. This Gets worse the Higher that you go! When I requested FL 350 I had to climb to 36400 in order to satisfy ATC! BUT WAIT! Then after about 5 minutes I then get notified that I'm 300 Feet Too High and descend to FL 350! When I then drop to FL350 I'm then told I'm 900 Feet Below assigned Altitude! Its ongoing and never gets even Close to right!!! It also Varies on the Plane that you are in! I fly IRL the HA4T (Hawker 4000) Having gotten my Type Rating in 2012 in RC-53 then RC56 & 59 after our Charter Company Purchased additional aircraft I've got ratings on some 18 different Aircraft! However, This newest Update has Cooled My Heels at Microsoft for subjecting us to such a HUGE Software Update only for it to have such HUGE Discrepancies!! Until they fix this I'm going to park FS 2020 and just Chill on the sidelines!


    So far I did only one high altitude flight with SU5 installed (with the Citation Longitude) and experienced the same issue at FL250.

    It might be connected to barometric pressure settings. Of course I had mine set to standard. After being told to be at the wrong altitude, I thought let's try the the last "real" pressure given by ATC. Strangely my assingned keyboard button for a quick adjustment did not work. Before I could manually set the pressure, I was told to start my descent into destination, so no more testing was possible. At my next assigned altitude, which was below FL180, ATC did not request an ascent or descent to my assigned altitude any more. Also the button for quick pressure adjustment was working again. 

    Next time I experience this issue again, I will do some testing by adjusting the altitude virtually by changing pressure settings rather than by really changing the elevation. I'm curious if this workes.


  12. Hi Pete,

    thaks a lot for another very elaborate post. After reading it, I did some testing on my installation of MSFS. Strangely on my system the results are different, i. e. when I set the texture rsolution to low, I will get poor resolution, when I set it to ultra, I will get the best possible resolution, just as it should be.










    Do you have any idea, what can cause these different results?

    Edit: the images show a billboard at Orbx' LOWI Airport.


    Cheers, Wolfgang





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