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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 30 minutes ago, SGunard said:

    It's annoying to be forced to choose between the extremes of starting cold and dark, or on the runway. Like Carlos, I'm not interested in going through start-up procedures, but like the opportunity to taxi to the runway. After all what's the point in buying your lovely airfields and then just starting at the runway?!


    You could start on a runway, then shut down the engine, avionics  lights etc. (not as far down as cold and dark) and slew the plane to a parking position. Then try, if starting the plane with ctrl+e works. 

    That's not perfect, I know, but anyway...

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  2. 2 hours ago, wain71 said:

    yeah I find it seems to make the sim feel neutral, if that makes sense, it seems the only things happening are within the aircraft I am testing, this I suppose for those of us testing aircraft is a good thing as we only see / feel what's going on with our plane, 


    This might be a good thing on the one hand but on the other hand this could be the reason why often bugs are overseen in beta testing which arise when the plane or scenery is interacting with other add ons.

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  3. On 8/18/2021 at 7:54 AM, wain71 said:

    a guy on another sight was arguing that he thinks the weather in MSFS is predicted weather, not sure how true this is, I thought it was METAR based....I use REX uless I prefer to set some nice stuff to see the scenery, I then use a preset from SOFLY...


    MSFS weather us a mixture of actual data and pedicted/calculated weather in between real world weather stations. That's why it looks much better than those only metar based add ons, which are only based on metar stations and therefore can't be "dynamic", because metar stations are not densly spread across the world.

    So when using add on weather apps you only fly from one "metar weather" into the next and you are going to miss the dynamic interactions and changes of weather. With add ons you basicly see the same kind of weather, no matter if looking to the East, West, South or North.

    Sometimes the weather might be more correct in the vicinity of a station though.

    Conclusion: I finally only fly with MSFS live weather.

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  4. 13 hours ago, theother1 said:

    They are neither displayed nor appear when I call them.


    Okay, please try the following, if you have not already: on the world map set Ramp 7/Parking as departure (Ramp 8 will also work). Then your A320 will be positoned cold and dark at a gate, where all the service vehicles (with the exception of a fuel truck) are already waiting to service you. Of course you have to start electrical power before you are able to call the services.

    If you want the services after landing ignore the ATC taxi instructions and also do not park, where all the service vehicles and the BP fuel truck are already waiting (they are not ai but starics of the scenery) but as close to the right of this area as possible. 

    Please note that in real world there are no marked parking spots at LOWI. The marshaller will space aircraft parking based on demand.


    I hope this helps.


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  5. 12 minutes ago, AndyM01 said:

    Before SU5 I had very little issues with the sim, stutters were getting worse with every successive update, but SU5 killed the sim for me, I would get a CTD 9 out of 10 times when clicking on the 'FLY' button, but since the latest hotfix it's been great, same as Wolfo, I never had such high and smooth performance.


    It seems you haven't applied HF2 yet. If you did, maybe your LOWI ussues regard ground services would also be gone.

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  6. The only thing I have noticed is, that the fuel truck option is sometimes missing in the list of the available ground services (pic 1 in my above post). I could not figure out yet what the conditions are to make this service appearing (cold and dark, or ready for pushback, or just landed etc.). But I think this happens at many airports.


    @AndyM01 Also sometimes you have to be patient and call 2 or 3 times for a certain service until it becomes available, just like it is at real world aiports, where only a certain amount of catering trucks etc. is available. When I did the LOWI screen shots before and ordered the baggage sevice, ground service replied: "Sorry we cannot find the baggage." :lol:. I tried another time and all was good.

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