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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 59 minutes ago, FBWFTW said:

    I believe it was originally P3D, then XP11 but on the “new” roadmap it says P3D/Eye Candy 2020 


    I hope it will be released for Eye Candy 2020 first.

    • Upvote 1
  2. On 4/20/2021 at 9:32 AM, TedRuby said:

    Outstanding job so far, for Orbx Research - The football stadium of Eintracht Frankfurt is now called "Deutsche Bank Park". The "Commerzbank Arena" has been history since 1 July 2020. The football stadium of Eintracht Frankfurt is now called "Deutsche Bank Park"


    Deutsche Bank Park


     Deutsche Bank Park – Wikipedia




    I still call it "Waldstadion".:lol:

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, losil said:

    There are plans to build sceneries such as TrueEarth Eastern Alps also for the MSFS? I am asking this because parts of the Eastern Alps have been implemented in MSFS more badly than well, which is primarily due to the region's poor Bing map material.




    TE products in P3d and XP are based on special high quality areal imagery licensed by Orbx for its TE areas.

    Since MSFS is based on Bing I doubt that Orbx can use these arial imagery in MSFS. So we apparently have to live with Bing.

    Maybe there was a possibility to use custom areal imagery when Bing data are switched off within MSFS.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, dmont831 said:

    yeah im surprised they havent done it, they did santa barbara KSBA

    hopefully they read this. Im sure many people will buy it, it was a popular one in p3d and not just with the locals :D

    KMRY and KSBA are projects of two different developers.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, KVSandleben said:

    I'm not entirely sold.

    I subscribe more to the thinking that coporate design should be changed only very, very carefully.

    And you should never completely change the colourscheme or geometric shape of a logo.

    A good example of how to do it right is looking at the history of the Lufthansa or Delta Airlines Logos.

     IMO the change is very subtle. Don't mix up the "X" with the new logo like others did. The X is just the forum profile pic.

    In my above post from Feb 26 in this thread I have posted comparison shots of the old and the new logo. The difference is not that big me thinks.




  6. 2 hours ago, stiletto2 said:



    And the winner is 》》》》》 Rod!!:D:D:D. Congrats mate, well done!


    I actually thought, this one would be too simple, with me living in Innsbruck being a hint. I took this shot from our home looking to the southwest.

    You are actually flying more or less straight towards this "eagle" when doing the infamous LOC DME West approach to LOWI. From there the pattern at the mountainside looks a bit different though. 

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  7. To keep this great thread alive.

    I have no more real life shots from an Orbx airport itself available, but one of an interesting pattern on a mountainside just a few miles from an Orbx aiport. This interesting pattern, which is commonly called "Eagle" by the locals (as it accidently looks similar to one) , is very well depicted in the Orbx scenery in question.

    Please excuse the low quality of the pic. It was shot using only digital zoom on my mobile with a dirty lens. In reality this pattern looks much more like a gigantic eagle than it does on my photo, even more in summertime.

    The eagle is right at the top of the transmitter above the sphere. 

    So what's the name of the airport, which is nestled in the valley right behind the church at the right edge of the photo?





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  8. 40 minutes ago, W2DR said:

    "The "X" is not the logo, but just  Orbx' forum's profile pic" Wolfgang says above. OK, but I still don't get it. If I go to Orbx Direct it has the "old" logo. If I start Orbx Central it has the "old" logo. Why did it change if it's not being used? I guess I'm just too old for this stuff.....Doug



    Hi Doug, you are right. I just entered the Orbxdirect website for buying Brisbane and realized too that there still is the old logo. Really strange.:blink:

  9. 2 hours ago, andy1252 said:

    (Sorry, finger trouble with previous post)


    Not that I suspect it matters, but I really think this is a pretty lousy piece of work. I can't see anything particularly representative of either the company name or its ethos or its nature/products. As has already been mentioned, Orbx is a valuable and well known name in this marketplace, but this is - I don't even know what it's attempting to be - cute? stylish? in tune with the cosmos? I'm guessing, and it really is a guess only after staring at the wretched thing for quite a while, that this is some sort of attempt to indicate an "X" within a circle ("orb") and thus stylishly indicate the company name with a sweeping graphical statement? If that's the case, it's not working for me.


    Sad to say it, but Orbx is losing its lustre for me this past year, one way or another, and feels like it's in danger of becoming just another product pusher, and not the world class leader it was. And this logo just adds to the disappearing act. Abandoning your history and origin feels nearer the truth.


    But hey, just one punter's opinion (but a punter who has pretty much bought everything you've produced, up until he stopped using P3D last August)


    The "X" is not the logo, but just  Orbx' forum's profile pic.

  10. 22 hours ago, Braun said:

    Im sorry and no disrespect intended or implied. FWIW, to me, the new logo does not imply or inform about Orbx. A nifty logo?  Sure. Brand recognition for Orbx?  Maybe not so much?



    19 hours ago, Aussie123 said:

    Personally, if asked, I preferred the old Orbx Simulator Systems logo. I could spot the enclosed image on a page. I still direct people to orbxsystems.

    Then again, I prefer the traditional Coca Cola swish to the lazy 'Coke' text. :rolleyes:


    3 hours ago, W2DR said:

    I don't get it. If I Google "Orbx" it takes me to orbxdirect.com. I don't see a new logo anywhere on that page. And I agree with Braun, the new logo tells me nothing. How is it "carrying forward our history and origin". I must have missed something. Somebody's gotta explain it to me. Or, maybe it's just a case of Old Timers disease.


    2 hours ago, Ticker7 said:

    Sorry but it looks like a lot of other logos on the net and to me doesn't convey a flight simulation company. just my 2 bobs worth.


    I am not sure, why the new logo should not fulfill the criteria you mention the same way or even better than te old logo did.










    Okay, the old logo contained the writing "simulation systems", but this could have been any kind of simulation. And even if you assume simulation is only flight simulation, you couldn't tell from the old logo if Orbx created sceneries or perhaps aircraft or maybe is a weather engine. 

    I personally think, he name Orbx is so well known in the flightsim community, that there is no appendix needed telling people what the company does.

    And I also think the new logo is more contemporary than the old one was. Just my 2 cents.



    Edit: and I like that the writing is out of the box now. Looked a bit "restrictive".


    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, MM100 said:

    Any updates on this issue?  ILS frequencies still are not auto-populating on MFD/FMS for Orbx products. They work fine if entered manually, but it's a pain to look up each time.  ILS frequencies auto-populate for all default airports and would like to see the same functionality for Orbx.




    It should not be a pain looking up frequencies. As a real world pilot you have always to cross check if the autotuned frequency corresponds with gthe ILS charts.

    And the majority of aircraft don't have frequency autotuning anyway.

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